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Everything posted by Navi

  1. My decision to place larsec's track right afterwards was based on the general idea that, in many cases, after a movie is over, there is a vocal track over the credits - maybe the main theme song or something like that. I felt like Larsec's track, with the dark yet hopeful lyrics, fit well as a "Credit Roll" sort of deal. If you disagree, that's perfectly fine. I know that this project won't please EVERYONE who listens to it and I understand that. The way I thought it out and planned the lyrics was to have someone tell a story, a very dark and disturbing story. Then at "Through the flames I see them coming" the listener becomes aware that the story teller is actually a part of the story. The story keeps darkening and prospects for the future look bleak. Then the story teller says she will save you, to come to her and be safe, to rest at ease... But it turns out to be a trick. She is actually part of the forces of Darkness and now, that she has lured the listener in, the listner will surely die... Ooh, thanks for correcting me on that. PS: We are now news on VGMix and DaSauce. Good stuff.
  2. First off, thank you for giving your opinion on the project in a polite fashion. That means a lot. I'm just going to address this issue above. Some of you may realise by now that the final sections of the project (the last 3-4 songs) were meant to sound like the culimination of a movie soundtrack. Dan B's is the biggest example of this, the climactic final battle and its resolution. My decision to place larsec's track right afterwards was based on the general idea that, in many cases, after a movie is over, there is a vocal track over the credits - maybe the main theme song or something like that. I felt like Larsec's track, with the dark yet hopeful lyrics, fit well as a "Credit Roll" sort of deal. If you disagree, that's perfectly fine. I know that this project won't please EVERYONE who listens to it and I understand that. Again, thanks for your comments. I hope you get what I was trying to achieve.
  3. Just to point out, guys. If you have time, a quick free registration is all thats needed to vote for the project here: http://digg.com/music/OC_Remix_releases_The_Dark_Side_of_Phobos_ Digg us up to the top!
  4. We originally had it up, but we removed it about an hour ago. Feel free to clear up the space. Thanks for offering it to us, man. If the supertux mirrors hadn't gone through, we would have needed it for sure... ALSO, working on the mirror page..
  5. I did. Fifty freaking times. EDIT: Even deleted my saved cache, no beans. Try Ctrl+F5
  6. refresh the page. the old page is still in your cache.
  7. Mirror site should be fixed now. NEWS: The Doom project has been posted on http://digg.com/ ! Be sure to go here, comment, and vote (“digg”) the Project up on the front page!
  8. To anyone seeing the mirror page all fuxxored, it's being fixed as we speak. Also
  9. Ugh. looks like there might be a problem with the mirror page. My bad. Workin it.
  10. Witching hour foolz. Lock time. Keep your shorts on and chill your horses.
  11. Because it wasn't supposed to be up just yet. error on our part. Technical stuff finishing up, folks. Rest assured. PS: the cheeky buggers who grabbed the torrent early. It's your DUTY to seed for a few days now for grabbing accidental leaked product.
  12. Just talked to DJP. I'm gonna have to ask you guys to be as patient as dogs for the next few hours. Have no fear. This will be released tonight. Just wait.
  13. It's not a delay until midnight my time. And I'm sure as hell not going to let myself release it that late. Patents come to those who weight.
  14. The hours grow long for me as well, guys. Also, yeah, Joker I'll fix it.
  15. If you can get the picture to me tomorrow, I'll replace on the site.
  16. The lack of project release is related more to than to the posts.
  17. Guys, feel free to release your tracks to VGMix, if you are so inclined, ONE TO TWO HOURS AFTER I LOCK THIS THREAD (SIGNIFYING THE DEBUT OF THE PROJECT). Also, in the info for your song, please advertise the project and encourage people to go to the site and grab the whole thing as well. (ps: the site's url will be given soon) Furthermore, don't everyone release your tracks at once. If you see like three DSoP tracks on the recent songs list, don't submit yours. Wait a day or two. Thanks.
  18. I could do some. What would you want in them? like, today? Yes.. I can't make some until I know what you'd want me to put in them. As in, what text and such. Dunoo. Lemmie wait till the project debuts.
  19. I have disappointed you, I'm afraid... GUYS, MIRRORS ARE GOOD TO GO FOR NOW. However, like i said don't expect a release until late afternoon/evening. edit: Oh, my bad then. Again, more fuckups I made during the interview. WHO WANTS TO MAKE PROMOTIONAL SIGS?
  20. Out of interest, what does this have to do with Doom? Is it just the names of the tracks or is there something else I'm missing. Other than the track names, nothing. G-T just released it to celebrate the IMPENDING DOOM. ALSO:
  21. DUDE you sound great! I FEEL GREAT! YOUR GONNA DO GREAT! I'm glad i've made the right decision! There is no cure for herpes. Even with treatment, it may be possible to spread herpes. When daily VALTREX is used to reduce the risk of spreading genital herpes, safer sex practices should be used. It is not known if VALTREX reduces the risk of spreading genital herpes in same sex couples. While taking VALTREX for cold sores, you should not exceed one day of treatment, two doses taken 12 hours apart. VALTREX is intended for healthy adults and is available by prescription only. To avoid a potentially serious complication, tell your doctor if your immune system is not normal because of advanced HIV disease, bone marrow or kidney transplant. Common side effects are headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and dizziness.
  22. DUDE you sound great! I FEEL GREAT!
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