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Posts posted by KWarp

  1. Thanks for the responses guys. It means a lot to me.

    Well, now that our biggest problem has been identified (communication), we need to take some steps to solve it.

    Here's my idea: We create another thread for this project, one that's password-protected, so that the staff can discuss ideas freely and openly without worrying about the peeping eyes of the public. Hopefully DJP or Darkesword can hook us up with one. :)

    What do you guys reccomend? Should I tighten up email regulations? Do I need to crack down on people who haven't shown up yet? (Should I bribe ya'll? :P)

  2. Hmm.. :?

    March has been a crippling month for everyone. To my understanding next to nothing has been done for this project. Believe me, I've felt the crippling effects myself. My life's divided between 7 academic subjects, after-school sports, and String Quartet. Less than 12 hours of my week actually goes to my leasure time (storybook, message boards, website), which is becoming more of a chore in itself. My weekend consists of at least 30 hours of sleeping to catch up from my 4-5 hour weeknight sleep. Spring break has arrived and I've slept at least 10 hours of every night so far. If anyone understands the plight of our art team, it's me.

    Don't think I've wanted this to happen. In fact I'm kicking myself for letting it get so bad. I could have been more active in the project, I could kept in regular contact with all the artists, surely that's something doable right?

    It isn't.

    The fact is that when I send out emails to the entire art staff, I hear back from less than half of them. Worse yet, my latest request for a headcount went virtually unnoticed. Frankly, we lack centralization, and it's killing us.

    The Kirby Storybook Project, unlike any other remix project so far, can't function as a group of individual, isolated staff members doing their own thing and compiling it into an album. This isn't just music, it's an interactive experience that requires constant communication between the staff to make a truely amazing product.

    Thus we have the problem: How can 2 people bring together 20 people and get them to become vocal and active in a project without any monetary or legally binding ties, and across great distances no less?

    Fandom. Fandom is what inspired Arek to start this project, and fandom is what has brought all our current staff in. Certainly fandom can be the uniting force that gets this project back on it's feet and helps it dash to the goal.

    So fellas, it's make or break time. Are we just going hide in a corner and give up, or are we going to finish this project? :P

  3. I'm looking for an artist who can make two pages of art in this highly refined, blurry style:


    aka Detail Shots

    KWarp11: looking for something like that

    KWarp11: know anyone that can do it?

    Hock1215: Hm. All you do is airbrush that stuff and then blur it in Photoshop... o_O

    Hock1215: Or run a few filters to make it look like a work of art

    KWarp11: nice, so it's pretty simple work for most artists do right?

    Hock1215: Well yeah. Although that might be hand-painted

    Hock1215: It's so hard to tell these days. Digital Art has evolved so much

    Why am I looking for art like this? That's a secret. :wink:

  4. ;[

    K, it comes down like this.

    Upon a quick Google search, Watkinzez simply turns up a series of message boards he visits. Boy was I surprised when he drew up this. Seems you can't always trust Google. :wink:

    Sam's shown me a couple of works he's made. He's proven himself capable, and I look forward to seeing some comic work EDIT: He sent me them just now. All I can say is WHOA AWESOME. Can't show it here for spoiler reasons.

    Sorry I've been so vague and mysterious this week. <(^_^; )> A lot of my admin duties have been handled internally with recruiting new art staff, so I've been pretty busy. I swear I'll have a new storybook version up by the end of next week at absolute latest.

    One More Thing. :wink:

  5. Hmm.. I would say not immediately. Once some work has been done with the writing (and everyone has some job security =P), then we'll start thinking about that. :wink:

    Do you want a pic/bio even for useless people like me? XD

    Except, I'm still doing ONE more thing that KWarp really wants me to do. ... >_>

    I'm going to work less damn it. I got a 35 cent raise and I need to clean my room and move out soon D: And I'm barely keeping my head above the homework water this quarter too. One extra class from before.

    Egh, I know the feeling. One extra class this semester too, and after-school sports don't help. =\

    EDIT: Nothing happened at VGF. ;_;

  6. I think I remember why I originally set the WIP deadline for the 9th...

    .. I have finals all this week. -_-;

    -Cyan's on time

    -Neo's on time

    -CareFree Captain is late and has been out of contact

    -G Man is late EDIT: but has turned in his WIP.

    -Oltri is late and has been in contact. Shame on you. ;[

    My time on these boards this week will be sparse, if any.

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