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Posts posted by KWarp

  1. 'friad not, what we really need is a near-professional writer that's incrediably familiar with the Milky Way Wishes storyline.

    The project shall be completed no later than August 32, 2025.

    And now, I present to you all: my Fatty Whale pic. :D


    That is beyond awesome.


    Just to let you know guys, this is the last weekend I'm spending at home this year before I head to Australia. Depending on the circumstances, I may be able to continue working there, but just in case, I'm working like crazy right now, so expect an update real soon.

    (crap I have a lot of testing to do -_-)

  2. Well, as a cellist, we could definitely use you on the last track...maybe. The last track will either be awesome or terrible. heh, but I like to think, piano, violin, guitar, cello, saxophone, and electronic ambience can all get together and make sweet love... :)

    Heh, you're the boss. :roll:

    Also, seems that as of last week my playing ability has improved quite a bit (thanks vibrato! :)). If I'm determined/nagged enough I should be able to record something more current this weekend... I'll do the classic Tetris theme methinks..

  3. crap Arek... :(

    I haven't given this project the proper attention it deserves and I really must apologize. Good news, I have the day to myself, so I want to finish all of my sketches by the end of the night. Sorry for being an ass.

    BTW, do you need those covers for each planet?

    Looks like you have a chance to redeem yourself. Work on any (or all) of the now "unclaimed" art and show me what you can do. :)

  4. www.hammys2cool4u.org/$.msh

    And there we are! I only had one picture to test it on, so it'll probably look a little off with any other, but well just have to see. It would probably work best if the size of the canvas you use is 300 x 400, and the image to be paperized is 292 x 366, is 2 pixels from the bottom, and is right up against the left before liquifying it. To use the mesh, put it somewhere you'll find it, and in the liquify window, load it.

    There will likely be problems, I warn. I'll try to fix them if they come up, though. : )

    Man, making the top so different from the bottom really makes it a challenge!

    There's our little liquify template! :D

  5. Glad to see the opinions coming in. This is truely a point of the project where it can fall either way.

    Another idea I've been considering is something like the RoFL: Plutonium Edition seen in the Duck Hunt Remix project. If the animation is done in time for the project, great! If not, we can add it on later.

    For those of you who want to use your animation talents to help with the project. I recommend against it. Animation teams cut down a lot of work, but the larger they get the more leadership and organization it takes to make the team effective. We're only as fast as out slowest hiker. We have 2 now (me being an unofficial 3rd), and any larger than that will make the project too stressful. (Still, chat with me. Something might be worked out.)

    I also may as well post the status of the animation: Nothing. No concept art, storyboards, anything has been done past that first 5-second WIP. That's exactly why enthusiasm for the project has hit rock bottom. The only time both of them have time to work on the animation is winter break, exactly the time when I can't supervise them. >_<

    Once again I stress that this can succeed, or it may not. It's all about staff opinions and concise planning at this point. Now where's Kine.. *emails*

  6. I'm around, though it ain't good manners for me to listen before Arek. Patience is virtue or something. :wink:

    Anyway, gotta Dedede Animation Problem.

    Both Hock and Kine are crunched on time due to collage. Sadly animation is quite a time-consuming work. Enthusiasm for the project has kinda dwindled on Kine's part, and Hock can't incorporate some of the work into his class like he planned to. I've developed my Animation ability some, but that hardly makes up for lost ground.

    In short, I'm considering cutting the animation from the project all-together. This would allow us to redirect Hock's abilities towards more Storybook art and the Storybook comics he chose to do. Kine will be off the hook (I think he wants that to happen anyway).

    This kind of decision is too big to make on my own. Everyone please express your opinions!

    1) Yes, keep the animation. <reasons>

    2) No, drop the animation. <reasons/agreement>

    3) Here's another idea. <explaination>

    I'm leaning toward option 2. If I wasn't overseas during my whole winter break, there might be some hope. Sadly that isn't the case.

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