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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Not a fan of using 'genre' but it's nice to see someone implementing a way to tag OC ReMixes.
  2. Those Nintendo execs are mostly American businesspeople, not Japanese designers. If a reviewer has connections to those execs, that doesn't really mean much, unless those execs were involved with the production of the game, which I highly doubt. Plus your own post misinterprets what you quoted. You said it's "completely" orchestrated, and then you say "Yep" and confirm that statement with "much of which is fully orchestrated." "Much of which" != "Completely" In any case, anyone who's actually played the game could tell you that not all of the music in Mario Galaxy is a live orchestra. There are plenty of tracks in the game that are synthesized.
  3. Yeah it's pretty easy to tell when some of the tracks aren't orchestrated in Mario Galaxy. And I'd hardly look at IGN as a credible source when it comes to game music.
  4. Speaking of Mario stuff, anyone catch that Extra Mario Bros. speedrun vid on Youtube? It's like a combination of Mario and Metroid. I managed to get the IPS and patch a ROM earlier today, and it's a really well put together game.
  5. Just want to make sure you understand that just because you request something doesn't mean your request will be filled. In any case you're probably better off requesting a specific song than simply a series of games.
  6. The cello here isn't a good lead. It's buzzy and there's too much reverb on it. You need to pay a lot more attention to velocities when you're sequencing. You have a lot of successive notes that are the same velocity in the harp, piano, and cello lines. As a rule of thumb, velocities from note to note should always at least slightly differ from one another. Think about a person playing a piano: when he plays, he's not going to press every key of the piano with the exact same amount of force; depending on how his hand is positioned, the note he played previously, and other factors, the next note will be quieter or louder. This goes the same for other instruments as well. When you produce music on a computer with your mouse, you have to remember that even though you're "writing" the notes into the computer, you're still a performer, and you have to perform your music.
  7. Carefree is the kind of artist I'm always trying to emulate. Think of this piece as a tribute to him. In all seriousness, I'm glad people are enjoying the song.
  8. Source found. Onion heads FTW! http://blog.roodo.com/onion_club/
  9. I guess they're just suppose to be a little guy who does typical anime-style expressions. I found them on a Toku fan forum and figured out a way to download them all. Tensei and I are going to try using them more often.
  10. Am I the only person who never thought "Borat" was funny?
  11. Thank you, thank you! Can you believe I'm 24 now? Where is my youth going?!
  12. WMRE is Emory University's radio station. OCR Judge Larry Oji (Liontamer) used to host a radio program on the weekends dedicated to the VG arrangement scene called VG Frequency.
  13. The rock one has some great arrangements (like the title medly), but the techno one was just horribly generic.
  14. This is almost like the original. It's just the bassline and percussion that's different. The slayer synth sounds terribly muffled and there's too much high end. NO. I almost overrode this piece, but you did change the bassline. You've got to bring much more in terms of arrangement to the table if you want to get a piece passed.
  15. Percussion is really lacking in any kind of power or energy at all, which becomes more and more apparent as the song progresses. As for the arrangement, it's quite conservative. You go through the source tune twice with very little in the way of embellishment. The piano line is a direct translation of the harp line from the original. You have to do a lot more than just play the song on your guitar, hell you could have thrown in a solo of the chords at least. NO
  16. Yeah, without a doubt, this is hella groovy. Very creative, catchy, and interpretive. Nice work. YES
  17. Great atmosphere until the brass comes in. Percussion is definitely not doing it for me. It's the same two beat pattern over and over again. Piano sequencing is also really mechanical. Maybe it's supposed to sound like that; toy factory and all that, but still. Actually everything sounds really mechanical in this. I dunno man, I like the arrangement, but it's just the execution that's not doing it for me. Using the Prelude was a nice touch. The fadeout ending sounds like a cop-out more than anything else. This could be better after a resub; dunno if you'll feel like resubbing after Christmas though. NO, resub
  18. As a man who spends far too much money on DC Comics every month, I can say I'm quite excited.
  19. Well he did win the costume contest at VGLive DC.
  20. I think it's hilarious when people who don't make music get vehemently indignant when it comes to stuff like this.
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