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Everything posted by lazygecko

  1. Wonder how much processing all that stuff requires, the quality would likely need to be scaled down significantly when applied to games.
  2. There are so many AVGN ripoffs, but I have yet to come across any Apathetic Video Game Nerd.
  3. I have no idea wether Sony actually produces their own TV ads or not, but there might be slim possibility that they both hired an external company to make a commercial, and they ended up using the same "template" for both?
  4. I'm getting the hang of it, really hard to tell what's going on sometimes since the camera feels too zoomed in and you'll have projectiles shooting from off-screen, and it's very easy to get friendly fire. All in all it seems like some proper old school, really unforgiving game design with limited resources and no Call of Duty health regen bullshit. My steam handle is GeckoYamori
  5. It's on KVR too http://www.kvraudio.com/banks.php?s=one&id=1259
  6. This must be the first ever use of gabber/speedcore in video game music. Truly historic!
  7. Now with ear-shattering FM guitar wankery http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my1vSVle7gs
  8. This is my first time doing anything like this. Had a lot of fun making the sounds. It's "only" 40 patches, but I didn't want to fill all 128 slots with a bunch of filler stuff people are very unlikely to use. There's leads, keys, pads, bass etc etc... Suits anything from psytrance to 80's electro-boogie. I hope you enjoy and can find some use for them! Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?t753p4pepsxs0tv Audio Demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YTsuQqScWA
  9. What if the rings were onion rings? http://www.ukresistance.co.uk/2010/07/level-5-obese/
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_puu8KSDxcY Now with FM Slap Bass Processing™
  11. I shall from hereon refer to you as Dr. Klink Handle: Geckoyamori
  12. Aztec is worth keeping in the map rotation I think. Inferno feels sort of borderline along with Italy. That museum/castle map (can't remember its name) is definately too big for a smaller playerbase.
  13. If it's an east coast US server I should get a playable ping.
  14. Kirby be XTREME in the west, yo
  15. I've made some updates to it, but it's further down on my list while I'm working on some other stuff.
  16. Two Crude Dudes Grand Master Flash - New York New York http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt02XFInA1I Incidentally the game itself is set in New York.
  17. It's really damn hard to find any sort of emulation close to what OPL3 sounded like. Your best option is a soundfont based on OPL3. Forgot where to get it, just google it.
  18. Graphics that focus on technical gimmicks rather than solid art direction will always age badly. Games like Team Fortress 2 and World of Warcraft are still going to look nice a decade from now, while the dime-a-dozen stuff with bumpmapping and bloom/HDR up the ass are going to look rather tasteless.
  19. It's not even half as overdone as all those pretentius dramatic rising choir trailers.
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