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Everything posted by L.T.W.

  1. Well, people that didnt owe a Gamecube, wont have a GameCube Controller unless, they buy one, but why would you if you're new to the game? In the N64 version the Character used to move and would look like an "in-game" version of the char. That being once you selected the char.
  2. Indeed a cool feature. Hopefully the final game will have the "save configuration on Wiimote, option"
  3. That looks like fun, and the captions are even funnier
  4. I know 21-f, but I cant remember the name of the song
  5. This is the stage, that I think, Atma is refering to: and I think this stage is from the same game as this one: imo.
  6. Yeah thats the one I tried to refer to. Thats the one that took me 4ever to beat. This is my fav boss though.
  7. Isn't the Boost guardian the same as Spider Guardian? At least the one I'm talking about is the Boost one (the one you dont have light crystals and you die little by little(in Torvus Bog)).. It took me for freaking ever to beat it. But the boss I enjoyed the most was the one you were in morph ball, that was lotsa fun (That boss was the only scan I missed :[ )
  8. I think that the "huge statue in the back" is from the same "castle thingy" stage, only inside the castle (if what your talking about means the big stone atlas kinda statue) ... Another idea I had was that you could get the Metroid Fusion suit by changing the color of Samus' suit, kinda like when you would get Daisy as a color of Peach. I think that would be really cool.
  9. My MICROSOFT mouse can zoom in too: BTW whats ur best in F1, mine is 30secs
  10. Why would I do that? That fun thing is to bounce like crazy
  11. chrono26 is right, The Spiderboss in MP2 was the hardest Metroid boss EVA!!! It took me weeks to bring him down, and thats after i gave up around a month before. Then the ING last boss was very hard too, but not as hard as the spider. Also, there was a secret boss in FFVIII that was so stupidly hard, no one is my neighborhood ever beat it. PS: I cant remove the freaking Bold.
  12. Indeed, A friend of mine (24y/o) fakes being sick, so he can miss work and do some raids on WoW, plays for hours on end (on his days off, that is all he does (around 12+hrs)), hes car broke down around 2+ years ago and hasnt repaired it back cuz of WoW, at work all he talks about is WoW, his entire life is centered around WoW. I can positively say that hes addicted.
  13. I find the underground the most enjoyable part of the stage. Because when your percentage is very high, you get touched and bounce around the walls, its hilarious
  14. HAPPY BDAY!!! WOOT! And remember that your starting your 3rd decade of existence
  15. I so totally agree w/ you. I enjoyed them so much more than battlefield. It adds fun to the game, not everyone plays it just for tournies. Actually I was thinking, that it would be really cool if there was a stage editor/creator in the game and you could share them worldwide through WiiConnect24.
  16. That site is so awesome! I love it!
  17. Indeed, and Its making me play MP again, using his theory to see how well it fits.
  18. So far from the IGN list of companies that are going to E3, the Nintendo is TBA and IGN says that the list is final and wont be updated anymore, so. (Blizzard is not on the list either :[ ) So I wonder if the big N will show new surprises about Brawl on the show. (Can I hope for more SC2 news :[? )
  19. I think that's what Shadowolf was saying, right? but when someone uses centi before a word means 1 hundreth of something, insted of that something 100 times, right? So in this case would be 1 hundreth of a cycle, imo
  20. Hey Guys, I got an answer from Nintendo and here it is: I wonder if the guys from Retro Studios would give a different answer.
  21. This sounds like its got great potential. I wish I could make music Ive always wanted to, but Im to freaking impatient, even though I got great ideas and love music
  22. LolI think he will just bite players, I dont think he'll actually eat them. right?
  23. Im just amazed, and I thank you. I'll keep in mind your theory when I play MP3C this August 20th Unless I get a letter from Nintendo with an official answer. (If theres one)
  24. Wow, I never thought someone would come up with such a theory, big kudos on that one. Now I just need to hear an answer from Nintendo. Anyone knows why RetroStudios.com is not working?
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