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The Orichalcon

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Everything posted by The Orichalcon

  1. Good buildup for an electronic-industrial hybrid mix. The bass is maybe just a little too muffled for my liking. I would've liked something a little crisper in the treble to really come through and grind in with the percussion. I'm all for using industrial sounds to get a good creative percussion going, but one noise in particular (hitting on the 3rd beat in sections through the mix) is dominating and destroying the very clear atmosphere set up around the mix. It's a small issue, and it's a creative choice so I won't put fault there. My major issue is with the arrangement. There's not really a lot going on to create a solid piece. Some parts are really awesome when they come together, but they fall apart quickly into what sounds like random gibberish to me over the generic sound of the source. I think this could've been much better, some of the percussion toned down, most of the background given a more dominating role. But for what the remixer's set out to do it'll work for some and not for others. The production is ok, the rearrangement aspect is fine, so this is a pass from me. YES
  2. You must be pretending you're a superhero and this is your theme song when running to this. Love this piece. It all comes together really well. Never heard the originals and not really interested in hearing them. Next to Rimco's Doom ReMix, and most of Mazedude's work, this is one of my favourite all-time OCReMixes.
  3. Difficult. The drums are so generic in the way they're programmed. Textbook boom-tish. It wouldn't be such a problem if the arrangement wasn't so close to the source. Reading some of the past votes lends the suggestion that the judges liked the arrangement and didn't like the production. I'm the opposite here. I think the arrangement is a sore spot as it's basically the original with a few minor changes to the melody + beats. zyko's vote on the last resubmission sums up the way I feel about this mix in general. It's enjoyable to listen to, but it's the fact that the source was good is what's driving this piece along. I'm sure there'd be plenty of people who'd enjoy this mix, but it doesn't pass the arrangement bar for me. I'd say it's borderline on that front. If the drums could be programmed in a more interesting way, and the melody maybe deviating from the base original occasionally, then this'd be a pass. I hate to ask for another resubmission on a song that's already been resubmitted twice, but that's what I'm going to do. NO (Resubmit)
  4. It's sad that people need material reward to actually get off their butts and do something. And you're the slowest person on OCR today. He's trying to fill the empty tracks on the FF7 remix project.
  5. I've never liked that piano tone. I think a better sample could've been chosen then, maybe even an EP. The drums are solid and play a nice relaxed role in the piece, in spite of how punchy they are. The instrumentation in the background is relaxing too. The lead is quiet and nice, similar to GaMeBoX's style (which I think I pointed out to Suzu when pre-judging.) The Wah guitar thingo sounds good too, although it probably could've been dropped for the transition between 1:46-1:56, all that section does is make it sound really fake. The ending leaves a lot to be desired. I still don't know why you screwed up a beautiful sounding piece by doing that distorted loud thing. A nice fade-out would've suited this more pleasingly. I can't listen to the source right now since all my music and programs are on my busted computer's HDD. But I recall the source and comparing in the pre-judgement, and it sounded fine to me. This is a nice gentle piece, and it's well produced enough to post to the site. YES
  6. All right, back in Site Projects now that the mixer list is a bit more full. Revolver Project will be joining shortly, once he's sent a WIP, and I'm expecting the mixers who have signed up to take a track to start working on their pieces soon if not already.
  7. I think the message was more to do with there being two teams in every game and sometimes you have to be the loser, in spite of how much you want/need to win.
  8. After reading Jeanne's FFX recap on Videogame Recaps, I find anything regarding Tightass to be nothing short of vomit-inducing. However I'll try to set that mindframe aside for this judgement. I like the intro to the track. The production of the mix is pretty good, even if it is very reverb heavy. Some of the reverb on the lyrics could've been automated to bring the vocals forward during the main sections, right now they're getting a little lost in the flood of the background. The actual tone of the singer troubles my virgin ears. She sounds like she's singing through her nose (ala Barbara Streissand) too much. Still she's in-tune for the majority of the vocals, so I can't fault a creative, or natural, choice. It took me a few listens to get the way you incorporated the source in this. The pitch shifts in the lyrics sounded awkward the first time I listened through, but it makes sense now that I listen to the melody lead in the source. It's still hard to recognise this as a remix of the Besaid theme, but after a bit of cross-referencing I can check this one as having enough there to pass it. My main issues are in creative choices. The mix is enjoyable, well-produced (if not a little reverb heavy) and the vocals are probably as good as they'll get. I'm sure there'll be a lot of people who can appreciate this for what it is. YES
  9. This mix has a christmas feel to it to start with, but then goes sort of scooby-doo-circus. I like your arrangement ideas, this is very creative. Playing around with time signature switching in the one piece is always creative, and a switch to 5/4 was pulled off very well here. Even given the switch, it's almost a direct transcription of the melody, a few small changes in the melody would be welcome to give it that remix feel. Finishing the mix on a repeat of the first third of the mix wasn't a good idea. Fashion a proper ending please. Now, the major issue is in the production and the mix tone. You have conflicting ideas all over the place. Your drumkit sounds like you intended this to be a grunge mix, but the background sounds more as I said to be a christmas carol. Define your sound and stick to it. I'm not saying genre merges aren't welcome, it's just not working here. Some sections (1:10-1:26) felt kind of cluttered given the general dirty feeling of the kit and the flat sound of your guitar. Might pay to EQ things a bit clearer there. I'd really like to pass this one. The 5/4 section was creative and enjoyable, and the general ideas behind the arrangement are clever and can be pulled off properly. If this was touched up in time, it might even make a good chrissy remix. But for now, there are too many problems for a pass. NO
  10. Some of those piano chords at the beginning sound off-key to the rest of the tune, it happens occasionally through the rest of the piece too. I'm going to focus on my main problem with the piece: The drums. What are they even in the piece for? They don't add anything substantial. The section around 1:30 is the only place they seem to possibly fit, but the tone is all wrong for this type of piece, you're using a rock kit for crying out loud. My second issue is that the piece is processed to be rather loud in context. I know this is similar in the way we did "Via", but the piano and guitar I think would be better if they were toned down a bit so they could both be heard without mushing into each other. That being said, it's an enjoyable remix, and in spite of the issues I have with it, it's well above the bar. YES
  11. YES. Vig said so. No proper vote. I can't fathom this kind of music, but it's apparently good enough for the site, so whatever. production is fine, and two other judges are happy with the arrangement which is good enough for me.
  12. Yeah, kind of a strange way to end the season. They just won't leave poor Steve Irwin alone!
  13. This is ace. Loving every minute of this. I can dig the minimalist style. The drums are dry and very clear compared the reverberance of the other instruments, but that's a creative choice which has been pulled off particularly well in this instance. I'm gonna follow Malcos' lead and pass this one. It's enjoyable and a solid minimalist remix. There isn't any standard on this site that says a good minimalist mix can't be passed just for being a minimalist mix. Like Malcos, I was waiting for a chord to resolve the mix, but it never came. Smallest of issues that has no bearing on the outcome of this vote. YES
  14. Samples, Samples, Samples. Whatever you're using here is so dry that it's just not enjoyable to listen to. Perhaps with some proper production, this could be a lot more enjoyable. You have a lot of nifty ideas going on. Nothing boring in the arrangement given the type of song it is. But it's produced quite poorly. And what the fuck at the song only being 1:35. I'll knock back your offer to mail me acid and suggest you use it on your computer instead. WOAH, THE JUDGES NO'ED MY MIX, DUDE!
  15. The sax is played very sexily. Loving it. But the mix seems to be focused entirely on what that sax is doing. The percussion is on auto-pilot pretty much. It would've been nice if it built up to something a little more full, right now you have the same general sound going on for a solid 3-minutes. Right now, it just doesn't sound like it's living up to its full potential. You have beautiful sax playing, but that's not enough to carry a mix, you need to give the same attention to detail on everything else. I'm expecting the beats to pick up to something more solid around 1:08, with a stronger bass and maybe some pads to back up with the synths in the background. Right now it's just empty in the place that it should be coming together as a solid mix of beautiful sounds. The arrangement is good for what you've done with the saxophone. It sounds more like a song inspired by the Viridian City music than an actual remix of the tune. But I can hear the source in there enough that it just barely scrapes by as a remix. I'd maybe cut back just a little on the creative additive arrangement and focus on solidly playing a familiar section of the source for at least a few bars so the fans can go "aww yeah, that's the viridian theme I know and love." Anyway, that's nitpicking. My main problem is the percussion and the empty soundscape in the middle of the mix. I think this could use more work to fulfill its potential. It's technically close to being passable right now, but I can't pass something that I can see being easily made 10 times more enjoyable with a bit more work. NO. Rework, Resubmit.
  16. Sure am. You're in Perth now? Wonderful choice of living place. I'll have to have a chat with you, see if you live nearby. I'll send you an email back shortly. nousentre: I got the email, I'll have a listen and send you one back shortly too.
  17. This is a pretty good mix. The choices in the production don't fit quite right with my tastes. But it fits together right in the context of the mix. The samples are thin, but they're all thin. I would also have liked to have heard some thicker mids. My major problem is the horrible, horrible fake piano. It's simply awful. The fake guitar is at least bearable in the way it sounds. But the piano sounds like someone's playing an unrelated MIDI file in the background that was accidently recorded along with the mix somehow. Since this seems to be the thread for weird judgements... INDUBITABLY (Borderline YES)
  18. I've already said I'm not going to chase people on their tracks. You've been on my MSN for a while now and you haven't actively sought out a conversation about your track yet.
  19. I'm with Darke here, I think the stuttering effects are just a sideshow trick to distract from the fact that nothing else is going on. It's just beats, stuttery things and... nothing else! Fill this one out some more, give it a proper supporting arrangement if you want it posted here. Right now this is just incomplete. NO
  20. Evilhorde's tracks are completed and have been sent to me. Might I say they're very good.
  21. Had a listen to a few of your tracks, Cerrax. They're not up to the quality level I'm after, I'm afraid. Sample and production issues mainly make me hesitate to accept you to the project. Still, if you want to make a WIP for the track, PM it to me and I'll take a listen, if it's good I'll recant.
  22. Due to other priorities, I've removed Hemo from Track 28. So if anyone's interested, have a listen and see if it suits your style.
  23. My God, what the hell was going on. I can't wait to see... Part 1? For anyone who wants to see it, download it from here: http://www.southparkx.net/episodes/1012-go-god-go-part-ii
  24. I've put you on the track, and I trust you'll do something amazing with it. I wouldn't go as far as saying Romero's a great guy. He fell into the wrong frame of mind. But you have to respect him for creating some of the games we all love (and hate.)
  25. Quinn Fox I'm assuming as Larry did. Yeah your music style would suit this project nicely. You can't go wrong with John Romero's favourite remixer.
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