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Everything posted by jett

  1. I listened to this back when it came out on DoD. It's a really amazing piece.
  2. Where can one listen to the entries?
  3. The album as a whole is pretty nice. It would behoove Ocremix to focus on quality rather than quantity for future projects.
  4. I'm not familiar with trap music, and I don't usually post, but I thought this was just absolutely wonderful.
  5. What an astounding month.
  6. Unfortunately I think he suffers from sort of condition. For some reason it causes him to delete himself from the world time and time again. Thank the lawd for this repository of his work. I feel like such a fool for not downloading his stuff when I had the chance.
  7. Top 4 are all must listens. Really high quality entries this month, one of DOD's best, no doubt.
  8. Yes, this was indeed a very good month! Lots of quality stuff, with nice production values.
  9. I've been listening to his album for a while now, it's magnificent.
  10. Whoa dude that album is awesome. This thread has been great for discovering excellent chiptune music.
  11. 53 tracks and not a single Alone in The World remix? Or Lone Bird In The Shire? WAT
  12. Awesome, until the CD skipping effect. I dunno what DC was trying to accomplish there, but it doesn't work for me, kinda ruins the song.
  13. Easily the best track in the entire album. Pure greatness.
  14. Eh I'm just wondering what prompted the idea of putting chinese lyrics in a DKC track.
  15. what's the deal with the moon language in Us Monkeys Together? just...why
  16. Just finished listening to the whole thing. Amazing work guys, truly. The best ocremix album yet, easily. Excellent production on all tracks. I'll say this, though, I don't think death metal is for me.
  17. Only 4 songs in but it's really really good so far! Real high quality guys.
  18. So uh is there a tentative release date?
  19. virt and djpretzel should hurry it up.
  20. sorry i mean to type in the the topic. :P

  21. This is really awesome, I LOVE SF2010's soundtrack, massively underrated. Thanks for remixing it and giving it some proper love. Do you have a website where I could check out more of your work?
  22. This is really awesome, I LOVE SF2010's soundtrack, massively underrated. Thanks for remixing it and giving it some proper love. Do you have a website where I could check out more of your work?

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