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Posts posted by phill

  1. Assuming I haven't missed it, I believe the world generator could use a little bit of work, i.e. giving more control over the variables used when "randomly" generating the world. Don't want any hills, 0% chance of a hill showing up, trees, fuck trees, sand, who doesn't love sand, nothing but sand etc.

  2. 1)Microsoft still gets the money 2)it's not like the average user would have a clue about such things as proven in this thread and 3)if nothing else it will push adoption rates. After giving it a little more thought, MS would proboly get more money since people who pirated WinXP/Vista in the past would be more likely to pay the upgrade fee to "cheat" the system.

  3. ....wat? I currently use that and...no you don't?

    Maybe it was the hundred or so I dealt with at work, but very few of the people that used them, including myself and a few other coworkers, thought they were good. Most became paperweights after 2 or 3 uses.

    I expect the teams to kick some ass, I don't want to hang my head in shame for supporting the last place team or anything like that.

  4. I just want a cheap headset with a microphone. I'd actually prefer it not to have earbuds at all. Those table top microphones tend to make me want to hunch over like Gollum.

    That's my thought on the table top ones as well, if I could find a headset that is just the mic, I would be set. I've also had the pleasure of using the logitech tabletop that brush linked to and you pretty much have to deep throat the thing for anyone to hear you.

  5. I would like to take this oppurtunity to remind everyone that if you don't have a headset, I would really like everyone on my team to have a mic, so information can be passed from teammate to teammate on the battlefield. It doesn't have to be a great one, just have one please.

    Not that I am part of any of the teams, but would you or anyone else have a suggestion for a decent mic? I don't really need a full headset since I have beautiful speakers I use to annoy my neighbors, so I am really just looking for a mic.

  6. It's probably in this clip, which is a compilation of Statler & Waldorf's end of show clips.

    Edit: Nope, it wasn't, but there are a lot of good ones there.

    has some good quips, too.

    Went through a couple of the big compilations and didn't find, mildly disappointed in that fact. Made up by the fact I was watching Statler and Waldorf clips.

    It's also nice to see Valve hiring programmers capable of...well programming game mechanics.

  7. Um, not sure Brad's right on this one (or, more likely, he probably misread what you said). I can't see Microsoft being ok with selling upgrade versions to people who have no previous version of Windows. That version need not be installed, but that probably doesn't mean you still don't need an older version if you want an upgrade. I have an upgrade version of Win XP and while I can format and install fresh from that CD, it makes me put my Win98 CD in the drive so it can confirm that it's a legitimate upgrade (well, at least, that I have the Win98 media, which could probably be a burned copy).

    He's right, you don't need a previous version of windows installed or a disc for a previous version when installing from the Win7 upgrade disc, even though the license requires it. All you need to do is a custom install and format everything then upgrade that custom install. If you don't do the upgrade after the first install, it will bitch about not having a previous version to upgrade, it's what I did even though I have a full copy of WinXP.

  8. If all you want to do is wipe your drive, there is no need to purchase, pirate or download a demo copy of Win7. Any boot disk that allows you to format will work and if you want something a little more indepth, there are "lower" level format programs out there.

  9. The Eyelander game was pretty fun :3 I had 90+ heads until I got bottled ;_;

    Kagami demo here.

    90+ heads gone in a second, I was surprised I didn't here you cry.

    but yeah, the games were fun, I connected in the middle of a taunt only match, and played through the eyelander and heavy+low gravity matches, and was thoroughly entertained.

  10. If you can really move built sentry guns, that would be crazy.

    One of the servers I visit from time to time allows this (plug-in or something) and it really does change the way the game is played. On top of that, the map (only one map on the server) doesn't prevent you from building in the spawn, so you can build a level 3 in front of the supply cabinet, pick it up and run into battle with it.

  11. False. I vaguely remember that they announced they were working on the Linux client around the same time they announced the Mac one, too. I'm searching around online, and Phoronix has some pretty good evidence that it's on the way.

    I've read that article and the follow-up from May 12 saying it is official that there is a Linux client coming, even though Valve has made no such announcement. The source for the phoronix article is a telegraph article about the mac client with a single sentence about the Linux client, a single un-sourced sentence. It wouldn't be the first time a news site and a blog got themselves into a circle jerk, so I wouldn't get your hopes up to high. Also, this isn't the first time Linux references have been found in a valve product only to result in nothing. It was a year ago people found assorted libraries for Linux included with the Left 4 Dead demo, and Valve has looked for programmers that specialized in Linux several times since 2007.

    All that being said, I do expect to see a Linux client, not anytime soon mind you. Being a small market, and a rather difficult market for a business to develop for, it may take time to create something and it may not be what people want. Now, before someone jumps on me for the 'difficult' comment, consider this for a moment. Valve has to select distributions that are currently popular and will remain popular, so not to waste their time.

    Edit: and I can't find a source for my earlier statement, although I am pretty sure they made it (or a similar one) I have no proof so it's useless. Even if I could find proof, it is a valve statement after all and should be taken with a grain of salt.

  12. Oh, okay, I thought it was directed at me. Aaanyways... so, any predictions on when the Engineer update will come out? Or Steam for Linux, for that matter?

    According to Valve, there will be no Steam client for Linux any time soon. When someone found the Linux references in the client code...or some code, Valve came along a couple days later saying they were not actively working on a Linux client. Granted, that does mean it could be out before Episode 3, but still, don't expect to much.

    As for the Eng update, I have the feeling it will be out before the end of E3.

  13. I assume you have already gone through the driver update process? and you don't have any programs that would load a unique video profile when a game starts? The NVidia control panel can be set up so that it does this.

    Some other things to try:

    1. Load the game and select Options

    2. Select the Video tab

    3. From the Display Mode dropdown select the Widescreen option

    4. Select an appropriate resolution from the Resolution dropdown

    5. Click Apply to use your new settings


    1. Open Steam

    2. Go to the "My Games" tab

    3. Right-click the game which needs to be reconfigured

    4. Select "Properties" from the menu

    5. Click the "Set launch options..." button

    6. Add -autoconfig at the end of the line, be sure to include a space before the " - " and anything before it.

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