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Posts posted by phill

  1. Totally forgot about this, sorry about that. Now, this all assumes that your ISP hasn't butchered the firmware or that my ISP hasn't moved these options around. First off you need to log into the modem, then under Internet>>Firewall>>Rules you add a new IP filter rule which is fairly straight forward. If not, pick a rule number that isn't in use, deny access on the outbound direction, any source interface, PS3 ip address = source address, source mask is whatever your network uses, then any destination address.

  2. nah, it's fine.

    i thought about using logmein or something similar, but i don't want to have to leave my (gaming and power-hungry) computer on all day if i can avoid it.

    might have to resort to that.

    Thought you had a laptop, if IRC is your goal, not like you need a powerhouse to set up a tunnel.

  3. considering I was on earlier today, I'd say fuck you very much, capa.

    Unless the IP changed in the last 5 hours I don't think that's the problem.

    I have the same problem if I copy and paste the IP that is on the first post, but if I type it in or copy from minecraft.minnazu.com it works.

  4. phill: I can change the direction of the map rendering, for some reason it defaults North as bottom/left... which makes no sense. I could just set north to top right and that should look alright.

    If everybody thinks thats the way it should be rendered I'll render maps that way instead

    Personally, I would like to see it flipped (north being top/right) just because I am picky, not really a big deal though.

  5. The Site

    Uh excuse the horrid placeholder design, I didn't know what to code in PHP and Gman will probably handle the pretty parts, so just some terrible plain html. Rusty web designing skills indeed

    But heres a shot of the world as of the 9th i beleive. Scroll around to see, or right click on the link to download even bigger version .

    Those inclined to donate can if they wish, though might want to wait until the server comes back up

    I hate how the maps always come out upside down (based on in game directions for north) Also, that is bloody huge, guess a lot of people have gone for walks.

  6. As for colors, it would be nice if Nocht still had the colored cloth.

    First off, according to yee ole wiki, "Colored cloth will cause Infdev and Alpha to crash as the blocks do not exist in the clients anymore.", so no coloured cloth for Damned. As for duping, if it could break the server, and we all know how fragile the minecraft server is, don't do it, not that fucking hard to understand. An admin handing out blocks shouldn't break the server so if the admin wants to do it, it's up to them.

    Personally, the only thing the admin should hand out is water for the canals, along with maybe ice and snow.

  7. i have 30 blocks of iron, and another 30 ingots i haven't crafted into blocks yet. that works out to what, 300 ingots? at least? that's enough for 800 mine tracks. i'm sure others have a lot as well.

    i think we'll have enough.

    I'm sitting on about the same after digging the canal to my place, planned to run mine tracks out to my place along the canal when carts worked.

  8. it'd be a $1.00-1.50 a month.

    that said, if the server's back up at some point, fantastic. i'm really just looking for a community option to be able to play.

    I'll have to think about it, final year of Uni and no job at the moment. In the mean time, if you could post all the relevant information, like who'd be hosting, would "anyone" get white-listed while those paying get admin benefits, etc.

  9. 18 Nov if I am not mistaken, though OCAD and the Immaculate Breasts are out of the running. So it is all you guys.

    The Halloween event was lame, and also people are gaga over name tags.

    Also, Gimme Yo Crates.

    The amount of none tradable stuff you have is ridiculous.

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