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Posts posted by ocre

  1. The latest Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem: Awakening will be hitting North America on February 4th, with a demo hitting the 3DS eShop on January 17th. Joystiq has a breakdown of features, which include a plethora of DLC maps/scenarios/fan favorite characters from previous games, StreetPass & SpotPass functionality and the ability to play as a customized character. Gonna be a great game!

  2. I'm very interested in seeing more Pokemon that evolve via BRANCH evolution, such as Poliwrath/Politoed, Slowbro/Slowking, Vileplume/Bellossom, the Hitmons, Glalie/Froslass, Gardevoir/Gallade, Gorebyss/Huntail. Imagine an alternate Weepinbell evo, or an alternate Shroomish evo. Actually, they haven't done that before have they? A branch evolved form getting an evolution. (Edit: Oh, Wurmple)

    Anyway, let's say Shroomish (the grass type) was the 'Baby' of the chain. He evolves into Breloom (grass/fighting) or an alternate form (lets say grass/dark) and then one further evo for each mid level evo. That could be cool. Only problem with giving new evos to old monsters is that they have to keep inventing Incenses, radioactive boulders and new rules to evolve them; surely a pain the neck.

    I want a Qwilfish evo. :< and more eeveelutions -so far I've liked all the ones they've come up with. I have faith they can deliver good Ghost(!), Ground(!), Flying, Steel, Poison(!), Bug, Rock, Fighting(!) and Dragon ones too. And I certainly hope they don't decide to do Dragon and then stop because of te old Type classification system. If I had to pick two I'd want for Gen 6 I'd have to go with Ghost and Ground. What about y'all?

  3. As long as I can switch PC boxes with L and R, I'm good. X for Menu would be nice as well. Never used L=A.

    Anyway, I wonder how many new pokemon will be introduced. :o I'm wondering if maybe keeping it secret was a big part of why they are doing a Worldwide release. Maybe they want everyone to discover everything at the same time instead of letting info trickle out over the next few months. (I hope so. I would be fine not seeing any more info in online scans of Coro Coro.)

    Also think about the fact that Pokemon dont even necessarily have to be programmed into the game card at release. There are going to be unknown legendary (or even non legends) Pokemon they can introduce through Spotpass promotions. Maybe they can't confirm a number of new ones yet because they don't even know what ones they will include. Interesting stuff.

    As for features I want in the game, they need to bring back either secret bases as in Gen III, or more preferably the ability to organize and decorate your own room in your hometown like in Gen II/Stadium 2. It would be cool if you could buy accessories for your character or furniture in the Department Store that you can use to decorate your room. And even cooler would be if they updated the catalogues periodically through Spotpass. And I want to be able to grow berries in my game, instead of having to log into some website like Pokemon Dream World.

    What features do you guys want in the game? Can you come up with a viable use for Street Pass? I remember thinking I'd like the C Gear survey answers as an option back in BW.

  4. Huge announcement coming tomorrow morning via a Worldwide(!) 10 minute Nintendo Direct dedicated to Pokemon.

    What will be announced is the big question. GenVI? R/S remakes? (Pleasepleaseplease.) 3DS? Wii U related? Nah. Spinoff game? Doubtful.

    Junichi Masuda just posted an unusually giddy blog post stating his excitement for this announcement to 'finally' be made and asking fans to tell as many people as possible.

    Something big is about to happen. How will Pokemon evolve in 2013?

  5. Q2, huh? Got that Animal Crossing release date ready, Nintendo?

    But seriously, all that tech sounds nice, at least(shame about that design. Looks like something straight out of 2003. Ouch.) but you have to wonder what NVIDIA is thinking entering the handheld market when not even Sony (a household name even in handhelds) could float their latest handheld system in this upturned climate. And how low can they get the price for this thing? Okay, it supports Steam; aren't Valve themselves bringing out a console this year? And aren't Steam enthusiasts kind of wondering why they need a Valve (or any) console when they have their nice PC rig all set up?

    I'm kinda skeptical this will make any kind of splash.

  6. One of the coolest things about the Wii U browser is that you can open up some music or a podcast or something (on Youtube for instance), send it off the GamePad screen and keep browsing other sites in another tab. Makes a great little radio.

  7. Anyone else excited for Fire Emblem Awakening? It releases a month from now on February 4th here in North America.

    After being admittedly disappointed in the previous release, a meager remake of the first FE game, Shadow Dragon, I'm pretty excited about playing a new full featured Fire Emblem after all these years. The create-a-character thing seems very interesting, especially how your character figures into the story. New Fire Emblem! :D

  8. I am playing Harvest Moon A New Beginning. I heard this game had a slow start and I'm definitely feeling that. I'm willing to give it a chance since the tutorial stuff isn't given to you in an overwhelming way, but slowly over the first season. They start you off with a huge house and a full kitchen and a humongous rucksack, so HM veterans can hit the ground running. Lots of areas are blocked off and there aren't many villagers around at first, so that might frustrate or bore some. At least you get a free cow!

  9. As far as I know the Wii U version contains an exclusive level as well as the expansion pack levels. Don't know too much about it though, so I can say if its worth the extra bucks. At the very least off-tv GamePad play is a perk of that version.

    Edit: (From NeoGAF: "Well it does include the Goblin Menace expansion which retails for $8 on Steam (and isn't available at all on 360 and PS3), as well as a Wii U exclusive level.

    And better graphics and controls.")

    And at 10 bucks, I can now fully recommend Little Inferno.

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