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Posts posted by Navi


    01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Hangarmageddon
    02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength
    03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps
    04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon
    05. E1M5 - Dan B - The Dark Side of Phobos
    06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed
    07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request
    09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies
    11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good
    12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars
    14. E2M7 - TO/Bladiator - Jade Spawn
    15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - The Leaning Tower of Babel
    16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat
    18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto
    19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Steel Cathedral
    20. Text Music - Larsec* - Darkness Dawning
    21. The End - TO - ElectroCute Bunny


    08. E1M8 - DJC/MajinGeoDood - Nameless
    10. E2M1 - RoeTaKa - Infiltration
    13. E2M6 - Hemophiliac - Aria of the Damned
    17. E3M2 - Larsec - Slough of Despair

    Recieved TO's and Blads track last night. Also got a track from Nousentre, but not sure if it's a final version or not (if it is, send me a wav of it, eh?).


    First of all, I'm very surprised at the overwhelmingly positive response to CaG. My biggest fear was that it would be too unaccessable for most people - a fear I still hold. However, I'm glad that so many people like it. Let me also clarify that I am neither fluent in French, nor am I black, though it may seem like that at points. Doulifee was kind enough to give me a quick conversion of what I wanted said into French, so props to him for that.

    That much said, I have to use this moment to say a few words - and by few, I mean a lot. If you don't care, don't read any further, because I have a decent amount to say and what better time than now.

    Warnings aside, it really hasn't hit me yet that this song is up here, in this place. Some people may scoff - I know there are lots of people who just stumble upon the site, have the talent, submit something they made, and BANG, in a few weeks, they've got a nice little space on the site with their name on it and a mix for the world to download. Musicians, most, and I don't want to downplay their achievements. Kudos to them for what they have done. However, they don't (and I'm going based on personal assumption here - correct me if I'm wrong) understand or consider this site as I do.

    I know tomorrow, or the day after, it will hit me. I'll feel it. Two and a half years, culiminating in this - my life has been changed by this site. I am not, by any standards, a well versed musician. I took a year of piano so far back, I can't even remember when, two years of guitar, where I learned barely shite, and I was "blessed" with somewhat musical genetics. I remember the first time I worked with midi creation software, back in 2000 (at the time, I was using PowerTab - the only decent free software that could convert tablature to midi). The thought of being a digital musician was so different from the punk rock star life I was idolizing at the time (I was a Freshman in High School). I began working at it with some gusto. People always tell me that when I find something I like, I'll work at it until I get good - usually forgetting to mention that once I get good at it, I drop it in order to get good at the next thing. In late 2002, my good friend and OCR member SleazyC introduced me to both Fruity Loops and Overclocked Remix. At the time, I paid the latter no heed, didn't really think too much about it. FL, on the other hand, was a big leap forward in terms of digital craft. I was amazed at the new assortments of options I had, the weapons. It was like showing a fist fighter an American arsenel. I went wild.

    In January of 2003 (give or take), I ventured into Overclocked Remix, downloaded a bunch of songs - found my calling. Always one to idolize, new names took their places with the old in my mind. djpretzel, Dale North, Mazedude, Ailsean, Mustin, and so many other names that - and pardon me for my blatant "fanboyism" - became pseudo-celebrities to me. It was at this time that I decided that I was going to be on this site. I was going to have a mix up there. It was, or so I thought at the time, not a very hard task.

    In March of 2003, I submitted my first song. Total shit in retrospect, but at the time, I was very proud of it. I checked the front page each day, waiting for it to go up. Never happened. Didn't even get the letter. Sent a couple of others within the next two months or so, finally got the letter. My frustration increased, culiminating that October when my Xenogears remix finally hit, and was duely ripped to shreds, by the panel. I was distraught. The criticism was extremely justified, again in retrospect, but at the time, I didn't know how to take it. Getting on to OCR became more than an ambition for me at that point. It became an obsession, the ultimate goal. True, I was blowing things way out of proportion (after all, it is only a small game remixing community on the internet, no? nothing of value in the real world) but I didn't care. I vowed I would be up there soon. I got to work: having already joined the forums, I began canvassing the WIP threads with my songs, day in and day out. Anyone looking for proof that the WIP forums work, come to me. Day after day, I worked the forums, getting (mostly negative) feedback, tweaking, retouching, trashing - building my skills through the advice of others. At the time, people like Xelebes taught me a lot about audio (where I first learned the meaning of clipping) and other aspects of mixing. I began participating in the PRC (worst entry in PRC I I do believe) and struck up a friendship with Reelmojo, another remixer who shared my love of rap music and strange beats. Became somewhat of a regular in that still running competition. Still, though, I kept on getting the letter.

    Stop for a breather here. Go get a drink. There's more to come. If you are tired and want to stop, go ahead. I'll admit, if it's as boring to read as I think it is, I don't blame you - however, this is something I have to get out of my system.

    In December of 2003, I made a thread for my rather infamous - although strangely popular - Final Fantasy VII rap song. Now, while I don't admit to being the best rapper in the world, in real life I'm pretty decent. However, marred by shitty production and scared to let myself go on the mic, the mix was doomed from the start. Gray Lightning contacted me over AIM to offer some tips. I think he knew that the mix was going to be NO'd, but he helped me out anyways. To this day, Gray and I still pass WIPS back and forth. He has been an amazing boost in my musical development, and I would probably be nowhere near what I am now (which isn't too great, btw) if it weren't for him.

    I spent much of 2004 honing my skills. By now, I had developed a pretty decent standing in the remixing community, and I was getting help from all sorts of people: DJ Carbunk1e, Liontamer, Darkesword, and DCT, to name a few of many. My mixes were getting better, but not OCR standard yet. My "6th Omen" mix was NO'd but with two YES's. This gave me confidence. Like a mad dog, I continued to develop; the idea of getting on this site, with these "legendary" names...I had to do it. I know a lot of people in this community say "Don't make music with the intention to put it up on OCR." I see where they're coming from, but I don't agree. If you have a goal and you have drive, what better way to get shit done than with the goal in mind?

    Aside: In October, I went to Magfest and finally met some of the faces behind these names I idolized so much - people like Beatdrop and Dale, who are awesome people in person. Surprised to actually know the flesh behind the letters, I retured home with a new passion and understanding of my goal.

    All around me, there were people willing to give their input for my music, willing to help me go the extra step and make it better. Whether it be Rexy over at VGMix giving my song five pages of information to work with or soc and mduo in the Anime Remix chatroom giving me the brutal truth about a WIP I just flung out or Carbunk1e trying to explain equalization to me over AIM while we both are at work or Protricity telling me about the stupidity of copy paste drums, or the many people in the WIP boards saying the little things that help make the mix better - I learned from all of them. The road has taken me to some strange places, and I've had to learn a lot of things the hard way, but I would do it all over again knowing the results.

    And so we come to this. Mythril Nazgul. Who is he? A judge and moderater at Anime Remix. A Site Project Coordinater for the Doom Remix project. A couple of decent songs over at VGMix. A million and a half discarded remix attempts on his hard drive. And now, an Overclocked Remixer. My Mt. Everest has been climbed and I didn't do that shit alone; I couldn't have. And in the end, all I did was get drunk on a strange concoction one night and decide to remix Final Fantasy X-2 music...

    Wow. If you've read this far, gracias for letting me vent this all out. I know there's so many people I've forgotten to mention, people who've helped me understand music even just a tiny bit, people who are important. I'm one of the little guys too. I use the WIP forums and need feedback in order to make something sound less like shit and more like music, so thank you to EVERYONE who has ever helped me in some little way and don't underestimate the power of the Work In Progress boards.

    I know, I know, all this hullabaloo for ONE song? Jesus, this guy is off his gourd. Well, don't worry. When my next song goes up, I'll keep it short. That's right. No plans to stop now. ;) DJP, you better be ready.

    In closing (Jesus, this is a fucking essay), thank you for listening to this song and, if you don't enjoy it, feel free to say so. If you do, thanks! It means a lot to me.

    No more emo shit. I'm out of here. Peace.

  3. For anyone interested, a preview mp3 of the Doom project was played on VGM - Steve King's (D-Lux) radio show last night. It recieved very good praise. Can't say I know how it feels to wait this long for the project - I can listen to all the songs if I wanted to - but I do appreciate the fans who are backing us, waiting for this to come out.

    A few points:

    1) We will need seeders. At this point, I am thinking two torrents - VBR Mp3 and .flac files. This will mean I need at least 5 seeders on each one when the time comes for launch. I'm going to estimate the Mp3 release at around 130 MB. Meanwhile, the .flac release is going to be pretty big. Anyone with highspeed who can offer their bandwidth for the .flac torrent will be highly appreciated. Also, there will be mp3 direct downloads from the site - this requires mirrors, mirrors, mirrors. SleazyC, Doulifee, Rob, and a few others have given me some webspace to use, and I'll also be using mine, but any one else who can mirror the mp3 downloads will also be appreciated.

    2) Get me your pictures and bios. I posted that list a few pages back with what I need from who and I need those asap.

    3) Promotion rocks the ocean. When the project debuts, anywhere you can promote it, go for it. Spread the word. Any other websites, forums, friends, family, etx. Don't hold back.

  4. Hmmm, groove bias is fully justified in this song. This is slick to the point of bad ass. I'm reminded of remixers like Protricity, who are able to fill each second of the song without cluttering up the ears. We have a lot of stuff going on throughout this song, but at no point do I feel overwhelmed; The NESish synths, the subtle gating on the lead, the backing organs and beeps and bloops straight out of a Star Trek episode...this mix is chock full of wholesome goodness. This mix is funky, fresh and just plain awesome.

    Good stuff.

  5. Surprising that I haven't written a review of this, considering it has been one of my favorite OCRs for a long time now. Mustin and Dale, two powerhouses in the Remix scene, with an awesome blend of comedy and damn good music. I love the Ice Cube inspired section. This is a classic - a staple of OCR and a milestone in Dale and Mustin's gratuitous remixing career (along with Needles).

    A must download.

  6. I know I'm not Binnie or Prot, but seeing as how Prot is banned from OCR and Binnie only comes on occasionally, I'm the only one (excluding full time mods - damn them) who has moderation powers in Site Projects. Now, I don't know if I have the authority to move a thread there, but I can consult the higher powers and see if I can get you guys moved to SP. You can PM me the stuff you would have to give to Prot in order to push towards the Site Projects and I'll take a look at it.


    01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Hangarmageddon
    02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength
    03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps
    04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon
    05. E1M5 - Dan B - The Dark Side of Phobos
    06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed
    07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request
    09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies
    11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good
    12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars
    15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - The Leaning Tower of Babel
    18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto
    19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Steel Cathedral
    20. Text Music - Larsec* - Darkness Dawning
    21. The End - TO - ElectroCute Bunny


    08. E1M8 - DJC/MajinGeoDood - Nameless
    10. E2M1 - RoeTaKa - Infiltration
    13. E2M6 - Hemophiliac - Aria of the Damned
    14. E2M7 - TO/Bladiator - Nameless
    16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat
    17. E3M2 - Larsec - Slough of Despair

    I've been in contact with all of the mixers left and their songs are all nearing completion.

    Considering the time this has taken, I would just suggest mixers use their own discretion and touch up their mixes on their own. Send me the finalized version on AIM or IRC. I would prefer it if you sent me a wav file - I have high speed, so it's not a problem on my end.


    OC Remixers, if you would like me to use your OCR mixer bio, please let me know.

    Have Both

    Majin GeoDood
    Mythril Nazgul (duh)
    DJ Carbunk1e

    Need Pic


    Need Bio


    Need Pic and Bio

    TO *you still haven't resent me that ;)
    Danny B

    If you had sent me that, I apologize for misplacing it. Please resend? Please? :)

    Wavs would be nice. Soon. ;)

  8. I wish I had saved my review from last time. :(

    Good mix, ana. nice revisions.

    edit: thanks to that Tamer fellow, the OLD review!

    As to be expected, analoq rings in a new era in the OCRemix history with this thumping, rocking remix reminiscant of the days of The Scorpions and Whitesnake if they spawned together and had a child with Robert Moog. I knew analoq could bang out guitar riffs like Elvis in the toilet but I didn't expect such a pounding assault of guitar chops and moog madness. Even when this song was over, I wanted it to continue. Good shit, mr. loq. Good shit.

    also, kudos for the title.

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