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Posts posted by Navi

  1. That is why I haven't really been in a VAGINORMOUS (lol) hurry to finish this

    Holy crap... didn't know that was a word. But I'm betting when we finally unveil 'dis project. Es gon be vaginormous yo.

    I agree. This project is the most vaginormous thing to happen this year.

  2. When DS and I originally talked a bit back we decided to let Kirby debut first. While their project seems to be slowing, they still look to finish ahead of us. That is why I haven't really been in a VAGINORMOUS (lol) hurry to finish this. I want to give Kirby project a MININININUM of two weeks before we debut.

    I apologise for the lack of updates. The last remaining songs are being worked on. I'm keeping in touch with the mixers via AIM and IRC and things look to be finished soon. Then, I go and sort eveyt'ang out.

    Thank you for your time and pashuns.

  3. This is so different. I like it so much.

    Can you please share how you were inspired or how you created this work?


    1 part Cough Syrup

    2 part Red Bull

    1 part Diet Pepsi


    Remix +1

    True story.

    As for the actual song, all of the synths are Sytrus, the drums are the African Precussion, Gretsch Kit, and Dusty Circuit Kit from Kompact as is the Sitar and the Wah Guitar.

  4. Been following Gray Lightning's stuff since I first came here. He sent me a WIP of this a while back, and then had to redo much of it when his mixing program crashed. A few days later, he sent me a new version, sounding twice as good. I guess even software malfunctions have their benefits, eh?

    Anyways, I really can't point out much wrong with this. The orchestration is impressive, as usual. The samples are beautiful and well manipulated, as usual. The mood is tense, cinematic...as usual.

    Props for the "rolling" instruments. I know Gray spent a lot of time working on those, and they sound great. Great stuff, Mr. Alexander. Happy 20, and here's to 20 more.


    I'm rather happy with how this is turning out, apart from two things:

    1) the trombone stab section comes out of nowhere (although the lead-out is fine)

    Just a recommendation of what I would do in the immediate measure before the trumpet stabs/xylo come in (hey, you wanted goofy, right): halfway through the measure, do a hard volume cutoff and insert a giggling clown laugh. Cut the volume back right at the next measure with the stabs and calliope and whatnot.

    Just a thought.

  6. Snnapleman, stop that crappy "I am your savior, I came here to save the project, bound before me, adore me" speech. It's not cool. I appreciated the move, but there's no need to act like that...

    That's all I have to say.

    I didn't really want to involve myself in this thread but...what? Really now...

  7. I'm probably gonna fix the font on my Cover. I just used it because I didn't want to spend anymore time on it. I still wish I could've found a chick with a red hood blowing in the wind... that would be sweet. Put it with the Mars landscape I made color balancing a desert. De-Saturate everything but the red. That would be awesome.

    I had a similar idea - was going to use TO's model - but that plan fell through.

  8. I am trying to go as fast As I possiblt can... But the dead-line for the track for the school CD got pushed up 10 days and on top of that all recordings have to be done by tuesday next week... and I have ´no time this weekend since the girlfriend is visiting... and about 90 people to record in addition to a fiddle, guitar and solo 3 vocalists... STRESS! :)

    I'll get it done during next week... Unless something new should decide to ambush me...

    Good luck, Larsec. ;)

  9. TO, keep the template but expect changes. Remember, I plan on altering the track list to flow a bit better. Also, the font of "Dark Side of Phobos" on the front...seems a bit generic. Is it a Photoshop file? If so, send it to me and I'll tweak it around.
    I'll edit the text with a better font and touch up a few things once we have a definitive list and order.


    Yoooouuuu sooonnnnn offf a bitttch!


  10. I got your name down, my good Frenchman.

    I know I've said this to certain people online, but let me just tell you that I forsee this being as big if not bigger than Kong In Concert. I have listened to just about all of the tracks and I think the mixers put/are putting an incredible amount of effort into them. It's really paying off. I'm quite proud of this project, and I see great things on the horizon.

    Thats all.

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