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Everything posted by Navi

  1. what image would one put of Mario? he's starred in a few dozen games, and cameo'ed in over a hundred... The original would be a good place to start.
  2. Alright this has come to my attention, so I'll address it now in public. This is a PM I sent to Claude regarding his album design: I know this isn't going to make everyone happy, and I apologize for that, but this has already been worked out and whatnot. Hopefully, the idea of an "alternate cover" section on the site will appeal to the artists. Now, the time has come to ask for seeds and mirrors. I will begin sending out files sometime this weekend or Monday. If you have any interest in being a SEED (as in Bittorrent) for the initial release - the torrent will consist of both the .flacs and the .mp3s - speak now so I can add your name to a LIST. Likewise, if you think you will be able to offer a mirror of the MP3s ONLY. More soon.
  3. Amazing. I'm a huge new age/euro/whateveryouwannacallit fan and this song manages to encompass everything i love about the genre. Reminiscant of Enigma, Deep Forest, etc (right down to the drumloop ) which is only a good thing in my mind. C64 remixers have some amazing stuff and I'm glad this found its way here.
  4. Man, whatchoo talkin bout? Pixietricks. Fighting bad cases of gass everywhere.
  5. Love it. Soooo much. Shna, you know I'm a 'uuuuge fan. A 'uuuuge fan.
  6. Do not oppose the ruling of the High Court, of which I am the most eminent representative. You, Mr. Oji are in contempt! Bailiff Byrd in da house. Shiiit. Always blaming the minority.
  7. TO and I have arranged one or two goodies on the album that will be pretty cool (I think).
  8. Alright, guys. The news you've been waiting to hear. The FINAL release date: AUGUST 8th, 2005 Why so far away? because shit has to get done. hate to keep you hanging like this, but thats how it works. peace. edit: ANY MIXERS WISHING TO SUBMIT THEIR TRACKS TO OCR MAY DO SO NOW AND MUST DO SO THEMSELVES. I WILL BE GIVING SOME TRACKS TO DJP TO CONSIDER BUT AS OF THIS POINT, YOU MUST SUBMIT ON YOUR OWN BY OCRS GUIDELINES. I WILL NOT SUBMIT THEM FOR YOU. CAPS LOCKS. editedit: Not to VGMix though. All tracks will remain SECRET until debut.
  9. If someone wants to make them, to promote the project on release, then sure. Something you guys MIGHT be interested in.
  10. I shit on your arse! So when you shit you shit on my shit...wait that sounds like a compliment there. No, it just sounds... Yeaaah. Anyways, expect some cool things in the near future.
  11. Guess who has all the tracks? I'll give you a clue. Me.
  12. What the-- I thought I posted here... Anyways, hold your breath just a tad longer. I have a feeling () most of the work is going to be finished by Monday (I'm hopin') Don't worry. I got it covered.
  13. Cool stuffs. Project update. Hemo is fixing up some timing issues in his final version. Still waiting on Matt's final. Sorry about the delay, guys. Paitence.
  14. I heard worlds collided and the heavens cried when Mustin recorded this song. On a more serious note, this is a great mix - short, but very chill and enjoyable. The talent really shows here, especially in the production. Some people spend days trying to record ONE instrument for a song. Mustin really goes all out on this baby, and it shows.
  15. Good round of DoD this time round.
  16. Ugh. Sorry, I haven't been around the past few days. Complications. I'll be back tonight (hopefully) to tend to matters of the project and whatnot.
  17. because if we took out every bitchy post, we'd probably end up back around 200 posts. Heck why don't we just delete your account TO? I have 1 or 2 posts that aren't bitching. Lies!
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