... two cartoons from the good ol' days.
The First one (an anime) was about 5 (I think) Samurai, (an orange one, green one and some other colors I cant remember) from present day Japan, each of them had different colored armor and the there was another that would become White when he had the power of the other 5.
A friend of mine told me that it was Ronan Warriors, but nothing to what I remember the show used to be like shows up in a Google search.
And the other cartoon is kinda hard to explain, but I'll try my best.
It was about the people that had special suits with sume kind of half tube sticking out ouf their chest, arms and legs. The chars I remember where a guy in a green suit, a guy in a red suit and a guy in an orange suit.
Well... so when there was trouble they would "fuse" with pieces of machines and become a human helicopter, motor bike and stuff of that sort.
Please bear with me, I know the description is horrible, but I couldnt think of anything better
I hope y'all can help me.