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Posts posted by Navi

  1. sorry I didn't know the words "bad" "talentless" and "Crap" were politically incorrect and/or overtly offensive

    That's a shame.

    "Sycophantism"? Short of you not knowing the meaning of the word, I can't find any clear examples of sycophancy in this thread and thus, can't find any reason for you to make that claim. Good job on that one.

    Oh god, you've gotta be kidding me. This is like a bad eminem ripoff with wannabe lyrics and a talentless rapper who just has a knack for some fast rhyming. I can't believe this crap already got 39 reviews. Someone really needs to put a stop to the sycophantism around this place. It's no wonder talentless people like Ashlee Simpson can so easily take over the music industry when people laud stuff this bad.

    You see, you're just proving my point. If you bother to notice, it's called a "review" board which means criticism is expected. If you're going to be a serious artist/composer, you have to be able to handle critique as well as praise. I don't see why I get attacked for being negative and no one gets attacked for being positive. Double standard. Now go away. Oh and the compositional value of the song sux btw.

    And now to kill you with your own words.

    Yeah I understand what you're saying, but in this specific case, it wasn't just that he was giving the song an unfavorable review. He went way beyond that and was using expletives and debased imagery so as to try and destroy any semblance of worthiness within the remix. That's not a remix review, that's just remix bashing, and it's uncalled for, especially when the song is this good. That's why I'm saying he has no right to say the kind of stuff he did without having the balls to try and remix anything himself.

    Now, if you don’t mind me bringing this up, you posted this in a review thread for Star Salzman’s Dreams Come True, another song that came under fire for its vocals and “modern pop music” style.

    Now, this puts you in a bit of a predicament. For you to insult one facet of mainstream pop music with one face and then come to the glorious defense of another facet of pop music with the other face is quite hypocritical, no? Not to mention you use the same tactics to put down DCT’s song that you spoke so blatantly against in Star’s thread.

    Furthermore, it’s perfectly fine for you to have issues with the genre, as it is quite obvious you do. However, your post was not a review. To coin one of your phrases, it was “remix bashing”.

    Hip hop, whether you like it or not, is as much a musical genre as the genres that are its roots: calypso, blues, scatting, gospel, etc. Now, you make it clear that you don’t appreciate the genre with this choice phrase: “…a talentless rapper who just has a knack for some fast rhyming…” Guess what, buddy. At its core, rapping is fast (or slow) rhythmic rhyming, if you want to be blunt about it. Just as guitar playing is plucking strings at points on a piece of wood with your fingers, or opera is shouting in other languages really loud. Therefore, for you to call someone terrible at doing something right...is just wrong.

    Sorry to draw this thread away from its original purpose.

  2. Does anyone have good suggestions for free Choir/Vocal soundfonts/samples?

    (I'm using Reason 3.0, so Refills count too, as well as gentle reminders of "that awesome vocal patch" which might happen to come with the program's soundbank).

    Google papelmedia soundfonts

  3. My only qualm is shared with the judges. Needs more reverb, especially on the koto.

    Other than that, this ethnofunk groove bias piece is rockin and rolling (while the chillun are schoolin-).

    Great 70s porno/Starsky and Hutch feel going on with the wahs and the funked up bass. Good choice of instrumentation - Ravi Shankar meets Ron Jeremy.

    Joshua Morse makes music of quality, and hopefully will continue to do so.

  4. Nuts' track really hit me on how far it's come. It's all Overseer sounding now... which is vaginormously great in my book.

    I wonder if you recogniced it from the preview, or of you did hear the final version :P

    Anyways, I'm glad you liked it. I had to restart a new project twice to get something that sounded fitting for the project, and I think I did a decent job.

    Send me a wav file, fool.

    omg thanks for reminding me, I totally, totally forgot about that.

    but you didn't have to tell me in PINK colors you know? :cry:

    sorry bout that. extreme times call for extreme measures.

  5. Nuts' track really hit me on how far it's come. It's all Overseer sounding now... which is vaginormously great in my book.

    I wonder if you recogniced it from the preview, or of you did hear the final version :P

    Anyways, I'm glad you liked it. I had to restart a new project twice to get something that sounded fitting for the project, and I think I did a decent job.

    Send me a wav file, fool.

  6. The project is not complete, yet. I'm waiting on a last few tracks. I know I'm asking a lot of the people who have been with the project from its creation, but hold on just a bit longer, guys. It'll be worth every second.

    TO, hit me up on IRC now, if you want.

    Richter, whats your AIM? I always lose it.

  7. is there an official site or page for this, or is this thread it?

    Someone bring that information right to ME.

    I have been commissioned to make the site in exchange for two goats and a comely lass of virtue true.


    Richter, hit me up on aim/irc tonight. around 8ish EST.

  8. I appreciate the sentiment GL. While I do still feel my last remix ("Descent To The End") was one of my best pieces compositionally and emotionally, it's nice to hear my older works still get some lovin' :)

    Edit: Nevermind. That song's already taken.

    I still rock out to Silverhawk Legacy....


    Hurry up and pick a song, old man!

    Thanks, but... sorry Myth. After listening to the whole soundtrack, there's one song that struck an idea in my head. However, that song's been taken. Add to that, the fact that I apparently didn't pay enough attention to all of Shael's text (the idea was orchestral, and from what he wrote, that's not an appropriate genre... especially considering the idea I got), and it looks like I'll be staying out of this one. I'll submit the idea to VGmix when (if?) it gets done.

    Good luck guys.

    Is this my Cammy track? Cause at this point, it's the only one taken...

    You want it?

    No. I wouldn't feel right causing someone to start over, regardless of how they felt about it. As I said, it's orchestral... slow orchestral, and certainly not high energy. That's not in line with what Shael described.

    I didn't read everything as thoroughly as I should have, and that was mistake on my part. If I had, I wouldn't have posted in here in the first place. Anyway, don't worry about it, Myth. You've got a good start going with your mix so far, and I'm not about to fuck with that :)

    Alright, but it would be awesome if you blessed us with a Coopie track. :wink:

    Serge: thanks, but it's really nothing yet.

  9. I appreciate the sentiment GL. While I do still feel my last remix ("Descent To The End") was one of my best pieces compositionally and emotionally, it's nice to hear my older works still get some lovin' :)

    Edit: Nevermind. That song's already taken.

    I still rock out to Silverhawk Legacy....


    Hurry up and pick a song, old man!

    Thanks, but... sorry Myth. After listening to the whole soundtrack, there's one song that struck an idea in my head. However, that song's been taken. Add to that, the fact that I apparently didn't pay enough attention to all of Shael's text (the idea was orchestral, and from what he wrote, that's not an appropriate genre... especially considering the idea I got), and it looks like I'll be staying out of this one. I'll submit the idea to VGmix when (if?) it gets done.

    Good luck guys.

    Is this my Cammy track? Cause at this point, it's the only one taken...

    You want it?

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