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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. He took them all down from imeem. Oh also, did anyone find it ironic that his imeem page has the same color-scheme as OCR3?
  2. I got it and it's awesome. The music gets kind of boring after a while though.
  3. Except that when you read this: You see that TheDamned is actually seriously considering the idea, to the point where he's coming up with reasons where it won't be so bad.
  4. So it won't be official, but okay, we'll show it at all of our cons and panels? It's still moronic. He plagiarized, yeah, but he's still a KID. Just go through the proper channels and get the stuff taken down. There's never any good reason to take internet drama and move it into the real world. Hire a gay stripper to visit a 14 year old kid at his house and post it on YouTube, just because he wanted to increase the size of his e-penis on the web? Seriously? You people are fucked up, and I don't mean that in the "haha you guys are soooo fucked up nice work" way. Every time we see this kind of thing I see people who get massively, massively indignant on behalf of the artists, to the point where they start planning stupid shit like this. It's overkill. Cut it out.
  5. I think you guys are taking it too far. Don't do that shit to someone.
  6. The gameplay is 2D but the graphics are rendered.
  7. It won't. There are no parries in SF4. SF4 is a SF2 rehash.
  8. http://msm.grumpybumpers.com/?p=20 Found this great little article today that gives you a basic primer on some quantum physics concepts along with a demonstration using Super Mario World playthroughs super-imposed over each other. Enjoy.
  9. Correct. Once they're removed from the site, they're removed from all of our official distribution channels, i.e. mirrors and torrents.
  10. Ah, another one of my epic threads.
  11. Well, honestly, if you're trying to do a remix all in one shot, chances are you're not going to get your mix posted here anyway, unless you're some kind of FL-god, which I doubt, considering you only have the demo version. I'd recommend saving up some money and getting the full version of FL, or try out some free alternatives.
  12. Now that's what I like to see! Really creative guys, keep 'em coming.
  13. You know what I love? I love it when people feel like they're fucking owed something from the artists here. I love it when people feel the need to publicly shit all over other people's hard work just because they're too lazy to do something themselves. And you know what I love the most? I love it when little shits with no more than 7 posts to their names--which ALL happen to be in the ReQuests forum--feel that they have the right to complain about people not remixing what THEY want remixed, when they don't even have the decency to leave some comments on posted remixes or help out other people in the WIP forum. Who the fuck do you think you are coming in here and insulting the RD Project artists? What have you contributed to OCR? As far as I can tell, nothing, whereas the guys who put out these projects work their asses off for months, sometimes years, to pay tribute to the composers that have inspired all of us. The requests forum isn't a place to demand something. It's a place to give people ideas. We remixers are not at your beck and call. If we find something interesting in this forum, fine, but if your request isn't answered, tough shit. You're just gonna have to get off your ass and do something about it yourself, and that doesn't mean be a whiny ass loser. You know what? Give me my mod powers back. I want to drop the banhammer on this guy.
  14. No, because that's not a MIX TITLE. edit: though if someone gets a remix accepted called "350 Dollar Hat" we're in business.
  15. Been thinkin' about this idea for a long time, and I may have mentioned it ages ago. I've always thought it'd be fun to see if we (the community) could come up with some t-shirt designs based on some classic remix titles. Dunno if they'd ever get made, but I think that if we came up with some really clever ones, it might be worth looking into. Lord knows I've always wanted an "Uh Oh! The Beat Have Started to Move!" t-shirt. Anyway here are some ground rules: - Must be a posted OC ReMix title - Can't have any images that infringe on the game company's copyright - Must be awesome That's about it. Let's see what you guys can come up with.
  16. Oh also, become a fan of OCR on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=7350358374
  17. Well fuck! Some noob claimed my name on iLike and linked it to some empty myspace account. I can't claim it. What the hell, man?
  18. Attempting "No Mix Left Behind™" is not for the faint of heart.
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