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Posts posted by sephfire

  1. Let me start off by saying that these are OLD. VERY old. But in case some of you have missed out on them, you really need to check them out.

    Gametrailers.com has been creating video retrospective series for various game franchises, and they are really top-notch. Even for games I never played, I've loved watching franchises evolve throughout these video series.

    They've got a few minor, single-installment retrospectives for Mario Kart, Jak & Daxter, Prince of Persia, Dungeons & Dragons and Silent Hill, but the really great retrospectives are the larger, multiple-installment series: Legend of Zelda, Metroid and Final Fantasy. Check 'em out:

    Gametrailers.com Retrospectives

    Also check out the first installment of their new Star Wars video games retrospective.

    Star Wars Retrospective Part 1

  2. Added myself to ClanOCR and put a bunch of you on the friend list. If you want to play and I haven't added you yet, lemme know. Odds are, I will get stomped by anyone who opposes me, but I'll be darned if I'm going to miss the chance to play Smash Bros online.

    Name: Sphfr

    Code: 1762-2394-6950

  3. I'm guessing a lot of the SSE hate is driven by impatience to unlock Sonic and others. It's not very often you hear people complaining about a game being too long. It's got its flaw, but that's the only reason I can see for all the animosity toward it.

  4. -Fanmail is always a tiny accomplishment. No matter how short or... bizarre they may get, they're always little gems of kindness.

    You need to post that particularly insane email conversation again. It was a great laugh the first time you posted it here.

    For me, it's this remix right here. I don't think I'll ever be as proud of a piece of my own music as I am with this. I guess the achievement belongs to pixietricks and GrayLightning for taking my mix to the next level.

    I know it's small as achievements go, but I always love getting to collaborate with some of the people here, particularly the ones who dwarf my own skill.

  5. Happy birthday to one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard. Just turning 22 and zircon is only 20? Sheesh. Youngins :? I guess I always imagine you guys as being older since your music is so good.

    I thought the same. I'm like 4 days from turning 24. And these two youngsters have been my musical superiors for years already.

    Damn kids with your music ... :whatevaa:

  6. No problem. I would be ALL OVER a game like DrumMania if it were released in the states. I've heard about some third parties making more realistic drum peripherals for Rock Band and I anxiously await the release of these products.

    Here's on prototype I saw. I hear the pads are quieter. I'd still love to see a hi-hat pad in there, but all the same: YES PLEASE.


  7. UGH! Im sick of people talking about how "Rock Band drums translate to real drums so well bla bla bla"

    First off, dont get me started on rockbands drums.

    Secondly, the hat and snare are in the wrong placed.

    Thirdly.. DRUM FREAKING MANIA!!!

    Ok, there is NO music game out there that emulates a real instrument as well as drummania.

    The reason im upset about ppl talking about rockband so much is because they seem to neglect the Better drum game, which is drummania. Now, granted drummania is pretty much a JPN only thing, but still if people know about DDR/IIDX im sure they have heard about drummania.

    lol, and theres my rant of the day.

    So the existence of a similar, superior simulation of drums that exists only in another country negates anything good that can be said about Rock Band's drums? Please.

    From what I've seen of DrumMania, it's clearly the better simulation of a real drum set, but that doesn't mean Rock Band's drums aren't also a solid translation from the real thing. And I don't see what about the placement of the snare and hats matters. No one ever said playing Rock Band drums is the exact same as playing real drums. It's not. But many of the rhythmic skills fundamental to succeeding in Rock Band translate very easily to real drums. If you sit a Rock Band enthusiast down at a real kit, he won't feel right at home. But give him a few minutes and he'll be able to bang out some basic beats faster than he would have without the Rock Band experience.

    If you have additional reasons for the drum hate, I'm interested in hearing them.

  8. Mark Ecko's Getting Up --> It's a cheap used copy, but I have no idea what I was thinking. It actually wasn't too bad if you turned on a bunch of cheats so you didn't have to deal with the horrendous gameplay. The vibe and cutscenes were still pretty cool if you just cheated your way out of playing the game. Still, probably not worth the money.

  9. Harry Potter: OoTP --> EA was throwing out truckloads of free games at Siggraph. I got "lucky."

    Ninety-Nine Nights --> I don't know why I expected this to be good.

    Devil May Cry 2 --> I had 1 & 3 and my compulsive collector inside took over.

    Family Guy Game --> I was blinded by love for the show.

    DOA Xtreme 2 --> I'd enjoyed the mellow fun of the first one so much. It didn't carry over.

  10. One thing that no one has really mentioned (except for Moseph, briefly) is an increased ability to listen to music critically. Now this could easily be argued either way, but I personally believe that Guitar Hero and Rock Band help with this.

    Musicians often make comments on music like "That's a tasty bassline," or "I love that little vocal flair." You'll rarely hear non-musicians talk like this. That's because they don't listen to individual parts and (consciously or unconsciously) analyze music like we musicians do.

    I think that playing Guitar Hero or Rock Band, while it's still no substitute for actual music skill, allows the regular old laypeople to start developing the beginnings of a musician's mindset toward music.

    This. I've gained an appreciation for all the genres of rock music where I used to just listen to a very narrow range. Even my wife has learned to love all kinds of rock just from hearing me play. She's even told me it has taught her to listen to the guitar in rock music and appreciating its intricacies where it used to just blend in to the wall of sound before and vocals were all she focused on. She also said she enjoys hearing me play Rock Band drums because she can hear the complexity of the drums in music where she couldn't before. It's been really interesting seeing her gain new understandings of music just from being around while I'm playing.

    It's like second-hand music appreciation or something.

  11. Making the transition from actual drums to rock band drums on the other hand is a freaking nightmare. There is no logic whatsoever to how rock band decides it wants you to play percussion. They just throw random colors and lines at you and you hit random pads. It makes no sense, and the layouts often have nothing at all to do with actual drums. It's just purely arbitrary. I suppose Guitar Hero is kind of the same way, but at least higher pitched notes tend to go up the fretboard, which works in my brain logically, rather than banging on things in nonsensical patterns that have nothing whatsoever to do with the song playing in the background. A drummer could probably play Rock Band just as well with no music (or just a metronome), perhaps even easier because the actual song isn't distracting you from the arbitrary-ness.

    I haven't had this problem. Is it that you feel the random colors and lines don't sync up with actual drum hits in the song or is it just that each pad has to play the roll of two or more parts of the drum kit?

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