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Everything posted by Devyn

  1. I will now proceed to waste the next 30 minutes reading the manual. And shall I. Ooccoo is a freaky creature, wouldn't you agree?
  2. It sounds like he's just grabbing at anything to complain about (pressing A to read signs WTF?) which tells me that there really aren't many major problems with the game. This was the same article posted in the Wii thread no? Anyway, yeah, the whole sign-reading gripe is bs, considering (as had been pointed out in the Wii thread) the signs are written in Hylian and you wouldn't be able to read them no matter how huge they make them. Then about the color palette, whatever. The colors used were intentionally picked to create a certain atmosphere. Just because it's the next console Zelda after Wind Waker doesn't mean it has to be a continuation of its style, so it's pointless for him to compare the two IMO. His arguments don't really make sense to me. Looks like he had to dig pretty deep to find the slightest flaws, which further suggests that this game will fucking rock. I can't frikkin wait.
  3. This guy didn't like Zelda very much. Good thing we don't have to agree with him. http://www.joystiq.com/2006/11/11/nintendos-new-zelda-falls-flat/
  4. It's only too expensive if you're poor like me. If you got the money, then it's no problem.
  5. A sad hierarchy of priorities for those men.
  6. Oh don't worry, I was kidding. That was great. I think I'll go have a cigarette now.
  7. Thanks a lot asshole. Now I have to clean up my laptop.
  8. The rabbit-things are called Pol's voice, right? Yeah, I hate those fuckers. They're really hard to hit and they jump away really quickly.
  9. What a bunch of looooosers.
  10. Jumping flash! That's the one. Thanks.
  11. Wow. Oh, thanks. Fuck, how come I didn't know this? I've beaten that game 20 or more times, found every secret but this one. Okay, serious time again. Time for more Twilight Princess speculation, and if you aren't in the mood, then I'm doing it anyway. Feel free to join. I've seen the new screenshot of the master sword. The place it sits is.... The remains of the Temple of Time. I know this. Oh yeah, and this story is only decades after Ocarina of Time. So.... where is the Hero of Time? He can't be dead yet, can he? The new Link is his son! And who could that Twilight King be? I think I know... Nintendo said themselves - 'We will never expect it' or something like that. I'm on to something, I know it.
  12. Not bad at all. By the way, does anyone remember that game (playstation 1 game) when you were a bunny rabbit and you jump around from a semi-third person view? It was really weird and there was a demo for it when the playstation first came out. By the way, Lair looks fun.
  13. Master quest wasnt that much more challenging. If you want the games to be harder you could always just make challenges up for yourself. Like limited health or a time limit to defeat it. My roommates always give me a hard time for trying to beat Zelda games with only three hearts. I was playing Wind Waker recently, and the Heart Container from beating the Boko Baba boss (whatever its name is) happened to spawn exactly where Link moved to to talk to the little Kokori thing. I hadn't saved recently, so I bit my lower lip and beat the game with four hearts. They still make fun of me for it. "Yeah, Steven's alright at Zelda, I guess, but he had to have FOUR hearts to do it." For some reason, that reminds me of the time I discovered the Chris Houlihan room. It's a boring story, but I'm going to write it anyway. See, I was very young.. couldn't have been older than 6. I was playing LttP on my SNES in the veeeery early morning(maybe around 6am), trying to beat the snot out of Ganon. I was having a grand old time, until I fell into that hole surrounding the ring. I found myself in a room full of Rupees with a little message thing that said "My name is Chris Houlihan. This is my top secret room. Keep it between us, OK?" So I got the rupees and left, only to find that I was outside my house. I never found that room again. When I tried to tell my elder sisters, they said that I was making it up and must have fallen asleep while playing. I was SURE I hadn't dreamt it, but since I couldn't find the room again, I took their word as law. For literally a decade, they would keep teasing me about it. About once a year they would find some way to reference it to discredit something I said or just to joke around. I always rolled my eyes, but I never knew how I could have hallucinated that, and it was embarrassing. So a couple of months ago my brother in law found out about the room in his Game Informer. I got the last laugh. I must know more. Tell me more or die!
  14. Master quest wasnt that much more challenging. If you want the games to be harder you could always just make challenges up for yourself. Like limited health or a time limit to defeat it. My roommates always give me a hard time for trying to beat Zelda games with only three hearts. I was playing Wind Waker recently, and the Heart Container from beating the Boko Baba boss (whatever its name is) happened to spawn exactly where Link moved to to talk to the little Kokori thing. I hadn't saved recently, so I bit my lower lip and beat the game with four hearts. They still make fun of me for it. "Yeah, Steven's alright at Zelda, I guess, but he had to have FOUR hearts to do it." Auburn is a nice place. I know a lot of people there. Anyway, I've never tried beating a Zelda game with three hearts. That sounds like a real bitch. I bet I could do it on A Link To The Past, but I don't know about Ocarina of Time.
  15. I still can't wait to play this fucking game. I don't work or go to school during christmas, so I think I may be able to take it out in a couple weeks. What do you think? Heart pieces, I love collecting them, but there's always been a problem with it. I've always delayed progress on more important missions, spent hours trying to get heart pieces that I should have waited to get later (more well equipeed, actually knowing what the hell to do). And I'm also always writing their locations down because I simply hate to miss anything in a Zelda game. But it's way better than those late Megaman X games. Miss an item? Too bad. It's gone and you're not going to get it unless you reset the frikkin' game. But yeah, I'm going to go apeshit on this game. Challenge? Bring it on, beeyatch.
  16. Concurred, about the first image. I just watched the trailer twice, really noticed that "scene" the second time even though I already liked it, in the one second it shows, the first time. Then I saw your post and for some reason had 100% perfect confidence that the first image would be what it is. I mainly just like the design of the character, and how mysterious those all those dark looking creatures are actually. This is why I don't like to think of theories. I might come to close to guessing why things are the way they are, therefore making them less mysterious. And that's why my life is better than everyone's. Who is that first character? (not midna, I'm talking about the one with his/her back turned) I dunno girl, but she 'bout to get bitchslapped yo. Anyway, I won't do serious storyline speculation. I did it a long time ago. Plus there are too many theories in my head and only ONE's correct, so no thx. PM me. I won't spread it. I have to know. By the way, I'm a dude. Edit: Could he be the original Hero of Time?
  17. Concurred, about the first image. I just watched the trailer twice, really noticed that "scene" the second time even though I already liked it, in the one second it shows, the first time. Then I saw your post and for some reason had 100% perfect confidence that the first image would be what it is. I mainly just like the design of the character, and how mysterious those all those dark looking creatures are actually. This is why I don't like to think of theories. I might come to close to guessing why things are the way they are, therefore making them less mysterious. And that's why my life is better than everyone's. Who is that first character? (not midna, I'm talking about the one with his/her back turned)
  18. I reserved my frikkin' copy, I better frikkin' get it. I'll go Friday, pay it off, and make sure things are all gravy - or else I will :vomit: on someone.
  19. Then only use the sword beams when locked on, and every time you swing a beam goes out at the enemy you're locked onto. Problem solved. But to be effective, wouldn't the lock on have to be from far away? That might cause problems. Well, there would need to be limitations to the sword beam. After all, even on the old games, it was easy for enemies to evade them if they were far away, and they didn't do as much damage as actual sword contact, at least on ALTTP. Hell, if it hit the enemy flawlessly, it would be an unfair advantage. It's still more effective to get in close. It would just be a cool add-on, but it probably isn't there anyway, so I'm not too concerned about it. I mean, have any editors even gotten close to that Master Sword yet? But I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for sword upgrades. You know, visiting the blacksmith, getting that sword stronger, and hearing "Whooosh" instead of "swiiish." Maybe throw it in a fairy fountain and turn it gold too. I doubt it. Okay, more importantly, I'm going to give the biggest reason as to why I'm so excited about this obviously fucking awesome game: Nintendo have said that this game explains the various Zelda storylines and how they all tie together. We've been given clues, and we've also heard that the game takes place twenty-something years after Ocarina of Time. We have also seen the Master Sword, in all its glory, sitting in some woods that look peculiarly like those in A Link To The Past (I've heard this Link is from an earlier time in Hyrule). And what about the opening story in the Wind Waker when it says 'But the Hero of Time never returned'? And what about Saria and the Kokiri children, and all those other characters. Maybe you'll see them later. That would be cool as hell. Anybody up for some serious speculation? Ridiculous assumptions are welcome.
  20. Yeah, that's the one. I don't like the baby one, it's too damn weird.
  21. I saw a ps3 commercial last night. It had a rubix cube that exploded in a room. I can't remember much more, because I was halfway asleep.
  22. Player reactions to Twilight Princess. Fun to watch. http://us.wii.com/soft_loz_tp.jsp Looks like more fun than beer pong.
  23. Yeah, those were cool and all. Really cool. But you know what I fucking want? Sword projectiles with full life. Yeaaaaah.
  24. This game will be like eating pepper-jack cheese, covered with bacon, hot sauce and cocaine on a sesame seed bun.
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