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Everything posted by lazygecko

  1. It is for game balance reasons. Tanks are meant to run over infantry.
  2. I think most games use this in one way or another.
  3. Haha, you nailed it. Probably helps that you're using the genuine Roland stuff. If you're looking to get it on OCR you'd need to expand on the arrangement. Try taking some more cues from the genre with arpeggio sections, or an entire part where you just go nuts with the toms.
  4. Bethesda seems to focus most of their efforts the technological aspect of graphics (save for Morrowind which had a pretty compelling environment). The character designs are often very bland. The animation quality went from downright awful in Morrowind to barely passable in Oblivion, and little has changed for Fallout 3. Third-person view is anything but enjoyable, and characters are still in that stiff pose when you talk to them. Bethesda's games do a real good job of showing that there's much more to graphics than texture resolution and post-processing.
  5. Holy shit on a stick @ Allies ending
  6. Was Time Commando that shitty FMV-backdrop brawler?
  7. On October 28th, 1988 the Mega Drive was released in Japan. Like all of Sega's consoles, it was tailored to provide accurate ports of their arcade games. Sonic wouldn't grace the machine for nearly 3 years. These were the golden years for Sega, and it can mostly be attributed to Tom Kalinske who was in charge of their American division. He made the decision to market it head-to-head against Nintendo, a task thought impossible by the competitors at the time. By the mid-90's, Kalinske began having disputes with their Japanese management. Sega Japan wanted to scrap the Mega Drive and focus 100% on the Saturn, while Kalinske thought the 16-bit generation still had a lot of selling power. These disputes ended with Kalinske leaving the company and the disastrous compromise known as the 32X. Since then, Sega has failed to achieve its past prosperity.
  8. Years, maybe even months from now, at least half of the people whining about the event are going to sit there with their bank alts and daily grinding and miss those few days. On the flip side, Blizzard has promised more stuff like this in the game world.
  9. About the music, let's say RA3 has "background music" and RA2 has "foreground music". The music in the old C&C games could stand firmly on their own out of context. They've also completely scrapped the funk/soul elements in favor of bread-and-butter orchestra and guitar riffs.
  10. I'm going to hold back my final judgement until I've spent more time with the game. First impressions are seldom good when it comes to me, I remember initially I felt very put off when I played Red Alert 1, when comparing it to C&C1.
  11. Co-op, skirmish, anything. I've played some of the Soviet campaign and a few AI skirmishes so far. There are some things in the game that are markedly different and kinda frustrating when you're not used to them, like how the allies level up their tech tree. In the FMVs the new Soviet premier is kinda boring compared to Nicholas Worth as Romanov in RA2, but is made up for by the new US president. The amount of cleavage among the females is just embarrasing. Biggest gripe though is the music, Frank made a few good tunes here and there like Hell March 3 but the ingame music is the same old, uninspired filler BGM.
  12. Pre-order arrived today. Anyone want to play online?
  13. If Sexy Trunks is in, does that mean they got ahold of Neostorm? He sort of disappeared from the face of the earth.
  14. Ding 70 It only took me 3 years to get my first max level Alliance character. Not going to bother grinding gear with WotLK just around the corner. There's plenty of raids going on for Zul'Gurub, Ahn Qiraj and other old world instances for achievements so I'm gonna take that time to experience some of the stuff I missed out on.
  15. The kid who made the special tauren quest and designed an arena weapon died this week http://www.wowinsider.com/2008/10/23/ezra-chatterton-passes-away/
  16. i am halo, he kill teh alien and not afraid of anything
  17. So I logged on my 52 ret paladin, had the omgwtf moment and blazed through quests leveling it in no time at all. I was soloing elite mobs 5 levels higher than me, coming out of the fights with nearly full hp and mana (including the notorious Araj the Summoner in Western Plaguelands). Then I reached 60, went to outland, teamed up with 3 other retridins and we proceeded to 4-man both Hellfire Ramparts and Blood Furnace without a dedicated tank or healer. We would have done slave pens as well but it was getting kinda late
  18. Everyone and their dog is going for the Jenkins title. I already have my Ambassador title, and got my Stone Guard title from the old, old PVP system.
  19. Blizzcon Diablo 3 art panel: http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2008/october/blizzcon/IMG_3957.jpg Edit: nvm it was also on the shirts
  20. That would conflict with Blizzard's policies about making their games as accessible as possible, even to computers without internet connections.
  21. Since you'll only be missing the single player segments if you only buy one, that makes it even more efficient to pirate the other two since you won't need to worry about online authentication. Oh, and I don't think financing online capabilities for non-MMOs have ever been an issue.
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