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Everything posted by jezon2000

  1. Dude, hook me up. Also, I'm definitely willing to try and write some overworld themes, but I'd prefer to try and write them first and see if they like them before I commit myself. I don't want to do a bad job, even if it's only for a fan game... :D

  2. This is not relevant to the topic, but did you say you're writing original tunes for fan made video games? That sounds like fun! Is this in a fan-game making community somewhere on the internetz? I'd be interested in playing some megaman fan games myself... though I have to admit I'd totally love to work on an snes style rpg with somebody at some point. How'd you get involved with something like that?
  3. I pretty much agree with diseased project here. I'd also say, adjust some of the velocities on your drum track just to vary them up, because each hit sounds almost exactly the same strength. maybe i'm imagining it, but it was pretty noticeable to me. otherwise, i thought the composition and execution on the whole was pretty intense, so well done. i could think of nothing but 80s metal while listening to this, though for some reason i kept thinking of the glam metal hairstyles. guess they're burned into my head. i think you and my brother would have a lot to talk about, he's into shred guitar, and quite the skilled soloist himself.
  4. Hah, you're giving me too much praise man My friend was saying this should be music in a fire stage. I was planning on making this longer, at least experimenting with it, with some kind of intense melding of all the elements in a kind of build up style at the end. Actually I'm hoping to find the time to get back to work on this later this week... Thanks for all your comments, man. They are much appreciated.
  5. Many thanks, my man. Honestly I find going for a certain sound helps, but in the end experimenting with different sounds and improv'ing some progression/melody ideas is the only way I can do original material. I've never had a decent melody just pop into my head, which is why most of my stuff doesn't really have melodies. With this one it's all one long progression. I'll have to check out your wips and decide for myself whether or not they have a bad punk sound, though
  6. I've put on the first track, and this is goddamn awesome. I'm going to have to wait till I'm home to download all of it. Just from hearing this though, I think you belong with 8bitpeoples. What are you using, if you don't mind me asking? LSDJ? Fami? http://www.8bitpeoples.com/
  7. So, this is probably the coolest original WIP I've ever done. I've been trying to experiment with a pop sound that mixes my interest in electronica, chiptunes, opera, strings, and post-rock, and I think this mix has brought me a little closer to that goal. Ideally, I would have a vocalist, instead of having to sample, but this gets the message across. I think an operatic female vocalist would make this sound pretty cool, even if she had no glitch-processing done on her voice. Actually, I think that would sound magical and amazing. Maybe someday... I think this may need some work in terms of a cooler bassline, but I'm also thinking about bringing in some bowed-guitar-like post-rock sounds to the mix (similar to the electro/"thrash" WIP I posted awhile back), and I might experiment with that. Right now the mix is busy, but still sounds a little chilled out. It would be cool to see it get more intense with another minute or so of material and have all the different sound elements converge in some kind of operatic post-rock chiptronica orgasm. Well, listeners welcome. Let me know if you liked it http://www.mediafire.com/?imt0iygwuj3
  8. This is great. I'm going to listen to this at work to kill the pain
  9. My issue with famitracker is the interface. It's not bad, but it's really time consuming to navigate, especially if you're starting out. I'm so used to the fl score approach that I end up losing it just trying to space my notes out in famitracker the way I want. Being a noob doesn't help, but still. I wish someone would simply take the famitracker instrument creator and make a VST out of it for fl studio. Speaking of, what are you using for your NES-alike sounds? I have the NES soundfont, and I've found I can mimic the arpeggio chiptune effect half-decently well with the delay effect. I've used the granulizer with some samples, but it's hit and miss... Anyway, on to your track now: I love this. It immediately brought a smile to my face. First of all, the hook is beautiful. The track as a whole is insane, it has this kind of positive energy and a playful, frenetic dark feel at the same time, and it's damn catchy. I said I was impressed with your last track, but this one is freaking me out. If there was a stage in mega man 9 for funk man, this would be on the ost. I'm not sure I can pay you a higher compliment than that. MOAR!!! I want a whole album of this glory.
  10. I think this is probably my only decent wip to date. This is partially inspired by my memories of hurricane Andrew in Florida, specifically at night with all the blue flashes from the transformers when the storm hit the coast and started knocking out power lines. I think this track could still use some more textures and some fine tuning, but I'm sharing it as is because I thought it was sounding cool, and who knows when I'll finish it up. Listeners welcome... http://www.mediafire.com/?cjmymolmmdy Let me know if you liked it
  11. A comment?! On my wip page?! I'll admit I'm kind of a fiend when it comes to clipping and poor EQ. My remix wips have all had major EQ problems. I'll learn, eventually : ) Seriously, though, thanks for the feedback.
  12. Niiice. This was always my favorite MJ song. Though Billy Jean is crazy sick...
  13. Alright... + 1000 Internets for you then. I didn't mean to put you in a deficit just because I like Super Metroid and prefer killing aliens for great justice. I admit I used strong words against Shadow Complex, and it was not brotherly-like, albeit I meant no serious business. Forgive me, dudes. I should have known that one does not simply walk into a Shadow Complex thread and rage about Super Metroid. It was folly.
  14. so what you're saying to me is, in the real world you have to kill terrorists to save your girlfriend. and when you go to play a video game, you want to be reminded that you live in the real world, because you might forget that you live in the real world and might have to save your girlfriend from terrorists at any moment. you can see the problem now, but let's assess what you've really done here: you have taken a totally un-serious comment i posted and gotten so offended that you have chosen to now make a personal attack and make assertions about me as an individual. not cool. you may think the things i say are stupid, but at least give the person speaking the benefit of the doubt and say, "well, maybe he's just joking, even if it's his real opinion".
  15. Let's not generalize. I said THIS game was garbage, and I took beef with someone saying they liked it better than Super Metroid. When I see such things, I simply react. And when I see that the game in question is like a bad 80s movie that became a game instead, I rage. There's quite a legitimate reason I haven't played this game. If this game involved rail-gunning clowns, communists, or aliens, and not saving dumb girlfriend number 7, I might be remotely interested, because the object of maiming things that are too fucked to exist anyway is fulfilling in and of itself. But to make a side-scrolling game about saving your girlfriend from terrorists is about as motivating as turning forty and coming home to a sink full of diapers. Because you know? That's next in line. You don't just save girlfriend number 7 and not get married or at least have kids number 1, 2, and 3. Which, personally, I do not want. i like the destroy things with absolutely no consequences. At least metroid had a cool universe, a cool story, and gave me an acceptable reason to annihilate AN ENTIRE PLANET OF ALIENS. Why? For great justice. If the premise of this game were more outlandishly absurd, and the violence looked remotely entertaining, and maybe if it had nonsensical bosses that threw exploding rottweilers at me, I would be down for this. But there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that makes this game interesting. Games are supposed to be about cool or funny shit. And I'm just not seeing it.
  16. Stopped reading. This game in no way compares to Super Metroid. In fact I feel dumber for even having heard what the plot is for this game. I don't mind new side scrolling gmaes, but Super Metroid is quite frankly one of the best games ever made, and I will not acknowledge this unoriginal garbage is even remotely comparable to Super Metroid even as a concept, because the concept of Metroid was groundbreaking. MINUS 1,000 internets for you. GOOD DAY, SIR.
  17. Even the chiptune manages to stay nostalgic. I'd better not put it on loop or I'll start crying at work after long enough.
  18. no problem
  19. WIP2 is closer to what I was going for. First half still needs work, but... I like the second half. It's more the thrash / 8-bit concussion wave meets post-rock style that I'm going for. I'll probably cut off the synth feedback in the next update at the end, so it's just the distortion and feedback that kind of echoes out. Think it would sound cool. I'm really interested to hear comments, but this is ocr originals, so... I'll wait http://www.filefactory.com/file/ah328d8/n/IDK_mp3
  20. whoever posted those comments thinks entirely too much about Zelda, but I have to admit, In a Lake does sound a bit like Koji i thought these were great, though I didn't see any particular scenes during the music. i think there's a bit too much going on for it to be triggering my cinematic imagination. i preferred In a Lake to Snow Is Falling though. good work! looks like you're using finale? i think your samples sound pretty decent, what are you using, if you don't mind me asking?
  21. sounds pretty good, dude. i think it would be good if you found someone to write and sing lyrics for this, but there's always a place for instrumental tracks. this is quite a spot-on feel good track, gotta say you nailed it if that's what you're going for.
  22. This track's well put together, but not really my style. Something about breakbeat electronica just doesn't interest me anymore, nothing to do with you or your track (don't want to bring you down here). But I will say that as far as the genre goes, this track is technically really good, but not really catchy, I agree that adding another lead could maybe address that. I think trying to make the drums pop more with compression and the like could make the mix sound fuller, but then again, I get the feeling this is more of a chillout track and not meant to be in your face. Like I said, good work though
  23. Impressive. Was this improvised or written beforehand?
  24. So, I don't actually know what this is, but it's supposed to be something like electro/thrash. Chiptune + violin + retarded drums that need some work and are supposed to be crazier and fuller sounding than they are. Ideally, this would have some thrash vocals thrown in there, but unfortunately I don't know anyone like Alice Glass. I would try it out myself, because I think it would sound cool, but I don't have the proper equipment. I started it last night and threw on some compression today. I kind of like where it's at, but I think vocals would complete it... http://www.filefactory.com/file/ah3hg38/n/Idk_mp3 Feel free to check out my FF6 remix WIP if you're interested (totally different style): http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=24657 I'll try to get some comments in on some of your guys WIPs today. I've been slacking because of the ff6 remix... We all know ocr originals feedback is a labour of love... EDIT: So, after coming to work and listening to the WIP again, I've decided it's complete shit, and nobody should listen to it. It's never a good idea to post a WIP that's not even remotely close to finished. I might update it later to make it less shitty, but spare yourself the pain of listening for now...
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