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Posts posted by sephfire

  1. I kind of miss TF2, actually. And as much as I'd love to get it on the OCR fun, I run a Mac. :(

    I'll try to get on TF2 a bit this week. Gamertag is cAtf00d, if anyone else wants to add me.

    I definitely will buy psychonauts.

    Good man. ocrflag.gif

    I have been wanting to play it for awhile now... I was thinking of picking up Mass Effect and Lost Odyssey... And Gears of War too.

    All pretty good choices (Gears especially). Bioshock is definitely one to check out as well. The free demo on Live will give you a good taste of what to expect. And the Orange Box is definitely worth your money if you don't have a gaming PC. And Call of Duty 4 is a top-shelf game, even if you don't usually care for war shooters.

    For some less conventional options, Viva Pinata is a blast. Also, Beautiful Katamari (if you aren't tired of Katamari games by now), Assassin's Creed and Civilization Revolution are fun. And, cheesy as the game is, Earth Defense Force 2017 is surprisingly awesome. Tweek and I have spent hours playing co-op. I'm just kind of rattling off suggestions at this point. They aren't necessarily must-buys. There are dozens of demos (maybe hundreds now) on Live, so you there's plenty to try out.

    You're in for a good time. :)

  2. Also, you can buy Psychonauts off Live for like $10 now. This game is a must-have. I don't care if it's last gen. Buy it.

    But you're in for plenty of good times in general. The 360 has quite a few great games so far. Demos will be your friend. :)

  3. While I expect Dent really is just dead, something about the whole death and funeral lacked closure. But, then, if Nolan wanted him alive for the third film, I would think he would provide some small hint that Two Face was still around. Having him just show up in film three alive would just feel a bit cheesy.

    Bart: "Ralph! I thought you were dead!"

    Ralph: "Nope."

  4. I don't recall the source on this info, so take it with a grain of salt, but I'd heard the Nolan wanted some time before starting on a third movie. Supposedly, he put every single idea he had into this movie and wants time for new ideas to come.

    Again, hearsay. After Dark Knight, I whole-heartedly trust Nolan to bring us a worthy third film (or not, as the case may be).

  5. I'm usually ok with missing a line or two if the audience is having a good time getting into the movie. I remember going to see the first Star Wars prequel opening night. As soon as the Lucasfilm logo appeared, the audience went wild.

    The rest of the evening was not so jubilant. :cry:

  6. Guys, listen. Flirt amongst yourselves in PMs. Please. Please. You're making an awesome community look like a page full of youtube comments. I beg you: stop. :|

    On topic, this is going to be one of the first movies I plan to buy on BluRay. I really can't believe how many amazing movies this summer has had.

  7. Exactly. He and Penelo kind of represented the party's role in the story. With the exception of Ashe, none of them were special. They weren't secretly warriors from another dimension. They weren't amnesiacs or "chosen ones" or anything. They were completely unimportant people swept up into a conflict much greater than they were.

    Is that better than the standard, character driven FF plot? I'm not sure. The character-driven type is much easier to get wrapped up in than FFXII's politic-driven plot. But I like the different story approach. It's an interesting change of pace.

  8. Also to add to my dislike of FFXII - I despised how large the world was. At first it was nice, but as the game progressed, it started to really drain me because of how much walking there was involved to explore. It eventually got to a point where I started dreading doing hunts and looking around the world because even if I teleported relatively close to my objective, there was still a lot of walking and fighting to be done.

    This is true. I loved the wide open environments, but the long travel time for side questing really wore on me after a while. Just a few more teleport points throughout the level would have been nice. They could have even waited until near end game to make them available.

  9. I found that FFXII had quite a few strengths going for it that few of the other FF games have managed.

    1. Battle system

    Now, I'm not saying XII's real-time, gambit-based system was a better concept than the turn-based traditions, but it definitely had some strong points.

    We'd all like to think that every random battle in these FF games is a strategic affair. But they aren't usually. Alot of the time, we're just jamming 'x' over and over until the weak random encounter dies so we can get our XP and prizes and move on. Then we break out the strategy for the boss fights.

    With XII, that repetition is removed. You give your characters a series of prioritized commands to follow and guide them through the world. They follow the repetitive orders by default; orders that you would otherwise have to select over and over. They streamlined the traditional system.

    And the best part is that you can still play the traditional way at any time. At any point, you can pause and select a character's next action. And you'll have to do a lot of that when the tougher fights come. But if you don't need the strategy, the gambits will do the repetitive work so you can focus on the fun.

    2. NO random encounters

    I don't think random encounters are an inherently flawed concept, but they are a bit dated. Running around an area in FFXII, the world feels so much more alive than past environments have. No jarring transitions to a battle screen. No pause in the action. It makes the whole experience much more fluid and "coordinated" somehow, and I hope more JRPGs follow XII's lead.

    3. Story

    It's a solid story (as solid as you're likely to get in a JRPG, anyway). But it is a bit different than your average FF fare, which is why I'm not surprised it turns a lot of people off.

    Your standard FF story is very "hero focused". The world is in danger, and that's important, but the real focus of the story is the personal journey each main character takes. It's very character-driven.

    But with FFXII, it felt to me that the characters had been dropped into a conflict (and story) that was much bigger than them. Major political conflict and war loomed over the world, and this small troupe of people were trying to find a way to prevent disaster. It's not a case of "[Villain] is going to use the _______ to destroy the _______, and I'm the only one who can stop him." It's a bit different than the stock Final Fantasy story and I like it. I like that they're willing to play around with the formula and try new things.

    4. Localization

    This is big. FFXII has the strongest translation and english performance of any FF game to date. The dialogue is strong. The writing is solid. Gone are the awkward pauses and uncomfortable "Tidus laughing" scenes. The english localization team really nailed it this time and I hope we'll keep seeing this sort of quality.

    5. Art

    I know it's a given that Final Fantasy is going to bring great production values, but the art direction and design in this game are really top notch. I know graphics aren't everything, but just look at it.

    The game had issues, certainly. I don't think FFXII is the "ultimate" JRPG, but one of Square's greatest traditions with the Final Fantasy series is that they never settle on a gameplay formula and run it into the ground. Every game brings some new innovation. A unique battle system. A ground-breaking technical advance. A fresh aesthetic. I enjoy some FF games more than others, but I can definitely say that I've never played one that actually "sucked." They've just set the bar very high.

    As for X-2...was I the only sicko that enjoyed that game? Seriously, it wasn't that bad. Yeah, the girliness was a bit much at times and the story was less than memorable, but the battle system was probably the best the series has seen. It took the job system from FFV, made it more flexible by allowing you to change jobs during battle, ramped up the speed a bunch, and made everything more fluid, so that it felt like it was more real-time than turn-based. I kinda wish all these remakes would actually modify the gameplay a bit to play more like X-2.

    I still argue that FFX-2 had the greatest battle system of the whole Final Fantasy series. I wish more JRPGs would borrow that system.

    I've got to learn to stop arguing on the internet. :|

  10. I do the little "GamePass" thing. $20 bucks a month, hang on to a game as a long as you want and swap it out any time. The rental store is just a mile down the road, so it's an easy trip and it lets me try a lot of games I'd never bother with otherwise. And it drastically reduces the number I purchase as well.

  11. As his popularity goees up, more and more people go to the site and download the flash files, making bandwidth needs go up. Bandwidth isn't exactly cheap, so The Escapist has to make ends meet by upping their advertising, even if it means advertising their own site.

    By advertising their own site they get more hits in other areas and can start putting more third party advertising around the site in general and make ends meet. Hopefully this situation will resolve itself. It's just too bad that most of the other features on the escapist really suck = \

    Yeah, this pretty much sums it up, I think. At least they're kind enough to leave the ads at the end. :|

  12. I wouldn't recommend Rock Band period. Terrible guitar, terrible drums, only a few good songs.

    If you don't already have it, don't get it.

    You have terrible taste. But if you have a Wii, I definitely can't recommend Rock Band. DLC is what makes the game so great.

    Wii Music does look a bit disappointing, but I'll reserve judgement until we've seen more of it.

  13. Not sure. Although, with that many master tracks and 20 free ones to come this fall, I don't mind too much. They can always release some more Harmonix DLC packs later. I hope they do, actually.

  14. The game doesn't really support an "open/close" hi-hat mechanic, but I believe you can place the cymbals anywhere you want. The hi-hat mechanic would be a great thing in the future, but even as a drummer, it's not a feature that I desperately need. And it would be one more thing for non-drummers to have to struggle with learning.

    I'd still love it if they brought that mechanic into Rock Band 3, though.

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