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  1. 1. Quote (Cave Story) 2. Spyro 3. Banjo & Kazooie
  2. I'm putting in another vote for Shadow Complex. Definitely one of the better metroidvanias out there.
  3. I've always wanted to contribute to OCR, and I was finally able to summon up the courage to submit the song I have been working on for the last 5 years entitled "garbagetext.txt.mp3". I just knew that Judgenator would be capable of impartially evaluating my "jazz take on Ice Cap", and I was not disappointed. Judgenator even recognized my "aromatic prelude". Thank you OCR, thank you.
  4. This was mentioned once before, but 3D dot game heroes is a fantastic top-down 3D Zelda clone. Definitely worth picking up, but make sure to save a lot because it has a tendency to crash during really long playthroughs.
  5. At first I thought "unisonant" wasn't actually a word, but it seems I was mistaken. You learn something new every day...
  6. Gosh, I'm a week late for my yearly avatar-thread-check and look what happens. That'll show me.
  7. I find that the best quick keys for items for me are Tab, F and spacebar, this allows you to keep your hands right around qwer while still having a few items nearby for quick activation. If you have a mouse with more than three buttons, you can assign items to them as well.
  8. Now I just may have comprehended this part wrong, but I can see no situation where 5% + $50 will ever be less than just $50. More on topic: those are some pretty good rigs with great specs and very reasonable prices.
  9. I genuinely enjoyed the third game, despite it's flaws, and would love to see some kind of conclusion to the series.
  10. I had none of these games. Now I have all of them. Chances are I will play none of them. Well done, humble bundle. Well done.
  11. I don't mind the lack of custom avatars, as it makes it so that the existing avatars are all consistent, and similarly sized. What I do mind is that it has been over a year and 5 months since I posted that VVVVVV avatar (want want want want want want). Anywho, back to lurking. LT: Back to lurking. We'll see when you notice your avatar change.
  12. Looks like more waves of invites are going out, and "the most active Dota 2 players" are also getting additional invites to give out (I got a couple, lol). Check your email etc, etc.
  13. This artbook timeline sounds sketchy...
  14. Which is what makes it so hard to balance him. While I haven't played invoker in years, I do remember having a fun time mauling people with giant flaming meteoroids. I'm also really liking that they haven't implemented a concede function. It seems people are now more willing to stick it out, and don't just give up at 15 min if things are looking bad. I played witch doctor in a 4v5 where we were able to eventually win despite an incredibly farmed sand king and a mediocre pudge who left at lvl 8.
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