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Everything posted by Beatdown

  1. Oh god no. Everquest is the Eye of Argon of MMOs. In fact if they were to ever publish Eye of Argon as a paperback the cover art would probably look a lot like EQ2's graphics. (Of couse we'd have other things to worry about at that point such as the apocalypse) I'll stick with FFXI thanks. If that was an insult directed towards EQ, it flew way above my head. Also ironically enough the apocalypse already happened before EQ2 takes place. Blew up the moon and everything. I'm on a PvP server if that helps any (Darkspear), and I do plan on doing lots of PvP so I just may take zircon's advice and go prep. Looking through the skill tree it does seem very useful in terms of PvP.
  2. Come play Everquest with me. Also, I have decided that I love rogues very much. My question is does it really matter where I should be putting my talent points? With other classes it's one or the other or the other, but with rogues it seems like variations of ways to deal high damage.
  3. Killing things is the thesis of MMORPG's as we know it. I've always loved rogues and rogue-type classes in games anyway, think I'll stick with this one.
  4. No. I used to play on Darkspear once in a while, and unless it's changed a great deal I'd suggest moving to a different server. I don't play often enough to really care which server is 1337 anyway. It takes half the time to level in this game than it does in Levelquest 2 so I only have to dedicate half the time. I'm in it to see if the high end PvP is the bag of chips everyone makes it out to be.
  5. I just started a rogue on Darkspear for giggles. Pickpocket is fun, can you do it to players too?
  6. See now that was just mean
  7. The trial lasts for like 20 something days, then you have to buy a retail CD key to continue playing.
  8. Zerging 24/7 isn't gonna win you a competition if you can't get kills. Sure, the people that win played the most. Once again, you're trying to tell me that no paladins played as much as the people up there? That's hard to believe, at best. Even if you're right, don't you think there's a reason they don't play so much? Perhaps the problem is 'not enough kills in the time alloted'. They're pretty slow killers with no burst damage. Slow, yet consistantly effective. Paladins weren't built to run around killing things you know. Versus classes that are actually built to do damage, I don't see how a paladin could've won that contest with the amount of competetion from other classes.
  9. I had started a paladin once with Everquest in mind, thinking I was gonna be a sub-tank with decent damage dealing ability and a few heals. I turned out to be a cleric with a sword I think I'm gonna start a new character now.
  10. Are you trying to tell me that out of all the paladins in World of Warcraft, none of them were skillful enough to win the competition? Please. The problem doesn't lie in the players. Even PRIESTS can specialize to do damage, if they need to. -Dennis- It wasn't a contest of skill, it was a contest of time played. Who had the most points over a set period of time. Obviously paladins weren't the most played characters. That argument sounds a whole lot like "THAT VIDEO GAME AWARD SHOW DIDN'T MENTION CHRONO TRIGGAR!!!" to me.
  11. I don't understand why a paladin not winning would be a big deal.
  12. Oh I fucking hate that about most MMO's these days. They throw out some great adventure then either tell you in the updates where to go/what to do or post a big ol guide on their website/forums like a day later. That's one of the things I love the most about Everquest, 90% of everything in the game is discovered and circulated strictly by players. When they add new content they just give you some lore, tell you a general direction and say "go". Even when you see guides or walkthroughs, they're either posted by players or paraphrased from people or guilds who know these things through experience.
  13. End game EQ1 (pre Luclin) was loads of fun, especially with guilds. There were tons of fun raid zones and difficult mobs to bring down, plus arenas on non PvP servers for people to do whatever. My old guild used to set up all sorts of tournaments with each other by class type (tanks, melee, casters, healers) or do something stupid like getting totally shitfaced and running from one city to another on foot. Whenever we got bored with that we'd just gather up and find a spot to go. One of our favorite places to go was the Tower of Frozen Shadow, a seven story tower with an extremly mean vampire at the very top and some interesting shit along the way including an undead wedding and library. Some of the best times are getting to like the fourth level and realizing someone left a key behind or watching a guildie fall into a pit of doom for the 8th time. I do have to say a lot of the fun in MMORPG's is what you and your friends make of it. Boy did we have fun.
  14. I'll spectate and bitch when someone screws up.
  15. It's rare (read: never) that I review songs and I haven't posted anything in the WIP forums in forever, however I just wanted to take this opportunity to say the guitar solo that starts at 3:23 and wraps up this 4:16 of awesome is hands down the best guitar work I have ever heard posted on OCR. It's one of those things that makes you proud to have the song just so you can run around to your friends saying "you've gotta hear this". Definately nice work here. Your skills have earned my infinite respect.
  16. Only on the hardest difficulty, which is great because it's almost as much fun to watch yourself fight/die miserably than it is to actually do it. Otherwise it shouldn't be that much of a problem to have her screaming your name before you send her packin. You just gotta suck less. Take this guy for example...
  17. I may have already said it once in this thread, but it just needs to be said again regardless I hate Fernandez with all my heart and soul. I really do.
  18. I'm kinda pressed on time and too lazy to read the earlier pages so I don't know if it's been mentioned, but can anyone direct me to any good guitar soundfonts? I need at least a good lead and bass guitar, something that could be used for rock/metal type music. Thanks in advance.
  19. OMFG NO THE MEMORIES!!!! *curls up into a fetal position and cries*
  20. Oh, I forgot Fernandez. The huge horrifying yet somehow cute black ball of completly cheap and unfair ass kicking that is the boss of Waku Waku 7. His reach is halfway the distance of the screen, he's unbelievably fast, does incredible amounts of damage, can seemingly hit you from any position and worse of all his ultimate attack has absolutely no charge time whatsoever. If you haven't played against Fernandez, you truly don't know frustration...
  21. The thing used 3-4 aoe nukes and killed 6 rogues (me included), then it starts focusing on the healers/casters. Hell no we didn't kill it! btw, the sleeper can zone after it's been awakened from what I hear... RPG bosses are easy if you can overlevel, it's the optional ones that are programmed to be totally unfair that are always the challenge. Tell the truth I had more probs with emerald than ruby. For some odd reason everyone but Cloud was dead and everytime it countered KotR with ultima it missed. Every time! Emerald was more of a pain, it did more damage and had that goddamned move that instantly kills everyone (except a lvl 100 Cid that somehow always only takes 8000-9000 damage). Oh well.
  22. Had a guild of 70+ lvl 60's try to raid the Sleeper. PWNED. And it DOES come back, he just has an insane repspawn time (like a month or something someone told me, but he does come back).
  23. *just remembered that GODDAMN CHEAP ASS boss in the arena that randomly uses a move that blows you out of the battle...*
  24. The sphinx on Powerstone 2. Me and a friend spent 45 minutes trying to beat him on the hardest difficulty, it's just wrong. You're being shot at every second while you're under it, then you have the sphinx itself to contend with (that shoots the biggest laser known to man). That's a tantrum-inducing boss if I've ever played one. The big, black, badass ball of asskicking sideboss in FFIX. *shudders I know everone's already mentioned Sephiroth in KH but I still did him at lvl 70 with the Metal Chocobo (note: VERY CAREFULLY). And just to be an ass I'll mention the Sleeper, THE one absolute unbeatable monster of all time. I guess it doesn't really count seeing as how no one has ever killed it (or even come close) nor is it really a boss, but it kicks so much ass it's just worth mentioning. If you don't know, it's an Everquest thing. Ask around.
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