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Posts posted by Rexy

  1. Yes, yes, that Mario album's cool and all... but you CAN'T FORGET A COMMUNITY BIRTHDAY CAN'T YOU?!


    All the best for our resident Castlevania-passioned Frenchie and core spearheader for the BadAss and Vampire Variations projects. I declare we all eat a pain au chocolat for supper tonight!



    Also forgot our core Japanese translator, The Legendary Zoltan. Quick cake for him too!]

  2. Going by experience, I believe that resubs don't count in regards to the waiting period - usually they can be fast-tracked on a by-track basis, which would explain that the to be judged queue has some fast-tracked resubs long after the date the panel has reached to begin with.

    I hope that (kind of) helps, though I'm open to be corrected.

  3. So that means an electric immunity / special attack boost payoff for Sceptile and extra speed in rain for Swampert. This could throw the tide in regards to what starter I plan to use when I get the game - it's especially given Sceptile one heck of an edge.

    So glad we got screenshots at last - vague as it looks, but we may be onto something. Still, mega-evolution and alterations to the story makes it look more liberal for a remake; however, as long as it plays awesome, I'm cool with this. :)

  4. I've used Cubase in the past. It functions similar to Reaper in terms of workflow from what I found (though to be fair I've known a couple of people who'd disagree with me); the only major downside with it is that some releases of the software require you to have to plug some kind of dongle in to get it to work. It's rewarding when you do something right, but if you're having problems even with ProTools, then it's probably not the way forward right at this moment in time.

    But yes, I'm in the Reaper club. You may have to get your own VSTs though, but it's smooth as heck to work with when you've got the instruments you need.


    Having known the original DoD version back in the day (yes, I was another one of those that absolutely enjoyed his works even then), I'm gonna have to say that this is somehow a MEGA IMPROVEMENT of a godly enough track as it is.

    How? Production values have improved a lot since its original DoD incarnation (especially on the drums, they feel so much less muddy and more punchy this time around), the drum writing has taken a huge step of variety (noticing this a lot in the Hyrule Castle 1 section) and the dynamic pacing has also taken a great expansion, something that I can note with the variety of guitar tones (especially rhythm) and writing used throughout. The more progressive flairs for the dungeon themes (that wobble effect for the Dark World one though o__O) were also a great creative touch as well and again contributes to the pacing as stated before. And in addition, in certain sections the lead was played much higher up on the tone register, which also contributes to the fuller production as stated.

    Even the VST additions helped with this a lot, not only with filling in frequency space partially due to the organ use but also for giving certain sections a fresh new outlook. The church section in particular, which I remember was a muted buildup in the original, feels a heck of a lot more haunting hearing it re-done with rhodes taking the center stage and makes the transition into Hyrule Castle 2 feel surprisingly more epic than the original.

    And even then, give or take the dungeon themes and ending (which also took that time signature based approach near the beginning as well as THAT FINALE!!), the core essence of the track has remained and thus this can be seen as an absolutely AMAZING remake. So if you loved the original when it made its way into the September 2005 DoD, by all means take a look into it and see what you think - you might be as impressed by most of us already here typing comments. Those new to the whole thing may as well just sit back and enjoy this musical run through Zelda 3, and what a run it certainly is.

    I can see that CHM has learnt a LOT in regards to technique and production values over the past 10 years, and everything here has shown it. I am so proud of him right now :D

  6. y'know it kinda upsets me that there aren't any comix zone remixes floating around

    the music in that game is SO GOOD

    i can only imagine what mazedude or shnabubula could do with said material

    Well, both Maze and Shnab are amazing at what they do, but considering that the Comix Zone soundtrack takes more of a grunge-ish sound, we're more likely to see something amazing done by the hefty guitarists of the community.

    Which reminds me, listen to Dr. Manhattan's take on the stage 1 theme. NOW.

  7. Expect a lot of people asking for some Streets of Rage. :)

    While I'd love to say Ristar, I however have gone through as many remixes that the wider community had been able to offer and have not once seen a full-on EDM remix of anything (though Eino's from a PRC last year is as close as we're gonna get lol). I do however have a huge soft spot for coda's Ring Rink DoD track from a couple of years back though!

    As for a non-Sonic EDM remix that may tickle your fancy, how about several? I know I linked a few Sonic related ones to you, but I'll get a headstart on you with Vectorman Remixed, which several VGMix based EDM arrangers at the time worked on.



    I still have the album on my person - I'll send it your way by Facebook or something :)

  8. I guess if you want 'dynamic' as in 'very few soft pieces at all', you might be better off with the FF1 album provided you're as much as a metal nut as your name implies. :P

    I'd do shameless self promotion, but I'm pretty sure every album I contributed to had at least one soft number in there even if I wasn't the one that provided it. *_*

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