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Everything posted by ocre

  1. That's right. There's a gallery you can access on both PC and on the 3DS. Only thing about it is the 3DS one is kind of limited. You can only browse a page or two of the most recently submitted art (as opposed to thousands on the website) and there's no search function. But you can view the art that has gotten the most Favorites for the Week and for All Time.
  2. Me me me so excited. Me so excited! The starting to- er... city looks great!
  3. Happy birthday to two of the manliest men in the community!
  4. Wanted to share a little somethin' somethin' I whipped up in Colors 3D on my 3DS tonight. Hope ya like it.
  5. Gonna be off the hizzy! One last Pokemon hurrah for the main series on the DS! I actually read on a forum today that someone was upset about Pokemon BW2 and that they'd rather get 'Grey'(i.e. a mere upgrade to the original BW games) . Get the hell out of here, am i right?
  6. I definitely agree that the male protag looks horrible. Looks like they took the BW male and gave him one of those novelty hair hats. What the crap. Oh well, everything else looks fine. I wonder what's become of Professor Juniper and the previous protags. Will we fight them a la Red in G/S? I hope the translation localization is stepped up from the wooden/conservative BW translation. Can't wait.
  7. What did Giratina do to deserve such a thing? Arceus have mercy. Pokemon Cancelled? Really? *EYEROLL!* Your post should've been cancelled, BRAN. Hmm. So how do you get new Pokemon in this game? Do you start off with Eevee and capture more or what? I don't have the energy to look for an answer.
  8. So I got Colors 3D from the eShop today. Pretty dang awesome. I made my first 3D painting as well. You can see it here (You can hit 'replay' to watch my drawing process!) Feel free to bookmark my gallery too. We plan to introduce many new innovations in the coming weeks. I love that you can browse the gallery of user-uploaded paintings and also comment right from your 3DS or from a PC. :3 Everyone who likes painting, get it.
  9. For reals. Here I thought they were cutting out games out of an 'Action 52' HD remake.
  10. Hooray! I've always loved Final Fantasy Tactics so I'm curious to see if this will offer a similar experience! I'll prob pick this up. Kudos to NoA for throwing us a frickin' bone. @Gollgagh: Good news, I saw a screenshot in English and they retain their Japanese names!
  11. I rike it! Thanks :3 The sounds sound kind of videogamey(sort of Genesis-ish) and the vocals sound a little Beatles-y or maybe a little Four Seasons-y (December 1963). Thanks for sharin!

  12. Was very happy to see that you worked your magic on my two favorite DKR tracks: The Lobby and Darkmoon Caverns. I listened to those first, and I enjoyed what I heard! Especially liked the pitch bendy Lobby. Proceeding to listen to the rest now. Just got through 'em. Magic!
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. I joined in on GameBird's last match. Had fun blasting you with my bubble shots. ;3
  15. So you're telling me that if it's 2013 or 2014 that we get 50,000 Likes that the album won't come out because it'll be after 2012, even though we got the Likes before 3012?! OUTRAAAAAGE!!!!!
  16. :) Life is purdy good. And yours?
  17. That would be the Mystical Record enemy from Earthbound.

  18. I'm very happy this has been confirmed. I'd much rather revisit a gloriously remade Hoenn in a proper 3DS remake of R/S than explore a tacked on afterthought on the DS.
  19. No, I actually played Symphonia and Phantasia first. Abyss was my third Tales game. :)

  20. I think he might've meant that he would rather replay Hoenn in the eventual 3DS remakes of Ruby/Sapphire and not on the DS. I could be wrong though. (I want to replay Hoenn on 3DS.)
  21. Yay! Thanks :3 Jade is awesome.

  22. After 2 chapters (one of which I've tackled at 9.0 intensity; fun times) and a handful of online battles(I was wrecking with the Somewhat Staff), I'm very pleased with the game. Thankfully, my worries about the volume of the voice recording has been laid to rest! Everything sounds perfect. I love the fourth-wall-irreverent dialogue. I will concede that the controls are a bit of a chore to get comfortable with, but with every other aspect of the game poised and polished and gleaming with charm, it's not a dealbreaker. Definitely a welcome edition to the growing list of high quality 3DS retail games. I love this system.
  23. BestBuy is apparently selling it for 30 bucks. :3 I'm gettin' it. Hooray!
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