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Everything posted by lazygecko

  1. Never liked memory cards. When CD-based gaming established itself you could no longer store saves in the games themselves, since CDs are read-only. On most, if not all early CD consoles like the Mega CD and PC Engine you could store saves on internal RAM/hard drives. But when Sony entered the fray they probably figured they could squeeze extra money out of people with memory cards. I thought the space was pretty damn shit considering their cost.
  2. Get a high level friend to port you to Dalaran, and you'll get a nice hub for all of the world's cities.
  3. The tools will never be better than its user. You can expect to put a lot of careful work programming and sequencing even the most posh sample libraries right to get any believable quality out of it. That's going to take experience and dedication.
  4. I'd prefer that to having some hand-holder constantly tell me stuff like "Oh no, it's a BOTTOMLESS PIT! You'll need to JUMP over it using your JUMP button!". Modern games are just littered with shit like this.
  5. KWED has already gone through this phase, a lot of people are +30 and have settled down with families, but still have the same people running the show.
  6. Arena LOL Most matches are literally over within a matter of seconds after they start. Burst damage is so dominant it makes healers and casters (sole exception being arcane mages) redundant. Warlocks are completely shut out from having a chance to stay competetive, with not a single 'lock in the top 100. Hunters and shamans are barely hanging in there. Blizzard's original plan was to make arena participation mandatory to get any type of PvP gear, but they changed it at the last second without even making an announcement.
  7. Did a lot of re-working on Volt Man and it's nearing completion now http://www.speedyshare.com/956881268.html Changed parts of it to sound more like Spark Man. Then added a lead with the chorus trick used in some of the latter Mega Man titles (just play the second channel with a slightly different pitch) and changed up the rhythm, but it might feel a bit abrupt.
  8. The difference here is negligible, to be honest.
  9. Did you or any of your buddies perhaps experience symptoms similiar to this?
  10. Konami have BETRAYED THEIR FANS Metal Gear belongs on the MSX.
  11. No! IT CANNOT BE!!! djp is an agent of evil and deceit, I am ashamed to have ever been part of OCR.
  12. I know a workaround with the exact results you're looking for. Go to the project settings and look for the time base (PPQ). The default should be 96. You'll want to change this to half of the original value, which in this case would be 48. When you look in the piano roll, you'll see that all the notes have been stretched down to 50%, and you'd get the impression they would then play faster. But FL will also play the project at half speed, so it's essentially the same. But if you copy all the patterns over to a new project, they will indeed play at double speed. Holding shift to manually stretch the notes is also a nice feature, but as said there's the lack of quantization to consider, so much that you'd find yourself having to fine-tune the whole thing note by note.
  13. Sweden is probably the #1 geek country in the world. Multiplayer and LAN parties are deeply etched into youth culture, so much that we have songs about IRC and Warcraft 3 mods hitting the charts. There are nightclubs occasionally playing chiptunes, and there was a show on national radio dedicated to chiptunes and video game music.
  14. Everyone should take the time to do this little quest if you want something different from "kill X and collect Y" http://i37.tinypic.com/azdn9i.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/28b66oh.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/j97g2p.jpg http://i33.tinypic.com/qnpngx.jpg
  15. I was inspired by rushjet1's take on MM9 to do this. I'm making it all in FLStudio. I might resequence them in FamiTracker later, but for now I just prefer the workflow of composing in FL. Basically I just make up new robot names from the usual themes we see in Mega Man games, trying my best to replicate the Capcom feel in both arrangement and production. So far I've got an intro (mostly based on MM4), Jet Man, and an unfinished Volt Man. http://www.speedyshare.com/486458747.html http://www.speedyshare.com/612166870.html http://www.speedyshare.com/969593590.html
  16. Yeah, this is great. The lead synth though is not so great. It comes across as a bit sterile, it lacks stuff like pitch bends/portamento and vibrato. I think the sound itself also stands out a bit, a guitar lead would probably blend in better, or mixed with a synth lead.
  17. Ugh, Gamespy's online system is just fucking terrible. Right now the chat lobbies are bugged out, I can't send whispers or game invites to people in my friend list.
  18. I would like to apologize to all the retribution paladins out there. Due to my jinxed nature it would seem that whatever class I choose to spend some time with will inevitably be nerfed into near uselessness, be it shamans, shadow priests or paladins.
  19. It is generally a good idea to mix your tanks with units compensating for their weaknesses like anti-infantry and anti-air, instead of spamming the same unit hoping for the best.
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