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Posts posted by sephfire

  1. My "to-play" list is also quite large, and this month's releases aren't helping. Ninja Gaiden 2? MGS4? Civilization Revolution? Soul Calibur 4? FF4 DS? Lego Indiana Jones? And I haven't even finished GTA 4 yet.

    Since when did June become November? :-x

  2. Even with my limited acting experience and boring voice, this just seems like a fun thing to try out for. I have no idea who I'd try to audition for though.

    I secretly want to hear our "black as hell" Wingless friend try out for Barret. That would make the internet a better place.

  3. I watch very little anime, but my wife and I found The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya extremely enjoyable. Other than Miyazaki's feature films (if they count), I'd say Haruhi was the most fun I've had watching anime. But then, I'm not a hardcore anime fan by any means, so take that suggestion however you like.

  4. 71k views in a few weeks is solid, particularly for something 9 minutes long and aimed at a niche audience.

    It's only been a few days. And it has an additional 10k views over at Gametrailers. This is all really cool.

    Dan...you're totally failing me here.

    That's "Professor Dan" to you. :<

  5. I'd love to try and spread these around a bit more, but I'm not sure what sort of places would be best for that. Kotaku maybe? I don't know.

    These are so fun to watch, I hope you make more.

    I'd love to make more, but I don't really have any new topics in mind at the moment. These have both been for class projects so far and I don't think I'll have any new research assignments for a while (if ever). Maybe something interesting will come up, though.

  6. Seph, that's not true, as far as I know. Portal started out as a senior project at Digipen ("Narbacular Drop") and when it was presented at the end of the year, someone from Valve was there to see it. That's not quite the same thing as a bunch of people getting together on the net and working on a mod.

    Well darn, I think you're right. Perhaps Counter-Strike would have been the better example.

    Regardless, I've heard numerous game people say that mod involvement is a good idea. It's worth considering, if you have the time and skills to contribute.

  7. I frequently hear that getting involved with mod projects is also a great way to get some valuable experience and improve your employability. Even Portal started out as a small mod project. And those guys all work at Valve now.

  8. Remember a few months back when I posted that video on games and storytelling? Well, I found an opportunity to make a "sequel" of sorts. This time, the topic is video games and sex.

    This is a short video presentation I just finished for my Media Theory class. I'm not presenting it until tomorrow, but I'm more interested in you guys' feedback anyway. I doubt more than a handful of people in the class care about this at all anyway. As before, I loosely emulated Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation review style to keep it from getting dull.

    Thanks to CarboHydroM and djpretzel for unknowingly providing intro and outro music.


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