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The Orichalcon

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Everything posted by The Orichalcon

  1. I think it's an international shipping thing, though as Vig said in IRC, it "seems a little counterintuitive that it would require foreigners to pay with american express." I might have to do the money order thing then, but I'd like to know why VISA and mastercard and such aren't available as an option for overseas shipping.
  2. How would that work? I've never ordered anything online, much less through this particular site. They appear to have: Use credit card below Credit card type: (Drop menu consisting of only one option "american express") or Pay through PayPal My message to eStarland:
  3. Is it just me or do they only accept payment through "american express"? Why don't they accept VISA or anything else? I wouldn't be caught dead with a card called "american express" Seems a bit monopolised to me. If that's the way it is, then I'm quite disappointed that I won't be able to get a shirt.
  4. Are you good in the sack? Maybe you can sell yourself to lonely middle-aged women.
  5. Don't mind Larry, he's just asserting his authority as the dominant male. He might try to pee on you too.
  6. As the others have said, the arrangement in this piece is well above the bar for our standards. It's the production issues that I think are holding this one back from being a YES just yet. That being said, if Drum could fix these issues up, I'd change my vote to a YES without asking for a resubmission. The drums are a major problem for me. They almost entirely kill the mood of the mix because they sound so out of place. It's like a singer's quartet with one person singing out of tune, no matter how good the other 3 are, that one person can ruin the whole song. The drums in this sound flat and thin. They really need to hold a better standard to fit in with the gentle ambience of this one. Instead it sounds like you couldn't find a good soundfont and just settled for the poor ones. 2:19-2:49 is definitely the weakest section. The drums sound so weak there that they couldn't beat Bill Gates in a boxing match. Fatten them up a bit, boost the volume if you need to, and give it some extra supportive percussion to fill the holes that it leaves. Other than that, it's good, this'll be a NO with a resubmit request until I hear a new version. NO (Resubmit)
  7. There's more to it than simply being involved in the OCR community. If it was that simple, even someone as dimwitted as kamoh could become a judge. That is true, I didnd't mean it to be that simple. Pixietricks actively remixes, she is on the podcast, she is a professional musician attending a school in Baltimore, I think she is well qualified to be a judge. Did I miss any criteria? Yes, you missed the judging part. She could've been Miss OCR-Represent and still fallen flat if her judging hadn't been up to par with our standards. Out of interest, you've probably won her over for life by acknowledging that "she is a professional musician attending a school in Baltimore"
  8. There's more to it than simply being involved in the OCR community. If it was that simple, even someone as dimwitted as kamoh could become a judge.
  9. Direct sampling for that popcorn-style motorcycle music. The rest is supportive/additive so far. Some more interpretive stuff from the source comes in after about a minute, the direct sampled stuff takes a leave for half a minute and comes back in. I'd probably have preferred if you'd come up with something to do that popcorn line rather than sampling it from the source in that first half like you did later on in the mix, it makes it difficult to judge. I like the cinematic feeling the mix has. The production is dirty, which lends to a nice messy sound, the drums are probably a little happy to suit this style of mix. I'd like to have heard some heavy-sounding big-boom kicks in there at some stages along with some more supportive percussion. Creative choices though. As it is, the strings and synths aren't really making up for the direct-sampling and simplistic drums in my book. I think this one could probably do with a bit more work on the percussion and the structuring before it's acceptable. The meat of the mix is thick, but nothing stands out as a re-arrangement of the source so to speak. I can hear the source in there, but it's like you're just paying it lip service by following the chord patterns rather than actually making the song a remix of the source. It's nice, and it'd probably be great with some more care and attention. Like a turtle. NO
  10. You'll probably get more feedback on Douli's forum. This thread doesn't get frequented much anymore.
  11. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. "Don't spit on my cupcake and tell me it's frosting" "What did she say about cupcakes??"
  12. I'd like to publically welcome Pixie and BGC to the panel. They both had solid testbatches and will hopefully be members of the panel for a long time to come.
  13. have someone doing an official layout for the project, however if anyone else wants to do up some layouts it never hurts to have more than one in there, since not everyone will be pleased by a single style. We had three for DSoP.
  14. Would you like to know more? Also, good to see OCR still getting recognition.
  15. Maybe I should've let Larry N.O. this. I never thought it'd get a yes.
  16. While this one is very close to the source. I'd say there's enough reinterpretation here that it deserves a proper 3 votes. The piece is obviously structured the same as the source, however the melody has been embellished to a different level. I'd go as far as calling this a cover with additive and artistic reinterpretations of the instruments used in the source. It's not enough to pass as an OCReMix, but it's clear to me that the artist hasn't simply ripped this from a MIDI, replaced the instruments and hit encode. He's taken the time to rewrite parts of the melody to give it a gentler spin as he said. It's a good start, and hopefully he can go further next time and restructure the piece to really give it a proper foundation as a remix. NO
  17. Gray was the major reason I was placed onto the panel. During the weeks before the first test batch was ready, he'd chat with me every day and get to know me. Even after Shna was selected to the panel, he still chatted with me often until eventually the place re-opened and he put in the good word for me. He was a great friend, I instigated a couple of arguments with him, but he was always very calm and polite, never flying off the handle. Even though I didn't agree with his P.O.V. some of the time, he made it very difficult not to respect his position. I'll miss the games we played online, the chats we had and I'll just generally miss the guy. If ever there was a person who deserved to have the very best opportunities in life, it's Gray. And I wish him the very best.
  18. Yes, I changed to The Orichalcon since "TO" was pulling up other artists on last.fm. I'll still release mixes under "TO" on sites other than OC ReMix.
  19. I just want to say that I'm dedicating this mix to Steve Irwin. From one Australian to another, we'll miss him and this is the best I can offer.
  20. Game: Pictionary Title: Person, Place or Groove? Source: http://www.zophar.net/nsf/pictionary.zip - Track 3 Bassline matches the groove and was the inspiration for the mix. Reminded me a lot of a Crash Bandicoot 3 track (from the Future maps) Piano controls the melody. It's not the most realistic sounding piano, but it's meant to be more of a platform-game piano that just sounds bright and happy, rather than realistic. Strings and Rhodes keep the key and fill the backing while the moogie synth and reverse-cymbals lead into each section alternatively. I went with a fade-out simply because it works. There's a background crowd ambience that was meant to generate the feel of being in a bar or pool room, just kicking back and enjoying a game of Pictionary with your mates. Edit: Fixed the encoding so it's not too high and touched up the bassline. Latest version is on the same link.
  21. I would put this one step above Battling Organs on the enjoyability scale. There's a lot of dissonance, but this one always resolves. The notes are played in a sloppy way that reminds me of a fat guy trying to dial on a payphone keypad. I'm sure Hemophiliac can come up with a few things wrong with that analogy. Nice work on the special edition, Mzd. I enjoyed this piece and it's a great track to kick things off for you here. YES
  22. Yes, definitely a cover. I can hear the additions you've done, and you've done a good job converting it to your chosen genre. But the arrangement is pretty much identical. You should know that OCR doesn't accept these kinds of remixes. We look for a little more in the re-arrangement department. I can understand not wanting to change something once you're happy with it, but nobody is forcing you to submit it to OCR either in a state that is obviously not going to be accepted. On a kind note though, I did enjoy what you did to it, even if it was a cover. NO
  23. I recognise those drums. This is put together creatively. Some of the samples are a little below what I would expect to sound good in a piece like this. As larry said they sound bread-and-butter. I'd expect them to be a step up on the enjoyability level to listen to. I'm prepared to go with zircon on this one. I think you can be a little more creative with your arrangement, to give the mix a fuller-sound. The sample choices I can live with if they're just more interesting to listen to. Give them a more unique arrangement rather than using that one same pattern over and over again. The production is great, it has an industrial-electro feel to it. The pads are great, and the drums sound fine and serve their purpose. Just put a little more effort in to push this one over the line. NO (Resubmit)
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