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The Orichalcon

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Everything posted by The Orichalcon

  1. The post-shortened URL translated to the actual URL in the browser for some reason. ie: "aus....ap"
  2. All we can do is continue and hope that people enjoy the new forum. Maybe some of those people who made unmod great will come back if the forum really is a "best of".
  3. Well to be honest, that's what Off Topic was originally about. (I have no idea what it's about now, it seems to have changed a bit since the initial idea.) We were tossing these ideas around back in late 2005, early 2006. Namely, Gray and I would have long discussions about the aspects of Unmod that were attractive, and those that weren't. I was happy to have an Off Topic forum that would simply cut the crap out (ie: pointless topics where people just post things like "ur mom lolz") quote pyramids, thread breaks. Stuff like that. Off topic was a place for the topics that actually generated interest in unmod. ie: Consider it a "Best of unmod" forum. Even if that stuff was dirty, or questionable material (think cockbee or boobies thread) that would have a place there. I personally thought that this was a great idea because it took away the unattractive parts of unmod that were keeping a lot of staff members from taking the forum seriously. I strongly enjoyed visiting unmod daily for those funny threads where everyone was free to participate without limitations, and the lack of the forum hurts me as much as it seems to hurt a lot of people on OCR. I can only hope that when Off Topic does open, it's given the leeway to play out what it was initially intended for.
  4. Karl literally stands above pretty much everyone.
  5. Not sure if IE has an option for this type of scripting. You'd have to wait for Rama on that one. Although I'd just recommend switching to FireFox.
  6. Revolver Project's confirmed for the EndGame track, and I've taken Getting Too Tense in place of Hemophiliac for earlier in the year.
  7. More like people who only have to exist to have your women.
  8. No, he probably just assumed everyone was mature enough to appreciate the humor without causing dramarama about it. Needs no further summarisation.
  9. Political correctness seeps into VGMusic terminology. It's just a nostalgic name to describe the source music. It really doesn't matter if it's correct or not, get over it.
  10. Hey... uh... you want to not use a map with racial slurs in it? Is someone sensitive to letters on a page?
  11. You're damn right you do. Now SWIM, bitch!
  12. Here we go. For the rest of the world, where do you live? http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/4272/itsawonderfulworldln6.jpg I couldn't completely get rid of the burn marks on the edge of the countries that touched america just using MSPaint, so apologies.
  13. You should know by now that nobody could possibly live in any other country.
  14. It's important that the journey is as exciting as the destination. If you're just playing for one moment of satisfaction at the end of a game, you're playing for the wrong reasons.
  15. And only truly dedicated OCR-fans will have the know-how to JOIN THE FORUMS! TEST YOUR STRENGTH AGAINST THE FEARSOME CONFIRMATION QUESTION Not really, just post some instructions on how to find the answer to the question. Anyone could answer it with just a quick sidebar search.
  16. Hmm, The Coop's suggestion gives an idea. Maybe setting up a question where the answer can be found on the site. ie: Which ReMixer has a ReMix named "The Ken Song"? I'd like to see a spambot with the efficiency to search the entire site and answer that.
  17. That would be unfair to people who haven't heard of certain video game characters. I think the best idea is Kitten Auth. Have 9 pictures, 8 are cute little kittens, 1 is a cute little puppy. You have to click the picture of the little puppy to register. The idea is to have 4-5 of these screens which you have to click through so there is only a remote chance that spambot will get through.
  18. Dave's the only one with admin powers. When we switch to vBulletin, which should be VERY soon (within a week) all mods can ban, and hopefully Dave will promote Larry to co-administrate the forum for emergency situations.
  19. or before, which apparently seemed like a good idea to somebody a moment ago.
  20. *shrugs* I have everything I want. Might go buy some clothes while they're a bit cheaper.
  21. where is America btw? north of Siberia? I heard america is this whole planet that neighbours Earth.
  22. This is a great idea, that would make sense.So don't expect this to be applied anytime soon. We delete spambot stuff well enough. We don't need to add people as mods just to cover different time zones. It's more important that someone's qualified for the position rather than living in a certain area of the world just to delete a spambot post within a few minutes as opposed to several hours. The only logical addition would be TO as far as I can tell - I'm not saying it's necessary, just that an Australian would be the only logical choice after Smoke, and TO would be the first aussie on the list since he's between 10 and 12 hours back of New York. Geez, I never thought kamoh would be the one to see the blindingly obviousness of this. Let alone voice it.
  23. I'll take your name down from the other track. You can reclaim it if you have enough time later on.
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