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Red Omen

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Everything posted by Red Omen

  1. I appreciate the fact that my fan badge uses the Tard Omen variant.
  2. you know it still exists right
  3. I'm willing to bet that had something to do with it!
  4. he still posts at unmod.org and remod
  5. oh, so that's why there's been so much reverb on the tracks lately
  6. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/last_airbender/ You knew in your heart M. Night would screw it up.
  7. I V vi IV Whenever I hear a song that does this, I start singing "Just a small-town girl..."
  8. I didn't specify that he should post here more, but I didn't want to plug the websites at which I would actually prefer to see him post for fear of looking like a bit of an ass.
  9. You realize this means you have to post more now.
  10. I can. Blast from the mothafuckin' past.
  11. Yes, I am appalled at Western civilization and humanity in general if there's more backlash for the implication of sex between two people who care for each other (which is one of the most beautiful things in the world) than there is for the player's ability to take an active role in the genocide of an entire species.
  12. Well, not exactly... It seems there's never anyone who's actually gay in a Bioware game, just bisexual. And it didn't help that Zevran was just amoral, horny, and non-discriminating, which isn't the healthiest way to portray gay relationships. A lesbian relationship with Leliana had the potential to be much more wholesome. By the way, I juuust finished my second playthrough of Mass Effect 1. I slept with Liara as female Shepard, mostly because Ashley was on my squad. Did the same with male Shepard because Kaidan was on my squad (and Ashley annoys the hell out of me).
  13. Bioware has the best dialogue and writing in the industry. No question. Drew Karpyshyn could shit in a bucket and it would be a masterpiece.
  14. They bring this up in relation to the Rachni, as you'll recall. The Paragon choice is to give the queen a second chance. I'm actually annoyed that they didn't give the option for male Shepard to have a male romance partner. Bioware often seems to go for the lesbian relationship for the sake of the peanut gallery and ignore the gay relationship that would make the situation more egalitarian. Zevran (Dragon Age) and Sky (Jade Empire) are the only ones I can think of, and they're outnumbered by Juhani (KotOR), Silk Fox (Jade Empire), Leliana (Dragon Age), Liara (sort of), and now Kelly Chambers.
  15. ^ I like this post.
  16. I think both songs are obnoxious. Anyone remember when Final Fantasy opening themes sounded like this? Or ?
  17. Should I sue for violation of intellectual property? something tells me i'm not the first person to draw an angry face on a red circle
  18. Too young. Although I'm more torn up about Norman Borlaug, even though he lived a fuller life than anyone in the world.
  19. The win goes to Eulogic, of course, with an honorable mention to friendlyHunter for the clever adaptation. I guess that was a week and a half but whatever I forgot about this thread.
  20. who do you think you are
  21. I'm still accepting submissions because I'm interested to see what people do. This isn't over yet!
  22. no no keep going we'll see if anyone can engender more disgust tough running though
  23. I knew someone would do this and I hate you because of it.
  24. Alright, let's do this. Papyrus Mario
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