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Posts posted by KWarp

  1. They could totally do a level based on the insides of Nova.

    I know kwarp would cream over that :D

    Like the Halberd isn't already awesome enough. :roll:

    That's unfortunate, if there's one character I don't want to see in SSB, it's Mario. Seeing as his primary attack is jump.

    fixed :P

  2. Oh well, expect SSB at that conference in Japan!

    You really shouldn't get your hopes up like that...

    I think Spaceworld will be very interesting this year. Nintendo will have to reveal everything by that point.

    ..it's just like them to hold back secrets like this. :x

  3. I need to set achievable Final Art Deadlines again. I want 2/3s of the art team to have their work finished by the end of this month (before AP week).

    Volunteers? >.>

    Watkinzez: Monday April 17th. Do it or you're off the project.You think I'm a meanie eh? This was at wat's request.. so pretend you didn't read that..





    Carefree Captain

    G Man



  4. You guys are the most vocal, so I figure your opinions will follow through. I'll leave the voting open for further opinions, but I need to be decisive, so I'm moving on. I'll evaluate each request for a different art style on a case-by-case basis.

    So here's my policy Oltri: The art style we lay out is a guideline. If you can make better art in a different style, I say by all means go for it (just let me see the work in progress. :P ).

  5. Omg is that style allowed for the project? Please? >_>;

    It's about time to bring up art styles again.

    I won't lie, we made a serious mistake early on by telling all the artists to conform to one type of art style. I've made it worse by not bringing it up sooner. Quite frankly, one type of art style throughout the whole book doesn't work. :? I've thought about it for quite a while, and, if it's still possible, I'd like the art to vary chapter by chapter. I mean, we could certainly do it, just flip through the book and you'll see a lot of WIP work, with only 10% finished art.

    Should we do this, I'll have to shuffle the workload around a bit. I figure if each chapter has one distinct art style, there should only be one (preferably) or two artists working on said chapter.

    I need a vote. Who's up for it?

    -Hemophiliac: Not voted

    -Neoforte: Not voted

    -Oltri: YES

    -Cyan_ide: Not voted

    -Carefree Captain: Not voted

    -G Man: Not voted

    -olie!: Not voted

    -Rexy: Not voted

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