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Everything posted by Karth

  1. The statements above are mostly true, but you've got a nice thing going here and I'd like to see it come to fruition. Also, just a note about the title: There is only ONE "E" in "Judgment" EDIT: ...well, unless you're British. >_>
  2. ZOMG AMAZING You really need some better samples--so do most of us--but DAMN, man! This is quality stuff! I really think you SHOULD submit it. But I might add a pinch of the Fairy Flying theme, because the title reminded me of when Navi flew through the gate in the opening cutscene. And the two themes might actually blend well, who knows. Seriously though, the Mario and Metroid themes were worked in awesomely, and the groove was, well...groovy. Awesome stuff, hope to see more like it whether this is accepted or otherwise.
  3. First of all, LOVE the source material--anything by Dennis Martin is instant win. And your take on it is actually very good. I just think first of all you should put the melody on a stronger bellish pad thing. And there should be a defined bassline, and maybe a bridge at some point...and the drums could use some more variation. Maybe you could also incorporate another LoD theme into it--Prairie, Ancient Fable, or one of the town themes are decent choices. All in all, this is a good start. It just needs more personality, but I think you can do it. Don't give up on this, it's a great track and could be WORLDS better with some attention to detail.
  4. Lufia II is one of my favorite RPGs of all time, and I really don't think its incredible soundtrack has received enough coverage here. So I'm excited that you've decided to remix some Lufia II music--and I'm DOUBLY excited that one of the tracks you chose to remix was Pufifia! It's one of the most beautiful tracks in the game. All that being said: I understand this piece is far from finished, but you're going to need a clear idea of what to fix, because there are some problems you may not be aware of. First of all, the bassline wanders too much; it doesn't really establish what the background chord is very well, which makes the song's harmonization factor suffer. Second, the drums are lacking in variation--that part won't be hard to fix, I'm sure. What's killing me is the way you incorporated the Pufifia theme. It's incredibly far from the source song's original melodic build, first of all...and that sort of negates the nostalgic feelings I would normally have. I think you can take some liberties with it once you've established the original structure, but having makes its entrance in a severely altered state like you have right now is an iffy idea. Keep working on this, because I'd love to see more Lufia remixes on this site. And hey, if you're using a program compatible with Fruity Loops, I'd love to collaborate on this if you're up for it.
  5. I'm not familiar with the source material, but--Very relaxing! I would suggest bringing in the melody on something stronger as the song goes on, but this is very nice on the whole. I'd love to hear what the next section you mentioned has in store.
  6. Aaaaawww. Nerd love. They say it's the purest love there is. Smashing work. Very unique lyrics, quite funny, good vocal mastering, killer synth solo...and autobiographical, apparently. So yes, cool idea and well executed. Glad even the pros know when to clown around.
  7. From a drummming standpoint, I say you're golden. The arrangement is where the problem is. And when I say "the arrangment", I really mean the volume of everything except the drums. It's nigh imperceptible. The bassline needs WAY more power (so does the kick drum, although I understand that these things are difficult since I've struggled with them myself), and every melodic or harmonic things needs double volume if not more. What I COULD hear, I enjoyed. If I could hear all of it, I'd enjoy it a lot more.
  8. http://www.mediafire.com/?69gyr1yid0z I was recently introduced to the original Prince of Persia by a friend, and I immediately fell in love with it due to its difficulty and its music. So, I whipped this up this morning, and I decided I'd get some criticism for it. The drum line is made entirely from sound effects in the game. The melodic parts are arranged in a way slightly different from the original, and reinforced with an arpeggiated synth. Somehow it still manages to come out sounding Arabic. :S Anyways, all comments, critiques, and "OMG MY EARS" welcome.
  9. There were mistakes? >_> Seriously, excellent job on this. Reminded me of Yuki Kajiura's works from .hack//sign.
  10. DarkChocobo and I will once again be working together on a submission piece. So mark us down on the list of participants. I'm really digging this piece, Malcos. It lends itself to vocals even better than the piece they used in VOCR 1. Good luck, everybody! Can't wait to hear what you people can come up with.
  11. Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu. Terrible voiceovers, weird walking controls, chunky battle system. But I loved the music, the plot, and the monster merging feature.
  12. MY GOD. Koji Kondo...and Nobuo Uematsu...Together? In one song? This is quite possibly the best thing ever. 'Nuff said. Smashing work, Dhsu.
  13. esperz: I didn't even know that track 3 was pixie's. I didn't vote for it because of her celeb status, I really thought that was the best track. 9 was a close second, though.
  14. Voted. I think Track 3 is the clear winner, but we'll see what happens.
  15. VOCR FTW. Starting on lyrics now.
  16. Would you have any qualms if I had this performed at my school? I really, REALLY like it. Katamari's kinda big at PJP high--I know at least three people who would be very appreciative if the school band performed this.
  17. This is that game that's composed of a vague storyline, trippy cutscenes and about fifteen boss fights, right? SWEET! ...Um, yeah. So I'm not terribly familiar with the source material--point is, I like what I hear. Keep working on it. I'll see if I can dig up the source tune and give a more detailed review later, maybe once there's more to comment on. Still--really nice so far.
  18. I'm a baritone bordering on tenor. My vocal tone blends well with horns, strings, and the like. When singing falsetto, I can also pull off a very convincing soprano when necessary. Sadly, there is no vocal clip of this feat as of yet (though if you'd like one for any reason, I'd be happy to comply). But there is a recording of my masculine voice, and it's posted below for any who may be interested. http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?pid=803507&T=3218 So, yeah, if anybody needs an operatic male voice, I'm a willing option.
  19. IMO, anybody who likes original works better than arrangements should go somewhere else. This is OverClocked - an unofficial game music arrangement community. Which brings me back to the matter at hand: this song you've collaborated on is one of the most pleasant arrangements I've heard on OCR. An excellent job by you both, Reuben and Pixie. The linguistic switch mid-song surprised me, but I actually liked it, in contrast to some of your reviewers (not that I fault them for it). Your voice, Pixie, glides effortlessly across the entirety of the audible spectrum, regardless of the language in question. The sound you produce reminds me of Evanescence's Amy Lee in terms of general aesthetics, which is definitely a good thing. Simply splendid. As always, Reuben, to hear the cohesive effort of your polished digits and the similarly polished ivory keys of your piano is an emotionally uplifting experience. You have not produced any material to date which I did not find altogether masterly, artful, and enjoyable. My only nitpicks, minor though they may be, are as follows: first, the syncopation on the word "faded" seems slightly forced - a forgivable offense, considering that the lyrics were designed to work bilingually; second, the frequent changes in tempo occasionally make the vocals seem rushed, though Pixie does such a masterful job of following your lead that this is hardly an issue. Of course, I give due credit to Claado Shou, Compyfox, and EvilHead for their respective roles - each one of them crucial - in the production of this fine piece of euphonious literature. Taken as a whole, this piece is absolutely beautiful. I applaud the both of you for your combined efforts on this lovely and powerful submission.
  20. You've definitely pulled off a Greek vibe here. Nice work with the mandolin, by the way - you got it to sound authentic in several areas. I really liked the way you arranged the choir. It blended well with everything. And of course, the sections following the key change (one of which was near the end) sounded great. The male choir and the orchestral cymbals gave it that powerful, "movie score" feel for a while. My singular gripe is that the flutes sometimes lacked reverb, which might have sounded nicer. I almost forgot to compliment you on your very professional use of that bagpipe patch. It sounded absolutely SWEET. Excellent job on this song overall. Keep up the great work - I hope to see more of this caliber from you in the future.
  21. :sobbing: ...:sniff:....Oh, kLuTz.... :joyous wailing ensues: :floor drenched in tears: ...You've made me such a happy man. Ever so blissfully happy. You see, this is my favorite song from the game, and I have practiced my own version of it on the piano. So hearing this is like hearing a tribute to my life's works and efforts. I've always wanted to hear the song this way, kLuTz, ever since I first heard it. After hearing this, my body and mind have melded into one keenly observed air of flutteryness or some such. It's like you're living my dream. But I enjoy it, because I could never do it anywhere near this well. And because I can't submit ReMixes in the first place. kLuTz, you have given me new MEANING by submitting this. This is the greatest thing to ever touch my ears. I'm lost in a trance of bliss, and I don't want it to end. I AM *HIGH* on this song. Alright, now I'll try to get over my happiness of body and mind for just a few minutes to comment on your arrangement. This arrangment is so good, I think I'd like to have my ears arrange it all over again, or some such. You know what I mean. I love how well it follows the original tune while still being great. I'm not exactly sure how you pulled that off, because there were serious flaws in the original. But anyway, I enjoy particularly the extra notes and chords you threw in. They add so much without adding too much. Do you know what I mean? Coming form another perspective, the ending is great too. I very much enjoy how it goes so high and clean. It makes an incredibly fitting end to the song. My only problem is that it's so short, but I suppose this was incredibly hard to do, and it's no issue when the song is 'en loop. I suppose I'll just be positive. So, instead of thinking of it as "three minutes short" I'll think of it as "three minutes long". It works much better. Besides, the length is no real issue. To sum up all I've said, your arrangment, performance, and ability are unequaled except maybe by Beethoven himself. And since he is dead, that puts you in first place. You are the greatest piano-man alive, and I admire you so much for what you have done. kLuTz, you are my hero. With undying passion for music, art, and anything from kLuTz, esp. this, ~Ex-Mage, the oddly named music critique~
  22. I loved the flute, the techno-ish bass backround rocked, and the deep piano back there, this was great. I love how you mixed two styles of music; caribbean and techno. The finished product is one of the best musical styles I've ever heard. Ever. ...Ever. Seriously, it's that good. I'm gonna put this in my comp's drive, and listen to it OVER, and OVER, and OVER again. Great wukk, McVaffe.
  23. I finally snapped and joined the board. I love this site! But back on topic, I love this remix! DjPretzel has, in my opinion, done an excellent job on this remix. It's unique when compared to his other works. It sort of reminds me of this certain song from Rurouni Kenshin, in the beginning, right when the sax joins in as a main instrument. The surf-ish theme is pulled off well. You made a good choice when picking the remix to use, too. I've never thought of Buuki as the srufing type, but now that a picture it, it does look kind of hilarious. The jazzy deep bass guitar in the back compliments the theme well. The song is almost distorted in it's loudness, unless it's just this computer, but I kind of like it. It gives you the impression that someone was at a summer beach concert or something, and then recorded one of the songs and brought it home to shoi his friends. I really like that main guitar, and the organ in the beginning is so beach-esue. Kinda reminds me of the Beach Boys, a little... You done good, DjPretzel. I didn't like this quite as much as Pachelbel's Ganon, but that's okay, since it's a different style of music. Just because I don't favor it quite as well as another, it doesn't make it less good. You're my hero, Pretzel. now, I'm off to my keyboard, to work on that song, and try to turn it into some pitiful excuse for a remix! And while it may be pitiful, you have inspired me to do my best! (choir voice on keyboard) ::End Cheesy Jibberish:: ~Ex-Mage
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