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Posts posted by phill

  1. Oooh, nice. My fortress town looked pretty cool for as far as I got. Shame you can't see my underwater base in either of the screenshots...

    I tried to make one that ignored water but it didn't work to well, could see a couple of the underwater projects a little better but not enough that it was worth hosting.

    Now, I would like to once again request a semi regular map be made, or a semi regular posting of the map files so someone else can do it.

  2. I think notch just screwed things up again, minecraft.net is down as well.

    FUUUUU, no tnt party for me, after getting the boot from the server I log in and the new client downloads and I can't log into the server due to version conflict.

  3. At this point, I'm honestly wondering whether or not we're going to get the Halloween-themed Artpass Contest map in time for, well, Halloween.

    For that matter, isn't it about time our paper bag masks started working again as well? :???:

    Did Valve ever say which Halloween?

  4. I am well aware of that quote.

    If I am unfinished before such a thing happens, I will have only myself to blame.

    Slash has said he will backup the save file before the evening events, and even if the new version breaks it, you can always get an old version online (torrents and such) so you will be able to go back and finish or look at what was done.

  5. Yes, sorry, could not see them and they still blew up. The more bugs I run into (SP and MP) the more I think notch is in desperate need of a group of programmers that know what the hell they are doing, it's like he has coded core game logic twice, once for SP and once for MP and they aren't the same.

  6. I get the feeling that even if multiplayer health is fixed in the update, mp monsters will be bugged as fuck. For example, I can set my clients difficulty to peaceful, I don't see monsters on the server while others do. Doesn't mean they aren't there, I've had a few creepers blow up even though I couldn't see them.

  7. emot-words.gif

    As much as that would help, I would also like to see someone with direct access to the map file *cough* put it through one of the mappers on a semi regular basis so we have an idea of whats where.

    On something unrelated, here is what I will be loosing with the re-roll.

    mine half a boat at night

    mine half a boat from up top

    mine half a boat that needs to be done

    and those smoke stack looking things aren't actually smoke stacks, there would have been one on the front half of the boat, those are essentially observation decks, just look a little weird because of how I scaled the boat.

  8. Is this your first time playing? (I can't remember if you've been on the server before.) If so, it's probably that your view distance is set to Far. Set it to Normal or below; the client can't handle the Far view distance on multiplayer right now.

    Says you, far view works just fine for me as long as the spawn isn't within the draw bubble.

  9. In Beyond Good and Evil, you have to fight three robots in the Sluaghter House so that you can get a key for your partner so that you can continue the game. On occasion the last robot will drop the key in the ceiling where it spawns, impossible to get. Problem was never patched officially but a couple of save games (or savegame hacks) came out that gave you the key.

  10. Just a heads up, it appears there may be some issues with the update and old saves. There's a lot of mixed information out there right now, but be prepared for the possibility.

    Well, fuck....though, with a little work I am sure one could convert the old save file to the new save file and save a huge amount of work.

    edit: Is there a date for said update?

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