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Posts posted by sephfire

  1. Your best bet would be to hit up a Flash community and post a link to the song you have in mind. We do have some talented artists here, but most of us are musicians, gamers and game music enthusiasts. I'm an animator, but I'm neck-deep in grad school right now and I've got more than enough animation work to keep me busy.

    If you don't feel up to the task of learning Flash yourself, might I suggest storyboarding your idea or providing concept art? It would give others a clearer vision of your idea and possibly inspire some animators with ideas of their own.

    I am flattered by your choice of remix, though. :mrgreen:

  2. Yeah, GH3 definitely feels like they ramped up the note count and difficulty higher than necessary, but the expanded note window Sombrero mentioned helps to make up for it. I don't mind the extra difficulty much, but I can imagine it must piss other people right off.

    I'd say Jordan and Fire & Flames are about equal difficulty. Through the Fire and the Flames is very hard for the entire song. Jordan is excrutiatingly hard for 45 seconds. I think working hard to excel at one will definitely help you out on the other one, though.

  3. He posted at Something Awful saying it was just a way to break up the grind for his own sake. I think the weekly reviews were starting to drive him nuts. I'm guessing he'll do this sort of thing from time to time.

    For some side news, Yahtzee will be at the Game Developer Choice Awards with new videos. So will the Mega64 guys. Fun will be had, no doubt.

  4. I really want to try the drums in this game. I am a drummer myself so I want to see if there's any challenge there for me. If not, I may stick heavily to the guitar, which wouldn't bother me as the guitar immediately struck me as the best guitar controller I've ever held.

    I'm a drummer too, but there are still some songs on expert that still really work me over from time to time. Iron Maiden's "Run to the Hills" is brutal. The snare roll solo in Aerosmith's "Train Kept Rollin" is kinda rough too. Unless you are just a way better drummer than I am, you should still find a fun challenge in there.

  5. It's been a year since we last checked on our favorite glutton ...

    We've all seen Kirby take on many cute little forms as he consumes his opposition. But what might he look like if he expanded his diet to movies, television, celebrities and just about anyone else you can think of? In last year's SA thread, we saw him take on dozens of fun new looks.

    One of my contributions to the original thread:


    And now a new starter image:


    Have fun, OCR.

  6. You know, after me and my friend watched that SMG video, my friend raised a good point.

    What are Nintendo 5 most recent IPs? It does seem like all that Nintendo makes nowadays is Mario/Metroid/Zelda games...All I can think of is Pikmin.

    Its a good thing I love those games series'.;-)

    True. I don't feel like digging out the magazine now, but a recent issue of Game Developer listed the number of original IPs published in the last 4 years. Nintendo had very few compared to the rest. Fewer than EA, even. I want to say Ubisoft had the most, but they might have come in second to someone else. I'll have to find the magazine.

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