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Everything posted by ocre

  1. It should be reminded that GTA V cost ~$260 million to make and was released across two platforms (combined install base of around 160 million people), while Pokémon XY released on a single platform (~35 million install base).
  2. The Kirby games so you could eat everything.
  3. Can't believe none of you dregs have mentioned Costume Quest.
  4. There's another option for posting your pictures, 3DS ImageShare (there's also one that works for Wii U since the recently released update.) Access https://i.nintendo.net from the 3DS browser and share a photo from your sd card. I think it compresses the image, but it may have just been twitter when I tried it last.
  5. May want to avoid IRC too. You know how often people discuss Pokémon in there.
  6. Happy birthday!!

  7. Good games (except for FFIII which is merely 'okay'). Not a bad start.
  8. It means you're secretly a girl (like me).
  9. Are you trying to tell us that your donger is raised?
  10. That EB and its employees are probably involved in some kind of drug activity.
  11. Screw you, I've been excited since this was enunciated.
  12. Apparently the system sold around 4,000 units in August, if you care. Compared to 2,000 NVIDIA Shield systems.
  13. Here, Brendan. http://m.ign.com/articles/2013/09/10/the-top-25-nintendo-3ds-games
  14. That's Ishihara, the President of The Pokemon Company. Anyway, confirmed differences between X & Y so far include version exclusive Pokemon (Clauncher- a cool shrimp thing, puffball fairy thing and Xerneas for Pokemon X, and Skrelp - a cool dark seahorse, a cute fairy bird thing, and Yvetal for Pokemon Y. There are sure to be other dfferences, such as exclusive locations like in the gen V games, Black & White.
  15. That's nice for you guys, who could just turn your 3D slider down (or own a 2DS). It's not an 'option' if they shut the 3D off. But whatever, I'm in the minority on this.
  16. You know what's a REAL WTF?! Only battles and 'certain events' will support 3D effect, according to Serebii.net's webmaster Joe Merrick. He says the Offiial JP site confirms that the overworld doesn't use 3D. . . Why haven't Nintendo made this clear? Pretty slimy. What other first party 3DS games have content where 3D isn't at least an option? I feel that we've been conditioned to expect it as an option for full games (first party at least) and mislead to believe Pokemon XY will be fully 3D optional. Supposedly they opted to nix 3D effect for the overworld due to framerate or something. Still, they should've made it CLEAR that the game didn't fully feature 3D.
  17. Pretty cool that we get to choose a Kanto starter from Professor Sycamore. Only thing is, I'm getting Chespin and I like Bulbasaur but I don't want to have 2 grass starters on my team... Guess I should just box up Bulby then.
  18. Dat Mighty No. 3D printed sculpture.
  19. Wow. But yeah, Skyrim on Wii U would've been awesome, if Bethesda were capable of doing it right. I would've liked to have seen an Oblivion GOTY type thing happen. But alas. As for writing off Wii U, EA did the same thing with Mass Effect 3. Sure, it was going to come to Wii U, but then they announce that the Mass Effect Trilogy would come to PS3 and Xbox 360. And Mass Effect 3 wasn't even full featured. It was a gimp version. They couldn't have expected it to sell well when they sabotaged it like that.
  20. The exact same guy, Pete Hines. He never mentions anything about Nintendo not coming to Bethesda for input. He talks generally about new systems being hard to develop for because they are constantly changing and, funnily enough, acknowledges that install bases starts back at 0 for new consoles. (At this point the Wii U was about 2 months from being launched.) But yeah, I say this kind of thing is an issue for many developers because they want to limit the number of platforms they have to put effort into. Again, Bethesda delivered a broken PS3 version of Skyrim.
  21. Bethesda has never made any attempt to make anything worthwhile on a Nintendo console yet they keep getting asked about Nintendo every month for some reason. When the Wii U was brand new they wanted to take a "wait and see" approach, now they say they weren't there from the beginning. Their input is totally irrelevant. Also, interesting that you are calling G-Mixer out for being 'inflammatory' when you find a way to put down the Wii U every time you post. Also: I would've liked to play Skyrim or the next Elder Scrolls game on Wii U but Bethesda couldn't even port the 360-lead version of Skyrim onto the PS3 right. They're doing themselves a favor limiting the number of platforms they choose to work on. On Rayman Legends, many sites are saying the Wii U version is the way to go since it both sports the most content (includes several touch screen levels that the Vita doesn't) and the Murfy touch screen stuff that was designed to work with the GamePad doesn't feel as intuitive on the other versions of the game. And another thing, the Wii U version of the game sold better than any other version of the game during it's first week on sale in the UK (45% on Wii U).
  22. I love how that conveniently meshes with the 8 'bosses' thing too. Interestingly enough, the game would've only included 6 bosses like the original Mega Man if it had only reached the main goal. The remaining two bosses were the first Stretch Goal (that was reached earlier today.) Glad we don't have to wait til 'Mighty No. 9 Powered Up' to see them. also: I feel you on your opinion of the composer. Mega Man & Mega Man 10 don't come close to being my favorite MM soundtracks (though they have their moments).
  23. Mighty No. 9 completely funded. In less than 24hrs. Now time for the $2,500,000 Wii U- er console stretch goal.
  24. Don't forget to get your Afternoon Tea Seat (last day is the 7th) by asking the Post Office attendant for a gift while connected to a Nintendo Zone hotspot (or changing your router's name to 'Bestbuy'.) It is NOT orderable from the catalogue.
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