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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. Goofy? That looks graceful and elegant to me. It's to the point that it almost seems like the song was played in slow motion and then the video was sped up after.

    That sounds like a stupid rumor people make up about popular players. Freak? Come on. :\

    When I say freak, I meant as in freakishly amazing at Doubles.

  2. So does anyone know anything about what I said in the beginning of this thread? My friend at work usually is on top of everything game related, and he mentioned something about a promotional thing for Pearl/Diamond. He said if you go online today, you'll get a special pokemon. I guess it'd work similar to animal crossing. I haven't heard about this on any blog site or anything, so I guess it isn't true?

  3. If I could go to this, I'd SO be there in a heartbeat. I'm tired of people like Jack Thompson. People say to ignore him, but doing that won't make him go away. In fact, everyone should educate people on who he is. A lot of people, mainly adults, that have never played a video game in their life take in this crap. They're listening to someone who is portrayed as an "expert", so they're going to believe what he is saying.

    Jack Thompson says the military trains their soldiers with games such as Counter-Strike. Wtf? I thought soldiers trained with real guns.

    I like how he compares smoking to video games in this video. So if he ever gets violent video games banned, I guess cancer sticks will be banned as well.

  4. no... See when you go 2x you are doubling the space between the arrows making it easier to see. and in my case giving me more time to react.

    I do it for most songs as well, unless I am freestyling.

    Have you seen Max.(period)?

    Yes, I have seen Max.(period). Reading the end on 1x(600bpm) isn't that hard for me.

    Have you ever played the Oni Course named Trick? The last song is Max300 on .25 speed. So basically you're reading it at what a song at 75BPM on 1x looks like.

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