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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. YAY DRAGONLANCE My name has nothing to do with the DarkSword trilogy.
  2. I've got to agree with you on that one. TP really was OoT: The Sequel. I'm kind of tired of "the forumula." But initial reports concerning Phantom Hourglass are really positive about a different experience. It remains to be see what we see on consoles though. As far as a Zelda II sequel goes, I've always wanted to see a full blown sequel. Something on the level of epicness that ALttP had. Sidescrolling fighting would be awesome with Link; just use his Smash Bros moves as a base and go from there.
  3. Alright, this is a list of people who've expressed interest, and that I think are cool enough to rock this project hard. Dhsu Pixietricks/Fishy DrumUltimaaaaaaaaaa Suzumebachi OA jigginjont hemophiliac Jeremy Robson Red Tailed Fox AND ALSO TRENTHIAN, WHOM I MISTAKENLY LEFT OUT I'm also going to take on a backup role. So we've got like 11-12 people. That's not to say that auditions are closed yet. If I think you're good enough I'd still like to you mix something for a possible spot on the project. I might do this Kong in Concert style by picking the best ones. People who have already been accepted, please think about track you want to do.
  4. She also SAID she was the Hero from Dragon Warrior VIII. -__-;
  5. Aaaand....what's your point? A lot of artists tend to have certain sounds that they like to use.
  6. The game's going to suck, because it's based on a manga. Because you know, the Street Fighter series doesn't have any of the visual style of manga or anime. Right. You shouldn't really hate on a fighter just because it's based on a manga. Many fighting games have RIDICULOUS character designs that are HEAVILY influenced by anime/manga, and Capcom series are prime examples. Street Fighter, Rival Schools, Dark Stalkers, etc. Don't lose faith. When Capcom makes a brand-new fighter, they do a pretty good job.
  7. Ya seriously. When Jimmy puts out a vocal mix, I'll throw down on a beatbox mix.
  8. I just played it on my laptop with my X-Arcade stick. Pretty neat game. It's like a cross between a fighter and an RPG.
  9. Biggest deal about CPS3? Warzard/Red Earth finally available outside an arcade. It's the only CPS3 game that never got a home release.
  10. Heard about this earlier. Damn fine news. Hopefully Capcom will do something really nice, instead of more cash-in games.
  11. Those girls were so hyper. Truly a highlight of the trip though.
  12. I already picked Saria and Ruto. Nicholestien: Beat the game and then talk.
  13. Around the world and home again, that's the sailor's way! I'm back, safe and sound. Someone post pics!
  14. OC ReMixes will be played as people are being seated, and as they are leaving.
  15. Remember what Ide said? A lot of that is just wishful thinking on Matsuda's part.
  16. Not really. That guy doesn't know the facts any more than any other random person watching the video does. Just another person with an opinion...and a video camera.
  17. The comments at YouTube are pretty funny. Everyone's acting so pissy.
  18. Yeah and for God's sakes you smelly gamers, wear some deodorant. D:
  19. Oh crap! Baha and I are going to miss hanging with the performers if we go late...
  20. I only just realized that we lost this in the vB changeover: There are no longer any "Go to remix" links for ReViews threads.
  21. I should get in contact with him. I liked his Fisherman's Aura mix.
  22. Care to elaborate why? I was attempting to make something better than just "okay."
  23. After talking with my folks, they suggested that it's probably a good idea to stay in DC for the night instead of trying to drive home after 10PM. Bahamut, do you have extra room just for Friday night? If not, do you know a good hotel in the area?
  24. Whoever decided on Bertucci's for dinner is an awesome person, because I love the food at Bertucci's.
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