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The Orichalcon

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Everything posted by The Orichalcon

  1. Why wasn't this just form-rejected? I thought the "NO Override" tag was for judges who didn't have the ability to reject it before hitting the panel.
  2. No, that would be sensible. We couldn't have that.
  3. I'm always up tight. This thread is for directing all those people to the right moderators so that their reports are actually worth something.
  4. Shouldn't matter. You're not supposed to reply to them anyway. All you need to do is report them to a moderator, preferably a link to the user profile, not a specific post. Yeah it doesn't matter anyway. If you have a child that makes a lot of mess, do you just hire more maids to clean it up? No, you smack the child into line so it doesn't make the mess to begin with. The problem needs to be attacked at the roots. Better auth system.
  5. It's the most likely outcome. But it's a matter of when. Until it happens, we just have to put up with it. And the 4 active mods have an awful lot of work cut out for them to do coping with it all.
  6. It's all already in this post: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=88071 Which is already an announcement clearly available to all at the top of the forum.
  7. DarkeSword Smoke zircon myf Liontamer I suggest PM'ing one of these people if there's a spambot around you want to report. Judges have their names highlighted in green because they need to moderate the Judge decisions forum (ie: close threads and such.) Only Liontamer, zircon and DarkeSword are also moderators in the general forums. So if you see a spambot. Send a message to one of them (or better yet, just wait and let them do their jobs and hunt them down themselves.)
  8. Ok, Singing is great. Not even going to go there, because it's wonderful. My problem, the drums. They really don't fit the type of music you've chosen. You have a sparse background, gentle singing with atmospheric blendings in the background and this really abrupt dry and centered set playing right in the foreground with the kick in swingtime when everything else seems to be just straight 4/4. I'd personally prefer this song much more if the percussion was more mellow, even tribal. The backing of the mix can be considered repetitive. It builds up to a more solid section towards the end which was good. I don't think I could've handled if it stayed all mellow all the time. But either way it's good enough to pass. It's a real, real shame that the file corrupted. Computers tend to really screw us over at the worst moments. Because this could easily be made much more fluent by changing the drums. YES
  9. I'm watching the Go God Go episodes again. They're really good. of the christmas episodes, Red Sleigh Down is probably the best.
  10. It depends on what you liked about Ender's Game. They're all different from the plot of Ender's Game. The Ender series focuses on life 3000 years in the future with another sentient race. The Shadow series focuses on Bean, Peter Wiggin and the other members of Battle School, how the Earth played out between the time Ender left Eros and arived on Shakespeare. I personally enjoyed the Ender Saga more. Because the characters were so well developed, and it was set in a truly science fiction future, involving different planets, different science. And yet still focused on the same hardships humans face today such as religious difference, greed, selfishness, stubbornness and just general lying.
  11. Of course. The harp is playing the theme from "You Can Hear The Cry of the Planet" in FF7, but the majority of the song is based on a song from Raptor that has no name apart from "Level 2" or something.
  12. Personally, I would've liked the bass of the organ to be much louder to really give it that extra kick. It's played well, good combination of both themes. I remember listening to this one on Bad Dudes and not recognising the Kefka part. But now that I know it's actually Dancing Mad Part 3, it fits better. Pretty good work, people will enjoy this. YES
  13. Whose alt is this? It's not even close to being believably real.
  14. I see you've gone for the clashing notes style of mixing. The theme is very easily recognisable, as it's pretty much an upgrade of the source up to 1:36. Even beyond there, it is very reliant on the melodies from the source. The reverb on your bass is a big no for me. It's the main thing that's making this mix sound like a muddy mess instead of a pristine mix. The majority of the mix (especially the bass-synth sections) are repeated over and over with no changes, exactly like the original. The ending was weak too. Get rid of most of the reverb on the bass-synth and try personalising the mix more. Fiddle around with the bass programming, try switching up the chord patterns a little, add an extra instrument over the top to accompany the melody. Don't be afraid to deviate from what the source is dictating, or you'll just get rejected again. NO
  15. Hot stuff, I have my problems. Mainly to do with reverb on the strings and stuff in the background. I think it could have had a cleaner carpet-walls-room sound to it. But whatever, not big enough to rabbit on about. Guitar is great. some of the faster/harder parts are just a tad sloppy. But you didn't lose your focus, so it's ok. The arrangement is borderline. I'd almost like to ask for something a bit more rearranged. But I'm willing to push it onto the right side of the fence in this case. YES
  16. clipping around 2:12 This mix is diving in both ends of the pool for me. On one hand you have some very nicely arranged string sections, along with some good woodwind and beats. But then you get sections that just sound like they're thrown together with no regard to what sounds good. I get clipping around 2:12 and 5:02. That might just be my crappy sound system, but you might want tone it down a couple of decibels on the next encoding. Muddy is the word I'd use to describe your reverb. It works on the brass and strings, it doesn't work on your drums or your woodwind. You have some work to do there. NO
  17. Unlike Larry, I consider the drums in this mix to be the best part. They're a perfect example of acoustic drums sounding their finest. My problem with them is that there wasn't any real percussive support for them. Now the problems with the rest of the mix. Way too over-reliant on direct sampling. Repetitive even when not relying on the sampling. The guitar gets unbearably loud midway through the mix, whether it's the distortion or EQ it needs fixing. The rhodes and brass were good. Some might dislike the brass samples but they fit in well with what you have going here. The wah guitar was enjoyable to give it that 70's feel. My suggestion, get rid of the direct sampling. It's horrible. If you really want to keep it, just limit it to the beginning of the mix and maybe touch it up so it's centered between both left and right channels. Right now it's favouring the right ear and making me want to claw my headphones off. good work, but it needs an extra bit of good work to make it great work. NO
  18. Well this is an enjoyably bouncy piece. I'm enjoying the arrangement a lot. Some notes sound glaring together but I think that's more to do with the samples, which brings me to my main problem. The samples and production on this piece is below professional level. It sounds like General MIDI at times. If it wasn't for the basic reverb over most of the istruments, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Some of the percussion could sound more realistic, and the lower percussion could definitely be more powerful. The melody instruments (marimba/glockenspiel, whatever that is) sounds very fake. Take this one back and try to get it to sound more realistic. The arrangement is all right, there are some parts I would change if it was me, but I think they could stay as they are depending on how good your samples can get. Also, things got way too fucking loud at 4:10. Jesus christ, my ears. NO
  19. BOOBASS Generic boobass too, you didn't even beef it up or anything, you can do stuff to boobass to make it awesome you know, yours is all basic and generic. WIP-style. Rhodes are generic and WIP-style too. Seriously, note-volume, panning, velocity. Utilise it to make it more interesting. The background of the mix is as empty as a eunuch's pants, don't be afraid to fill it with apples and tomatoes and such. Mix needs work, lots of work. Resubmit it if you can get it past the WIP stage to a finalised version. Percussion/drums need to be less generic too. NO
  20. Yeah, you're kidding yourself if you think this is going to pass with the way it sounds. Interesting arrangement ideas, but this is going back to your super-distortion days of suck. It is possible to have a heavy mix without dousing it in distortion and lighting a match. Without the distortion, it'd be borderline rejection from me anyway though. The arrangement and overall sound is good, but it's a bit too generic to me. Keeps the same basic soundlevel right the way through, try the whole dynamics thing. Also, Larry was bitching about the drums, I agree with whatever he says about them. NO
  21. I'm only passing this because Ambertrance passed and this is better than Ambertrance. YES Also, the arrangement is good and so is the production, etc.
  22. we have standards to uphold, and while this would be a good remix for nostalgic purposes, the quality and execution of the arrangement leaves a lot to be desired. This is one of those remixes where I'd recommend submitting to a different remix site that focuses more on the factors that this remix represents (ie: RTS or VGMix if it ever gets on its feet again) NO
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