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Posts posted by KWarp

  1. Er... yeah >_>



    They're hideously rough with a lot of useless thick lines, but that's the best way for me to "round" him out. I'm also aware of the oddness of the top one in the fighter jpg, I need to erase some of that =\ The yoyo with two yoyos isn't a mistake, I was just checking to see where the yoyo would be and stuff.

    Anyways, hopefully I can actually contribute something to this project now instead of vegetating. I'll have mirror up soon.

    And Oltri has secured her place in the project. :D

    I'm going Claude huntin' *pulls out shotgun*

    EDIT: Heheh. <(^_^; )>

  2. I'm emailing/PMing/IMing/etc. all the artists this message:

    Hmm… I’ve been a bit lax with the art staff working on the Kirby Storybook project as of late. I’d like to get things in order.

    My biggest problem is right now is contact. Most of you aren’t following the project topic (mostly my fault) and I can’t get reliable contact with all of you by email. I need to set up some rules.

    -Check the project topic at least twice a week, especially Sunday when the big updates happen.

    -Make sure I can contact you by email when things come up. (Oltri and Claude especially)

    -Visit the IRC channel when you can. irc://irc.enterthegame.com/mwwproject

    The next difficulty we’ve been having is with actual work. I’ve procrastinated on assigning work to you guys for a long time while the Writing took form. Once again my fault. Things really need to get underway now, therefore I am setting an art deadline for Saturday, November 12th, 2005. The requirements for this deadline are as follows:

    -The big idea is that I want to see some work.

    -It can be anything from a quick, unpolished sketch portraying the basic idea of what you’re thinking.

    -Or it can be a finished picture ready to throw into the storybook.

    -Or anything inbetween. (I’d prefer a ½-finished drawing that may or may not be the final one)

    -This must be done for all art work you have claimed by the deadline!*

    *one exception: Don’t make any finished artwork for chapters without music WIPs. Explanation below:

    The basis of this entire book is the music. EVERY aspect of the book must sync up with the music currently playing. Thus the mood of the art should work with the mood of the music. Same applies to the writing.


    -Follow Carefree Captain’s art style (he’s done some artwork on Halfmoon in the book).

    -Any art you fail to do work on by the deadline will be up for grabs by other artists

    -The deadline may be moved to an earlier/later date depending on art staff feedback.

    -I’ll make exceptions to anything stated above should the need arise.

    Sorry to blast ya’ll with all this at once. Drawing’s kinda fun anyway right? =P


  3. That's MUCH better o_o You're definatley on the right track. The only problem is doing a similar effect to the artwork. It all has to match, otherwise those curved pages just look silly with flat graphics on them :|


    I knew someone was going to say that. Looks like I'm going to do this for 100+ pages. <(-_-)>

    EDIT: Problem.


    Flash doesn't stretch bitmaps around as much as vector graphics. If you want the stretchy page effect you'll have to do it yourself. I'll get the page-shape outline up in a couple days. (you'll have to give me the image in PNG 24bit-transparency.)

  4. We had a successful writers meeting indeed. Here's the big idea.

    Remixers make music WIPs. This guides us writers to make a plot. The Artists take a scene we describe and depict it visually. It's all connected. However, do not forget that everything is a WIP until finalized. Everyone's work can influence everyone elses, so it's very important that we all get some work done and we all communicate! :)

    EDIT: Looks like I started a new page. Best quote Arek:

    zarvoxthezadvook PM me as soon as you see this. It is quite important.
  5. In case you're wondering what he's talking about, Hock's been given orders not to draw any covers to chapters that don't have music WIPs yet. We gotta match up the WIP to the art you see. :P

    Yay, then he can do Floria next ^.^ Oh yeah, and please show my DeDeDe track to Kine so he can fit the animation to it :)

    Way ahead of ya Usa. Hock's also working on the animation now so he's heard it too. :P

  6. Wow. Those are some damn good reasons. 8O

    Still the simple fact is that you guys missed. There a number of different reasons for it as can be seen above, but the bottom line is it's stopping us all from getting together and making some progress with a fairly large chunk of the project. Thus, as Arek said above, we'll need to make some cuts.

    We all know you have lots of talent and lots of enthusiasm, but not all of you are reliable. Wings Of Time, lightwarmth, please make this easy on us and step down voluntarily.

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