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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Slightly off-topic: this is how we SHOULD be doing things. Make a thread for a game, don't just talk about it in the system threads. These massive system threads make Community feel a lot slower than it actually is. On-topic: PH is rocking my socks. I wish Wind Waker had such fun sea-faring escapades.
  2. This isn't good. I suggest you cut back on coming to OCR and concentrate on your education. Seriously. :\
  3. I'm not asking if we HAVE one. I think I would know. I'm asking what people would like to see in one.
  4. No, he wants the additional ports of the wired router he already has. I can understand why; if you have a lot of desktops with wired ethernet, it helps to have some extras in case you need to hook up an external ethernet HD.
  5. I just did this with my home network so here you go. First things first: use the new wireless router as the primary router, and the wired one you have as the secondary router, because you want the wireless router to be running the DHCP server. Only the router actually hooked up to the internet connection should be running the DHCP server, so go into your second router's setup and disable the DHCP server. Change the second router's IP to something other than the IP for the first router. Most routers default to, so I suggest changing to to something like When you're connecting the routers together, you must connect them from one LAN port to another LAN port. You can not use the WAN port on the second router. This means that if you are using two 4-port routers, you'll be left with 6 ports to use. (actually, now that I think about it, it might not matter which router is primary and secondary, but whatever)
  6. Thanks for the comments, but I'm not working on this piece anymore.
  7. Why is a third of this just whooshy sounds? Drums have a horrible reverb on them; they sound like they're in a small room, and yet they're still overpowering everything. It all sounds really muddy. And Jon's right, there's no bassline at that "techno" section. You need to think about how different parts of a song work together; in something like this, bassline and percussion should go hand in hand. I still believe the arrangement itself needs serious work. Don't let your percussion carry the song; you've got to do more than just beats and arpeggiators. NO
  8. Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer http://www.soldner-x.com/index.php This game looks really great. I love me some shmups (but I'm not that great at them). Coming out for PC and PSN (PS3's download service) this winter. Graphics look hot; check out the trailer. The music sounds great.
  9. The menus and the tutorial were translated, afaik. The spoken dialogue was all originally in English anyway, but they left the subtitles in Japanese. So I guess you could say it's extremely "import-friendly."
  10. Well I played some more and I'm happy to report that after getting used to the control scheme, this game totally rocks my socks. Graphics are great for an N64 game, and running on a Wii certainly doesn't hurt it either.
  11. You and me both, JoeFu. You and me both. But yes, Luminous Arc is on my to-buy list. I'm not the greatest at SRPGs and really dislike a lot of micromanagement in my games, and I've heard that this game is fun and not too deep.
  12. Anyone else pick this up? For those of you not in the know, Sin & Punishment is a Japanese N64 game that was just released on the Wii Virtual Console today. In the US (I believe it's also available in Europe). I bought it as soon as I got home from work (costs about $12). So far it's pretty good, as is typical for a shooter by Treasure. It's also really hard, but I think that's just because I'm getting used to the slightly weird control scheme. Thoughts?
  13. This is exactly what I'm talking about; things that you can't normally do with regular Firefox features. Maybe a built-in OCR search engine, forum quicklinks, etc. I like the player idea too. Maybe use a last.fm flash player (so OCR's bandwidth doesn't poop out). Integrated ormgas would be nice.
  14. I started the JTLOL catchphrase, bold-caps-big version and all. It was in an old JT thread that had a pretty innocuous name. Prior to that, the catchphrase wasn't seen or used anywhere, afaik. Sometimes I accompanied it with for a double-darkesword-whammy.
  15. To start: This isn't official by any means. I was wondering if there was any interest in some kind of OCR Firefox extension. Maybe some kind of sidebar or toolbar, or maybe a XUL app for organizing remixes or something. I dunno. I wouldn't know where to begin as far as programming it; I'm not good at application development. Any ideas, thoughts? What would you want in an OCR browser companion?
  16. No, you're missing the point. His son is going into a store and buying the game with no adult supervision in sight. The cashier is selling M-rated game to a minor without asking for any kind of age verification. The cashier has no idea if permission was given or where the money came from. That's the point Thompson is trying to prove; that retailers don't really care that much about carding kids for video games. In my experience (working as a cashier at Target many many years ago), such a thing was not far from the truth back in the day. Might be different now. Real issue is, look at it from a statistics point of view. Sample size of 1? Kind of a worthless "sting" if you ask me. If he had hundreds of kids all over the country doing secret shopper type stuff, it'd be a bit more substantial.
  17. Secret of Mana always reminds me of green fields and forests. Perhaps its that first area where the boy finds the Mana Sword, surrounded by grass and thickets. This is my latest release; it's called Thicket. It's a remix of Angel's Fear and Into the Thick of It. Secret of Mana - Thicket [4.86 MB] Enjoy. EDIT: This is done, btw. I'm not working on it anymore.
  18. This is boring. Left hand part is the same thing over and over again, and there's hardly any arrangement to speak of. And this is nearly six minutes long? Why? You could listen to 2 minutes of it an be done. You need to actually arrange the piece and do some part-writing that doesn't rely on the same fifth-jumping eighth-note pattern throughout the entire piece. And the bells at the end are nothing but an afterthought. NO
  19. I think that if a ban is in order, it will be carried out, despite any...spite.
  20. No, I would not consider. Please don't do that to the topic. Also, it's spelled "passionate."
  21. Uh...are you deleting your posts and then reposting them to bump the topic?
  22. Who said anything about remixing? You need to chill the fuck out.
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