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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Yeah I really dig this. A lot of reverb but it's a nice atmosphere. Cool arrangement; I like how you're using elements of both Acts to create a single piece of music. Sound design is great. YES!
  2. I may the be one judge on the panel most qualified to take a look at this track, given how much FFXIV I've played, haha. The arrangement in this suite is VERY straightforward. Frankly I don't think this piece is taking enough risks with the source material. There are some tempo variations that are happening, but I feel like the part-writing is largely the same; not just melody but a lot of the accompanying parts too. When the arrangement is so similar to the source, I feel like I want to listen to the originals more than this. The sound design is competent but just feels strangely emptier than the original, like there's something missing in the lower end of the spectrum. I've gotta say NO on this one, Rebecca, but I'm excited to see you bring your skills to more of FFXIV's massive and expansive soundtrack.
  3. Brad's got the right of it. I like the performances, but there's definitely something going on here in the mix. Needs an EQ pass. Really bizarre harmonies at 1:49, and I've gotta say that the transition from Sonic 1 to Sonic 3 is REALLY abrupt; I could have used more lead-in tempo-wise. Needs another pass. NO (resub)
  4. I think the verse and chorus sections are recognizable but that bridge section is too different. It's a tough call because the production and sound design in this track are impeccable, but there's just a little bit missing in terms of the source being prevalent. Really like this one, but I gotta say NO (resub).
  5. I love Pokémon Snap. Played it a TON back in the day. Excited to throw apples at unsuspecting Pokémon again.
  6. I've been working from home for a little longer than most folks. First two weeks was just me and the dog, but then my wife started staying home too. I'm safe and not as worried about money as other folks, but I'm starting to feel the isolation a little more every day. When there isn't a global pandemic, I'm a fairly social person; I've got Wednesday game nights at the local Panera with pretty large group of people, and I usually get lunch with coworkers most days of the week, and I'm heading over to my Dad's house every few days. But right now the most social interaction I'm getting is brief hellos to neighbors who are taking walks and small conversations with restaurant and retail workers when I'm picking up food and other things. I'm loathe to form the habit of regular video calls with folks; it just isn't the same. I have been playing a lot of FFXIV with my wife, Arrow, and BardicKnowledge though. So that's nice.
  7. In agreement on the production. Arrangement is super cool, but this is just super squashed. Let's take it back to the mixing board. NO (resub)
  8. When you have a soundtrack release set up let us know and we can promote/retweet on OCR social media.
  9. This is not the reason. The reason is primarily for UI/UX reasons.
  10. I'm not surprised that it happened. I'm just clarifying what this thread is for. People were getting off-track by debating the decision itself. I live on this planet. I'm not clueless. I've been a member of these forums for a long time and I know how people are going to react to the decisions that we make. I'm a moderator and if I see the discussion veer off-topic, like it did here, I'm going to make a post to course-correct. Your snark is neither warranted, appreciated, nor funny. If you don't have a useful suggestion, please refrain from posting in this thread. Thanks.
  11. Folks, we're not bringing back signatures. Not as they were originally implemented, not with us hosting images as opposed to linking offsite images, not as text-only. This is a done deal. This thread is not to discuss whether or not we should bring back signatures. This thread is for people to suggest other ways we can provide avenues for self-promo.
  12. As indicated in the announcement at the top of the forums, signatures have been disabled. This thread is for constructive feedback about what we can do to fill the void with regards to self-promotion. Please be aware that djpretzel is working on revisions to the forum theme that will more clearly delineate where one person's post ends and another's begins. As always, OC ReMix is a WIP. Thanks.
  13. Keep at it and good luck. Make sure you always get outside opinions on your work as you develop your pieces. Critical feedback is an important aspect of artistic growth. You won't get better in a vacuum.
  14. You really want an honest opinion? It just doesn't sound very good. You're using really low quality samples and there's a ton of reverb in a lot of the tracks. The EQ is really skewed towards high frequencies. It sounds harsh. The arrangements are sparse and kind of boring. I had a hard time sitting down and listening to even one track all the way through. I wouldn't buy this.
  15. Pretty conservative arrangement aside from some SFX reproduction in the middle, along with the Peter Gunn theme thrown in for some reason. Drums are too static; no real energy. Doesn't help that this feels slower than the original. NO
  16. It's pleasant but it honestly gets kind of boring without any of the melody. Feels like it's relying the gated synth pattern for the first half, which is arguably less interesting than actually just...using the melody from the source. The arrangement clocks in at just under 3 minutes and I honestly feel like it's just one big extended intro that never pays off. The production and sounds are nice but ultimately the arrangement is half-baked; needs more time in the oven. NO (resub)
  17. A little repetitive, but I don't think the arrangement is so long that it's a deal breaker. The arpeggio is pushed too far forward for the entire track, though. It's cutting through everything. When melodic lines come in, you have to shift focus away by lowering the volume, dropping an octave, changing it to a lighter instrument, etc.; there are plenty of techniques you can employ. Needs a second look. NO (resub)
  18. I think the rapping and production are great, but there's too much sampling of the original for OCR, IMO. NO.
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