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Posts posted by sephfire

  1. Ooo, I like that intro. This is like a completely different piece. I still don't hear the source in there (which may be because you haven't gotten to that yet), but I think this version has a much stronger vibe than your first WIP. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

  2. PixieMix stands as one of my proudest achievements. :<

    In consideration of that last point, I'm curious but slightly skeptical of a single-person show: even on VG Frequency, a big part of the fun was that Larry regularly had call-ins and live conversations. Some kind of interpersonal dynamic is, IMO, an important component in engaging listeners or viewers in almost any format.

    This is key. I'd say one of my favorite parts about the old VGDJ was hearing interviews with the remixers about their latest releases and such. It really strengthens the community-centric feel of the show.

    I'd enjoy seeing VGDJ resurface someday.

  3. I'm a bit out of practice, but here's an example.


    It's a small clip of your cool pads, starts with your drums and transitions to mine. Mine are pretty just a kick, snare and hat with a few loops distorted and layered beneath to fill it out. It's a bit more of a "groove" vibe than you seem to be going for, but you get the idea. Hopefully this helps in some sort of way. :oops:


    Darn I love those pads. What software are you using?

  4. For starters, that ambient pad intro is lovely. Don't change that ever. Your strings/orchestral-type stuff is pretty flat, though. Every note hits with the same velocity. I'm having a difficult time hearing the source tune in there, but it's pretty subtle in the original as well. I'm probably just missing it.

    Your drumbeat needs a lot more meat as well. Especially with that layer of pads you have, a nice thick SGX-style groove could sound awesome. Drums and percussion are a really key element to the stuff Tweek and I do, even the chilled, ambient stuff (he and I are both drummers). What you have is a good start, but I recommend using it as the "intro" to your real beat. Use what you have as a kind of "first layer" and build up a nice beat from there.

    Good luck with it.


    If you're not sure what I mean about the percussion, send me your drumloop in a wav or mp3 and I can come up with an example for you.

  5. One little bit of general advice I forgot to mention before: find a couple artists who have a style similar to what you want to create. They can be professional or fellow remixers, it doesn't matter. Then listen to their stuff and analyze it. Figure out what works and how they put the track together. Try to figure out what makes their style so effective and their sound so memorable. If you can break down these strengths, you can start applying them to your own work and I guarantee you will see improvement.

  6. That is absolutely lovely. It's got a pretty unique vibe for an orchestral piece, and I like it. Very dynamic. That softer section at 1:53 is just heart-melting and 2:45 somehow manages to be even more so.

    I notice that certain drums seem to be a bit heavier in the bass/mid area, but I'm still not sure if that's a bad thing. It gives the piece a nice low-end punch, which accompanies the light, airy orchestration nicely. I'm still on the fence. If you do bring those drums down at all, don't bring them down much. Also, the way the ending just trails off works fine, but something about it just doesn't feel totally satisfactory after that beautiful arrangement. If you plan to rework this track any more before submitting, I'd love to hear the ending fleshed out a bit.

    Either way this mix is staying safely nestled in my iTunes library. You done good. :)

  7. I like that starting pad synth. You percussion is pretty nice too.

    In addition to what blue already said, I'd love to hear some more variety in the instruments. You've got a lot of long, sustained pads, orchestral stuff and synths in there which gives you a thick wall of sound that can get tedious if it's not broken up. Maybe some sharper "hit" sounds like chimes or something. Hopefully I'm making some kind of sense.

    You've gotten quite a bit better since I last popped into one of your WIP threads. I admire your perseverance. :)

  8. That's pretty fun. I'd be interested to hear more of this.

    For suggestions:

    1. The drumbeat is probably your strongest element right now, but I'd love to hear some variation in there. Some fills and such.

    2. In it's current form, it doesn't diverge much from the source material. You'll want to add a lot of original interpretation to the theme as you lengthen the track.

    Your synths and everything else sound pretty good to me so far. Good luck with it. :)

  9. I had started a Katamari remix months ago. I intend to finish it, but grad school obliterated my free time. I hope to get back to it when my quarter ends in June.


    And yes, I don't know what it is about Katamari's music, but it's rather difficult to remix. Maybe it's the the music is so wacky. Maybe it's just hard to think of a way to improve on it in any way. I've been trying to figure this out for years. :lol:

  10. Thank goodness. I didn't need to see Yahtzee do nothing but complain...I doubt he'd have a single positive thing to say about it. It'd probably be twice the travesty his Brawl review was...

    There wasn't anything wrong with Yahtzee's Brawl review. All of his points were valid, but they were faults that fans of the series (like us) can easily ignore. But since it isn't the type of game he likes anyway, the issues were all the more obvious.

    He's kind of already reviewed Mario Kart by association anyway by covering other Nintendo franchises. Looking at his Mario Galaxy, Phantom Hourglass, Brawl and Paper Mario reviews, it's easy to assume what he'd say.

    Yahtzee's take on Nintendo franchises: "They're polished and usually pretty fun, but they definitely aren't flawless and I wish Nintendo would use all that talent and money to branch out and try some new things."

  11. I just received this PM at youtube:

    wow. i randomly came across this on youtube and was blown away. that was very cool. best of luck to you!

    -Jennifer Hale

    Knowing the internet, there's an 90% chance this is isn't actually from her, but I'm going to just blindly believe it anyway because its awesome. :<

  12. Has anyone been having trouble with logging into the Wii Shop? Mine refuses to do so 90% of the time. The other 10%, it lets me to the top menu and boots me out as soon as I select something. It's just a little sad when my poor little Wii can't even access its own store.

  13. I'm sorry to get off the subject, but I'm really sick of this "lack of quality Wii titles" BS. It really is a load of Bs, there are tons of cool Wii titles. I don't have enough time to keep up with everything, and I don't need a game by Mr. Steven to justify my console purchase, but I will surely try.

    I will try it, but please refrain from the "lack of quality Wii titles" stuff, because anyone who truly respects the console can dismiss that as a big lie, like I did a month after purchasing the little white box.

    I should have clarified. The Wii doesn't "lack" good games. Some Wii games have been the best of this entire generation so far (Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports, WarioWare, Brawl, etc). The problem is that the Wii has a disproportionate number of shoddy games. The chart below compares the number of games with an average review score over 80% (green) with the number of games with an average review score below 60% (red).


    It's not Nintendo's fault: they've been bringing consistent quality with the first-party titles. Trust me, I'm not saying this as a hater of the Wii. I love the thing. It's the console I looked forward to owning most. That's why it pains me so much to see it go to waste on all of these half-assed third party attempts. That's also why I'm so glad to see a game like Boom Blox use the Wii to its potential. Hopefully, this will be the first of many.

  14. It's been out for three days and I've seen no thread here. Unacceptable. :-x

    As my fellow Wii owners know, this poor console has been hurting for quality games, especially from third parties. For every Mario Galaxy or WarioWare, there are ten pieces of shovelware dumped on the shelves to capitalize on the Wii's success and naive "casual" market.

    I'm happy to say, this game is fantastic. This game reminds you what makes the Wii so cool. I could spend paragraphs trying to describe it, but I'll just post this trailer. There are many more where this came from.


    It's exactly as fun as it looks. 8-O

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