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Posts posted by Navi

  1. Whoa, she's in the forums now? Larry better hope that Bladiator never finds out...

    Do you guys feel invaded? :wink:

    As for Bladiator...you guys have so little confidence in your favorite "Mulatto Stallion."

    Sure, Larry doesn't have the charm with the ladies or the romantic skills at the piano like Bladiator. Sure he isn't 6'7" with whispy blonde hair and soulfull blue eyes...

    And sure, he recently sired little D'Kwandishawn leaving him forever bound to a woman whose name sounds like some dangerous kind of sushi...

    But he's got one thing the B-Unit will never have---

    The complete episodes of Batman: The Animated Series on cd.


    Actually, I think he's got that too.

    I know I do.

    Wink. Wink.



    01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Hangarmageddon
    02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength
    03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps
    04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon
    05. E1M5 - Dan B - The Dark Side of Phobos
    06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed
    07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request
    09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies
    11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good
    12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars
    15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - The Leaning Tower of Babel
    18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto
    19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Steel Cathedral
    20. Text Music - Larsec* - Darkness Dawning
    21. The End - TO - ElectroCute Bunny


    08. E1M8 - DJC/MajinGeoDood - Nameless
    10. E2M1 - RoeTaKa - Infiltration
    13. E2M6 - Hemophiliac - Aria of the Damned
    14. E2M7 - TO/Bladiator - Nameless
    16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat
    17. E3M2 - Larsec - Nameless

    New list. Roe, you got some good suggestions in the PRC thread. Your mix isn't finished yet. TO and Larry, amongst others, brought some valid points up. Work on that. Otherwise, congrats.

  3. Gonna have to wait a bit, good sir. Paitence. Project is almost complete.

    On the other front, I haven't heard from Larsec in a bit and my PMs have gone unanswered...He said he would be a bit busy but I will wait and see.

    Nous sent me a near final wip of his song. Sounding good.

    Carbunk1e and Majin are working on their track.

    Hemo is almost done.

    I need to hit up TO and Blad, see what's up.

    PRC is voting stage.

    Things looking good.

  4. Oh man I failed life...

    And you only had one shot at it. Damn.

    Don't you hate when that happens?

    Heh, e2m1 mixing going on over at PRC. Hopefully that will turn out ok. We are almost thur folks.

    Also, if I don't have a mixing bio/pic from mixers by FRIDAY, I will write your bio and choose a picture of my liking.

  5. And this is my "masterpiece" to date. The best comic I've ever done, it was a school project over the summer two years ago. Unfortunately I haven't done so many comics since then. :( Anyway, (non-Kirby) pieces that I rather like, so if you want to see them, I'll scan them after I get my work done. :)

    Truly a masterpiece. I salute you.

    Ps: Bab5 sucked. ;)

  6. I hate to be so critical since I have no creative talent myself, but it really irritates me that the lyrics are in Japanese even though that is not native to the performer. It's as if it's supposed to be cooler just because it's in Japanese. I think the lyrics are actually quite lame, but being sung in Japanese is supposed to make it sound amazing and deep somehow. Essentially, there doesn't seem to be a good justifiable reason to sing it in Japanese, making it more like a gimmick in my opinion.

    Disregarding the lyrics and their tranlsation, I like the singing and the way it works with the original source. It sounds very nice. I just wish the writing was better.

    Thank you for being meaninglessly pretentious while claiming that the "gimmick" lyrics were needlessly pretentious.


    Anyways, cool song. I'm liking the vibes this one gives me. Maybe I just am tooo chiiiiilllllllllllll.

  7. Excellent work from PriZm, who just popped onto the OCR scene one day and is already gaining some hot cred, including an OCR to his name so early in the game. If only we all could be so lucky.

    Ok, scratch lucky. This mix is all about mixing talent. The original has been ripped, turned, bent, shredded, molded and marbroxed in this remix, truly showcasing PriZm's creativity in his various departments. His guitar work is stellar. I love the various stages of this remix; almost reminds me of getting closer and closer to Koopa (KOOPA!) and finally confronting him over the lava pit. HOT.

  8. [EDIT: And I don't know what the heck some of these people were getting at to me in episode 50's chatlog (yes, I sneaked my way onto Paige's webspace :P) but some of their comments I found were rather offensive. I know it's meant to be a sarcastic atmosphere, but... "so fat offline and online"? WTF?]




    01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Hangarmageddon
    02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength
    03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps
    04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon
    05. E1M5 - Dan B - The Dark Side of Phobos
    06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed
    07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request
    09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies
    11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good
    12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars
    15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - The Leaning Tower of Babel
    18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto
    19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Steel Cathedral
    20. Text Music - Larsec* - Darkness Dawning
    21. The End - TO - ElectroCute Bunny


    08. E1M8 - DJC/MajinGeoDude - Nameless
    10. E2M1 - ______ - Nameless
    13. E2M6 - Hemophiliac - Aria of the Damned
    14. E2M7 - TO/Bladiator - Nameless
    16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat
    17. E3M2 - Larsec - Nameless

    Unfortunatly, dan b said he will probably not have his track completed in time, so i am opening it up to the public. In better news, only six tracks left, with progress on each. I'm quite excited.

    edit: if you mixers don't get those bios in to me, i'll have to make em up

  10. Wow. That's all I can say. Every single remix was nothing short of incredible. This is some fantastic stuff that's great for listening to on the go.

    There is one thing I would like to ask though. The mp3s seem to suffer from a fluctuating bitrate, and every time that's been on mp3s for me in the past, it makes them sound...odd when they're burned for my personal use. Am I the only one? Just wondering.

    That would be because they are encoded as VBR (variable bitrate). I've never had any problems burning VBR mp3s, but I don't speak for everyone.

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