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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Yes, because he has a very specific way of saying it.
  2. Windows XP? Right-click the desktop, click properties. Press ALT on the keyboard. Press SPACEBAR. Press M. Press the LEFT ARROW KEY. Then move the mouse without clicking. The Properties dialogue should snap to the mouse. Click to drop it onto the desktop.
  3. I think my biggest problem with their showing this year is that even though they've continually said in the past that "we're committed to the core gamer," they're not really backing that up. They didn't show off a single game aimed at the "core gamer" crowd. They're sitting on this amazing piece of technology with all this motion sensing stuff, and I truly believe it's innovative and what the industry needs and all that, but you know what? They're getting lazy. They've got this new 1:1 tech and they're giving us another WiiSports game. They're giving us a game where you can play frisbee with a dog. To quote Lewis Black: What the fuck?! Come on Nintendo! You introduce 1:1 tech, at the very least give us something like Link's Master Sword Training! Something with higher production values than another Wii Sports game, because while Wii Sports was a great, low-cost way to introduce people to the concept, it's not something they should be relying on as a franchise. And it's not just the 1:1 stuff that makes me mad; it's that Nintendo is just resting on their laurels right now and not bringing any more compelling software to the table. Wii Music? Wii Sports Resort? This isn't compelling stuff. This is 1st Party Shovelware. Gotdamnit Nintendo, shape it up. I love your systems, but you're not giving me any games to play on them!
  4. We've got a WiiMotion thread guys. Let's not duplicate discussions.
  5. I created a script that gives you a random remix by a specific artist: http://darkesword.com/randommix/?remixer=darkesword Just change the remixer name. I can adapt the script to other things, but only if I have a specific RSS feed to work with. AFAIK, there aren't feeds for specific companies, games, or composers.
  6. You really think there's any possibility that the guy won't get it? It's his favorite game. Of course he's gonna get it. It's a pretty obvious title. Of course I didn't mention it. I didn't think it needed mentioning. Obviously a Metroid album is going to have a Metroid-specific title. Same goes with any album project we do here. They all reference the game in some way or another. In any case, just drop the title business. There are more important things to concentrate on, i.e. music.
  7. Hey Cody. Don't post threads about what your friend told you. Post threads when you have actual information about things that you can back up. We don't need rumor mongering.
  8. It's a PS2 game. And stop pressing enter in the middle of your sentences. Write normally.
  9. It's not sad. It's a way to save money. Nobody playing Chaos Wars is going to care about the English dub; they're just going to switch it to Japanese and play.
  10. Utterly disappointing. It's a poor man's Rock Band without a rhythm focus. :\
  11. Nebulous color clouds based on the key of music. Sharp minors (G, D, A, etc) are oranges and yellows, flat minors (F, Bb, Eb) are reds and deep purples. Major keys get blues, greens and yellows.
  12. From the E3 thread: SINCE Sony's conference hasn't happened yet, I'm closing this, especially since it'll generate into a generic Sony thread anyway (as evidenced by the previous post).
  13. Actually I'd prefer it if people would just make a new thread about the specific topic they want to discuss, instead of creating all-encompassing threads that end up being mini-forums. So let's go with that! If there's something specific from E3 you want to talk about, make a thread!
  14. The motion passes. Let us discuss Sony's press conference here, not any silly notions of Final Fantasy VII remakes.
  15. You know why it's so bad? Here's the deal: The voice "actors" are actually mostly family members of one of the guys on the localization team. They're not professionals and presumably didn't get paid at any kind of rate that professional voice actors are paid. The only reason the game even has an English "dub" is to get it approved for North American release. Chaos Wars has a dual-language option, and the target demographic is the American-subtitled-anime-watching-otaku crowd. In other words, the publisher knows that the people buying and playing the game aren't going to listen to the English dub anyway; they're just gonna switch the language to Japanese and get that full-on anime experience, so they don't even bother putting any effort (or more importantly, money) towards the dub. It's a pretty sneaky but effective way of saving money on localization. Plus there's the added benefit of publicity from videos like this. Anyway I've heard that it's a pretty good tactics-style RPG, so if you're into that kind of thing and want an anime-styled game, hit it up.
  16. You should seriously consider doing what a mod asks you to do. If your sig as it is doesn't work at 250px, then change your sig.
  17. bLiNd is the primary audience. He knows what a reserve tank is. This is his favorite game. We're not calling it Max Health. It's not Metroid-specific. I'm good with Reserve Tank: VARIAtions. Doug, do you have a title for this?
  18. Surely you're not joking. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ys_%28series%29
  19. What's really nice is that Crystal Tools (the engine for FFXIII) works on PC. I'll just wait for the PC version.
  20. No it won't. Games have to be specifically coded to take advantage of this kind of thing, because it's not sending more accurate information, it's sending more information period. Force Unleashed is already in the works and unless they delay the game or LucasArts (or whatever outsource dev they're using) had WiiMotionPlus devkits already, you won't see 1:1 control in Force Unleashed. And Zaid: when gimmicks are successful, that's innovation. The motion control in Wii is successful and it's effective in a lot of games, and I'm not talking about waggle. Wii is innovative.
  21. Yeah, I asked him to bring it to around 250px tall... ¬_¬
  22. I was talking to Doulifée earlier today and the title of the album came up. What do you guys think of "Energy Tank," since it's a GET WELL SOON album? I think that's what bLiNd needs; an energy tank.
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