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Posts posted by sephfire

  1. Let me also put Dee Bradley Baker out there. There are a lot of great voice actors with amazing range, but this man is in his own league. But even he is overshadowed by the great ...

    Frank Welker

    This is the "Busiest Man in Voice Acting," possibly the most prolific who ever lived. He started in 1969 and he's still working today. He's especially masterful with animal noises (example: Abu from Aladdin). Just check out his imdb, seriously.

  2. Because they so rarely get the recognition they deserve.

    This is the first in a series of "Voice Actor Tribute" videos I hope to make. I enjoy following voice actors' careers and finding out just how many of my favorite games and shows they've been involved in. There's a lot of under-praised talent working in this field and I hope this kind of video exposes them a little further.


    So enjoy this first video in the series, discuss your favorite voice actors and, if you like, make such a video of your own. There are far too many actors for me to cover. :<

  3. I'm sure we all agree that the game is fun, but I still think most of Yahtzee's points are valid. I don't think the flaws outweigh the game's strengths, but the flaws do exist.

    This just isn't the kind of game Yahtzee tends to like. As such, the game's weaknesses are much more obvious to him and all the more off-putting.

  4. This piece has a very subtle beauty that's common in most of Soule's work. It doesn't go out of its way to grab your attention, but there's plenty of quality to find if you look closely. While it may not stray far from the source, Soule did a really great job of reinforcing the strengths of the original melody.

    All in all, this sort of mix is a real honor for our community; both as a contribution from the professional side of the fence and as a great piece of music. I'd love to hear more from Soule around here if he finds the time someday.

  5. well after discussing the exclusion of downloadable songs on the Wii with my pretend-guitarist/wife, we have decided to buy a 360 specifically for Rock Band.

    I still think internet play is not a selling point, but the lack of DLC is a dealbreaker for us.

    You won't regret that decision. Rock Band and it's DLC are worth buying a 360.

  6. I had a magazine a few months back that counted and listed the new IPs published by every big game publisher between 2006-2007. If I recall, Nintendo was one of those with the fewest. I want to say Ubisoft had the most. I need to find that article again.

    Nintendo has such a great track record for quality, it really would be nice to see what they could do with more new projects.

  7. I don't know. The 360 easily has the strongest catalogue of games so far. It's true that most of the strongest offerings have been first party or multi-platform, but there are some serious gems to be had. Much more than can be found on competing consoles anyway (as of now). I hope the other two catch up eventually.

    While there are a bunch of great games out there for it, I doubt we'll see any great "sucker punches" of games like the plethora of 3rd party stuff that came out for the PS2. Now THAT was amazing. Hell, it's STILL amazing.

    Very, very true. I'd love to see that kind of 3rd party output somewhere this generation.

  8. I think Nintendo's heart is in the right place, and I would understand if they kept using such irritating online systems to maintain their consoles' image as family-friendly gaming devices. But unless they figure out some way to make their safe online experience usable, I fear that they will really alienate the die-hard fan base they've been building for decades.

  9. Losing DLC is the real tragedy here. The real multiplayer fun for Rock Band is local. Always has been.

    It seems strange to me that Harmonix/EA would actually choose to gimp the Wii version's online capabilities, especially given how the Wii seems to be outselling everything. That's a huge audience to lose. I know Harmonix/EA probably could make it happen if they wanted to sink the money into it. If Nintendo's online system wasn't so pathetic, I don't think this problem would have come up.

    I feel really sorry for you Wii-exclusive folk. You really don't want to miss the DLC for Rock Band. There are more downloadable songs than tracks on the disc. There's a Boston 6-pack tomorrow. :(

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