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Geoffrey Taucer

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Everything posted by Geoffrey Taucer

  1. I've backed off a bit on the intensity of my training lately, but I'm still working out every day. At this point, I have everything I need for competition in January; I just need to remain uninjured and workout enough to avoid losing any skills between now and then. The only exception is vault; I still need to get some harder vaults than what I have now (or rather I need to get my hard vaults consistent)
  2. You might try his website, http://www.discodan.org/ ... which I found in five seconds by checking his profile. Beyond that, don't think I can help you.
  3. Holy shit. AWESOME! Thanks for the info!
  4. *bump* Had a great tumbling workout today. Did some triple backs into a pit from floor, and they were feeling consistantly pretty good. Still not ready to put it on a real floor, but I'm definitely going to keep working on them.
  5. Haha, ok. In that case, I'm tentatively claiming it for myself, and hopefully I'll have a WIP to show by the end of the week.
  6. I'll let bahamut call who gets the map theme, 'cause I'm working on a WIP for it.
  7. Man, this thread is going to make me have to go back and play OoT again.
  8. Man, that part of the game would have been AWESOME if it weren't for the fact that you can one-hit those guys with the hook shot. Completely ruined what could have been an awesomely difficult and scary section of the game. It is completely possible to get past them without use of the hookshot (ever since I realized this, I have refused to use the hookshot at all when I play through this section).
  9. For the last week or so, American Express has rejected all my attempts to buy anything on my card. I figured the problem was just with my account, and planned on calling AmEx to get it sorted out when I got the chance, but then Bahamut said the same thing was happenning with him. Is this happenning to anybody else as well? Anybody know what's going on? My suspicion is that it's related to the current financial crisis.
  10. Koji Kondo inspired me to get into music in general, and Kaijin inspired me to really get into the production side. First remix I ever heard was Radical Dreamers Angelic, and the realization that the whole thing was done by one guy in front of a computer, rather than some big professional symphony, was utterly inspiring to me.
  11. Actually, I liked Jabu-Jabu, but that was mainly because I had a major hard-on for Ruto. Shut up. I was 11. ANYWAY, Metroid Prime 3 was the first metroid game I played, and the metroids really creeped me out until I got used to them. And that was just last year.
  12. Concurred. Only game I've played that genuinely scared me was Zelda: OoT. And I loved that about it! I thought the bottom of the well was utterly terrifying (though strangely the shadow temple never really bothered me). For the longest time, even though I was a pretty obsessive completionist in these types of games, when I got to the well it was get in, get the lense, get the fuck out, and fuck whatever else was in there. I've only recently (like, since I graduated highschool) been able to go back and really do a thorough search of the well.
  13. How many physical copies are left? I tried to buy one the day it was announced, but I'm having credit card issues.
  14. What's IJI? Also, don't expect to get much business from these forums; you'd probably have more success posting on a game developers' forum or something similar, since a sizeable chunk of the people here are musicians looking for work.
  15. Most of it is stuff that can be done either with no equipment or with a set of rings; and they sell a cheap set on that same site. My crosses were feeling great today. I'm making some minor changes to my rings routine to fit with the new code of points. Here's my current routine: Back uprise to cross Press to planche Drop, giant to handstand Bail forward, back uprise planche (needs work; I can do it to a straddle planche, but I need to get it to straight body planche) Press to inverted cross (still needs work; it's not consistent yet) Bail, back uprise to pike support Straight arm, straight body press handstand Giant Double layout (needs work) Start value: 15.9 My goal: Azarian (backward roll to cross) Press to maltese Press to planche Drop, giant to handstand Bail, piked Yamawaki (a double front while holding onto the rings) Tucked Yamawaki Back uprise planche Press to inverted cross Front giant OR pullout to handstand from the inverted cross Full twisting double layout OR double-twisting double tuck Start value: 16.3 with a double lay full, 16.4 with a tucked double double
  16. For anybody interested: Chris Sommer's new book on strength training is now available for preorder at www.gymnasticbodies.com. I've already preordered my copy.
  17. One Day Millenium has become the soundtrack to my training. I especially love Time's Eye. One of my all-time favorite electronic tracks. Nice work!
  18. VBR encoding is your friend. SMaller filesize without significantly compromising quality.
  19. Bump. I'd like to request a new sig. Something with guitars and an irish/celtic theme.
  20. Sure! http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01451/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01599/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01587/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01427/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01619/ http://www.ocremix.org/remixer/neskvartetten/ (especially http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01050/) Those should start you off.
  21. To me one of the best parts of remixing is completely throwing out the original feel and seeing what else can be done with the melody. You want the original feel, listen to the original track.
  22. Huh? With the exception of the most recent one, I really like the Artems Fowl series (in fact I'm rereading it right now). Still, though, I don't see the need for another hitchhiker book.
  23. So one of my guys saw Danny Rodrigues on rings at the olympics, thought the front uprise to victorian was the coolest thing ever, and has been working obsessively to try to get a victorian ever since. The scary part: I think he might actually get it. Same student also cooked up a new exercise on rings that I'll probably be incorporating into my workouts from now on. It's a muscle up followed by a slow decent with straight arms (ie through a cross) back to a hang.
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