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Posts posted by KWarp

  1. Wut? How big is the XBL userbase? Then again it is paid. I'd actually prefer a service like theirs to what it has now :?

    They broke 2 million back in 2005. The DS userbase is growing at more than 3x the rate of Xbox Live (2 million in ~32 months vs 2 million in 9 months), so I think they'll surpass XL before the end of the year. :P

  2. Google desktop archives all my aim convos. Here's what I've been up to lately:

    August 9th to present for Bean

    KWarp11: cool you're on

    KWarp11: have you checked your email lately?

    KWarp11: Bean?

    Binjovist: Huh?

    Binjovist: Email?

    Binjovist: Um...

    Binjovist: No.

    KWarp11: >.>

    Binjovist: That's bad, right?


    me: found you! :-P

    Binjovist: EEP!

    Binjovist: *Runs away*

    Binjovist: =P

    me: *grabs shirt collar*

    me: you are a week late sir

    Binjovist: *chokes*

    Binjovist: Oh, I know.

    me: when can you get them done?

    Binjovist: They're getting close...


    me: coloring is fun

    Binjovist: Indeed.

    Binjovist: But not by numbers.

    Binjovist: 'Cause then it's like someone's tellin' ya what to do.

    Binjovist: Can't be creative that way.


    me: *poke*

    Binjovist: Gack.

    Binjovist: Heheh. This weekend. I swear.

    me: ;[

    Binjovist: I'm trying to get a FAC entry done tonight so I'll have all weekend to dedicate to Milkyway Wishes stuffs.

    me: FAC?

    Binjovist: Fan Art Competition.

    me: ahh

    Binjovist: It's held every month on OCR.

    Binjovist: Ermm... in the Gen Disc forums.

    Binjovist: This month's theme is Zelda!


    KWarp11: art art art

    Binjovist: Yeah.

    Binjovist: Not yet.

    Binjovist: I had a flat this morning and had to take care of it.

    Binjovist: Among other things.

    Binjovist: And I'm goin' over to my grandparents a little later to help move something.

    KWarp11: -_o

    Binjovist: Once there, it's difficult to leave.

    KWarp11: well at least you're not being lazy....

    Binjovist: So, like last night, I'll be up till 7 in the morning.

    Binjovist: Yeah.

    Binjovist: That Darunia got finished.

    Binjovist: I'm relieved.


    KWarp11: Ivyna wins on so many levels

    KWarp11: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/38801995/

    Binjovist: Hahahaha!

    KWarp11: I need to find a way to sig that

    KWarp11: need a kirby Kyon first methinks

    Binjovist: Oh, Beam's done by the way.

    KWarp11: cool

    Binjovist: I decided to just go with what I had.

    Binjovist: The one you sent that I traced.

    Binjovist: I'll probably end up doing the same with Plasma, though I could probably come up with something really cool-looking.

    KWarp11: fair enough


    me: art ;[

    Binjovist: No art.

    me: *sad*

    Binjovist: I'm sorry. I've decided to give them all to you at once though.

    me: Ooo

    Binjovist: What was the size requirements again?

    me: 300x400 or bigger

    Binjovist: Okay, I resized them wrong then. =P

    me: -_-;


    August 5th to present for Neoftorte

    me: How's Marx coming?

    Javi 6363: haven't colored them and only drawn half of them

    me: nice you're making progress =D

    Javi 6363: lol

    me: do you think you can get them all drawn by tomorrow?

    Javi 6363: drawn out yea probably


    Javi 6363: Hey, I don't have the current pics scanned but they are the same as the pics I showed before, just with Marx looking more correct

    me: ah ok

    Javi 6363: I'll show you those again so you can see,

    Javi 6363: (link) I redrew the button part of this

    Javi 6363: (link)

    the top part of this one

    Javi 6363: (link)

    me: impressive

    Javi 6363: (link)

    Javi 6363: (link)


    KWarp11: hey neo

    Javi 6363: hey

    KWarp11: I've been so busy today I just got on my computer ;_;

    Javi 6363: i got to my PC 2 hours ago heh

    KWarp11: nice

    Javi 6363: i actually was heading to bed right now

    Javi 6363: tomorrow is 8am class...so tired ><

    KWarp11: heheh, good luck

    Javi 6363: see ya

    KWarp11: later

    KWarp11: (work on marx rawr)


    KWarp11: Hey neo, can you get Marx finished by tommorow?

    Javi 6363: sorry but not possible

    KWarp11: big project looming?

    Javi 6363: I've had little time to work on it

    Javi 6363: yea 3 midterms next week are due

    KWarp11: beginnng or end?

    KWarp11: *of the week

    Javi 6363: all week

    KWarp11: crap


    KWarp11: How are midterms working out?

    Javi 6363: not as good as I expected but I'm getting thru

    KWarp11: allright, being not dead is good :-P

    Javi 6363: kinda wishing i was :P

    KWarp11: no no shame! you will do game work and like it!

    Javi 6363: lol


    me: how did midterms go?

    Javi 6363: not bad I guess

    me: will you be able to get marx done by tomorrow?

    Javi 6363: all of it no, but I can have something done tomorrow

    me: cool


    KWarp11: I like coloring things =3

    KWarp11: how has coloring Marx gone?

    Javi 6363: coloring is fun

    Javi 6363: not as much as I had hoped

    Javi 6363: i'd probably would have had 1 or 2 done by now if I wasn't with my dad all day (his birthday heh)

    KWarp11: nice

    KWarp11: I have a flying toy

    KWarp11: it's like a spinny wheel thingy with a fan on the bottom

    Javi 6363: cool

    KWarp11: it amuses me greatly

    Javi 6363: nice

    KWarp11: only 10 minutes of battery though =(

    Javi 6363: :(


    me: so what are you studing in class now that mideterms are over?

    Javi 6363: studing?

    Javi 6363: oh

    Javi 6363: no

    Javi 6363: my midterms were project turn in

    Javi 6363: and still working on these projects

    Javi 6363: making models

    Javi 6363: fixing things my teacher hated with the midterm ones

    Javi 6363: animations

    Javi 6363: more modeling

    me: it never ends o_O

    Javi 6363: i wish it did timmy....I wish it did....

    me: movie quote? :-P

    Javi 6363: i dunno

    Javi 6363: i call everyone timmy :P

    me: heheh

    me: well I'm off to cross country practice, work on Marx ya'hear?


    KWarp11: marx marx marx

    Javi 6363: i kniw i know i know

    I not going to have time to babysit you guys when school starts next week. I have not done any work on the storybook code in the past 2 months because I'm too busy chasing after you guys.

    I still have not seen Carefree Captain. We don't have artists working on Inside Nova or Time to Learn (both VERY important), and those artists who are working are doing so at a snail's pace. My patience is wearing thin.:?

    Anyone watching this thread, please be a help and find me some fresh art talent. I need artists who can draw technology environments, fantasy-nature environents, and/or cute crayony stuff like what Bean draws.

  3. So why is Canvas Course still $34.99? Wasn't that a launch title? I'd like to pick it up along with Meteos, but not for that much.

    Nope, Canvas Curse came out in June of 05, and you know how Nintendo doesn't mark down their games for a looong time. :wink:

  4. Well the idea is the book is teaching the player how to use it. The art should show Kirby learning how to use the storybook. :P Hence there should be the following pictures:

    Kirby discovering the book

    Kirby trying to open/figure out the book

    Kirby happily celebrating his understanding of the book

    Something like that anyway. I highly encourage any artist interested in drawing Time to Learn to take a crack at it. It's very important that these pictures are done well.

  5. Glad to see you're still up for stuff. :)

    Aside from the covers and Time to Learn art, everything seems taken. I was hoping for one of our strongest artists to take on Time to Learn, but everyone seems kinda burnt out and Neo's working really hard on finishing Marx. If you can get started on that, that would be great. Follow the art sketches in the book for guidelines. Email me if you have any questions.


  6. I've bought more DS games now than in my entire N64's lifecycle. This thing's amazing I tell you. Didn't the DS also hit 21 mil worldwide recently? 10 mil in Japan, 5 mil in US, 5 mil in Europe, 1 mil other methinks.

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