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Posts posted by KWarp

  1. Hey Rexy, you've got some good art there. I'm pretty sure there's a couple unclaimed bits left. Let's see now...





    Inside Nova (3 or 4)-

    PM me and we'll talk. :)

    I just now saw this but I'd be willing to help toss some art up for covers

    Not sure what you mean there. =\ Are you talking about the planet covers?

  2. I feel the need to second that. It's one thing for fans to "support" the project when it's in full stride and making progress. It's quite another for those same fans to start whining when the project trips.

    This project's been in the works for over a year. 400+ days. Surely just 4 days, less than 1% of this project's time, can be used to polish everything.

    Claado, StarZander, and the musicians: I wish you all the best. :)

  3. XD

    Mastering sounds like a pretty time-consuming job. What factors are involved besides volume control?

    Oh yeah, and may as well say something about the Dedede project. I'm not going to lie, production is seriously dragging. Hock's drawn 2 things, Kine's drawn one, and I only have 1/2 of the storyboarding done. I can fill in a few gaps of the animation, but not a whole minute of it. <(@_@)> We really need to take action. Some dedicated and useful help would be appreciated.

    That includes ideas. :wink:

  4. *dances* (>^_^)>

    Soo... I'm in a bit of a pickle here.. I'll just quote what I've posted on Actionscript.org >.>\

    I have been using Flash 7 at my desktop computer to work on a group project. Currently I'm overseas and I hoped to download a trial version of Flash 7 on another computer over here to continue my work.

    So far, this hasn't worked and here's why:

    -Macromedia's website only offers a trial version of Flash 8

    -When googling, I find trial versions of Flash 6

    -When googling I DO NOT find Flash 7.0 for Windows

    -When googling, I find versions of Flash 7.2 BUT it will only install if 7.0 is already installed

    (NOTE: Moving from Flash 7 to Flash 8 to Flash 7 again will leave some really messy results. I wish to avoid that.)

    My options:

    -Give up (bad idea)

    -Have someone who's better than me at googling find it

    -Have someone send me the 7.0 installer via email, AIM, a server, etc.

    Can someone be my hero? :(

    So far no one there has been any help, which is kinda surprising. o_o;

  5. Here's the deal folks. In 20 hours or so from this post I'll be on an airplane to Australia. I'll be there till Monday the 2nd Jan 2006.

    If there's anything that important that needs to be done, best notify or remind me ASAP. Dont fret though, I'm bringing as much as my computer with me as I can.


    -Burn a DVD back-up of my computer to take with me on the trip.

    -Also burn some things on a CDRs for compatibility's sake

    -Clear out some of my iPod for some valuable HD storage for the Storybook Project.

    While I'm on this trip, the best way to contact me is by gmail. I'll also watch over the topic as my schedule allows. I have no clue what kind of internet I'll find in Australia. -_-;


    Oltri: I've seen some concept art, so get to completion on at least two of them!

    Hemophiliac: I'd like to see at least 2 more covers done. If you're uncertain about anything, don't hesitate to email me.

    Neoforte: You seem 1/2 done with your stuff so I would <3 you if you could finish the other 1/2. =)

    Cyan_ide: You chose Hotbeat, so by the end of the break I want to see concept art for all of it. Complete them to get to the bonus level. :P

    Carefree Captain: Finish teh Ninja =3

    G Man: Awesome work so far. Stay consistent and you'll be in perfect shape.

    KineTheGenius/Hock: Dedede animation LOL!!

    Hock: Comics? (we must discuss!)

    Usa (somehow): ...


  6. Hmmm.. I wanna update the storybook but the only stuff you guys will see are the new art and music that's been finished in the past month (maybe that's the point?). If you guys are persistent I'll have the new version uploaded before I leave overseas. If not, I'll devote my leasure time to more Mario Kart. :P

    In case you're wondering why I didn't have time to finish it tonight... clicky...

  7. You know what, this Saturday's been one of the best days I've had in a long, long time. I finally got involved in this project again, and I'm telling you it's the most fun I've had in my life. :D We're doing something that's never been done before, and that in itself is exciting, but that isn't the main reason why this is so enjoyable. In fact, neither is the awesome art I've seen, music I've heard, or book I've built onto. I'm enjoying this because I'm working with good friends and fun people, and I have never laughed harder. Seriously, the conversations we get into on AIM, IRC, and even in this topic have made me fall off my chair laughing until I couldn't laugh anymore.

    Arek, I totally owe this pleasure to you. Without your brilliant idea to turn a videogame into a storybook, none of this would ever have taken off. I'm glad to have you as a partner, and even more so as a friend. :) Yeah, I know that sounds cheesy, but damn, it's the truth.


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