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Everything posted by Devyn

  1. Well, adios amigo. You were cool, most of the time.
  2. Well, good for those who don't care, but coming from a part-time unmodder, this sucks the balls of King Kong. Yes, there was a lot of gross and disgusting crap there, but there was a lot of quality and fun there too. Sometimes you have to crawl through shit to get to the good stuff, and that was the case with unmod. And the best stuff ever was on unmod, not gendisc. Crazy pictures, random topics that usually don't make any sense, fad threads - it's all good stuff. Hell, gendisc, was cool a few years ago, but I've slowly watched it decay to this, and it grew even worse when PPR was created, which resulted in most fun topics crawling to unmod and PPR. So a big boo-hoo from me and a salute to what remains of Unmod. The site itself kicks ass like never before, but the forums aren't anything when compared to what they used to be - which explains why I don't post here very much anymore. Hey, but the boss is the boss, and Pretzel busts his ass for this site, so that's how it goes.
  3. Oh my god. Are you serious? What happened?! (not sarcasm) Holy shit. I haven't been around much. Can someone slap me please?
  4. Hey people. I haven't been here in a while, and I don't have anything important to say. I clocked 27 hours on Zelda and had eleven hearts, half the poes, and half the bugs. A buddy of mine spent 15 minutes playing Zelda, and erased my quest. Boohoo. Yeah, it sucks. I'll start over eventually. I guess it will be fun, because I'll know exactly what to do to halfway through the game and my progress will be faster. (Can't wait for a full-on speedrun) So, does anyone think the Donkey Kong Country games will make it to VC? I heard Nintendo had to make a lot of alterations to port DKC3 to Gameboy Advance, because of Rare's partial ownership (now owned by Microsoft, which you probably knew but I'm writing it down just in case) And what about Killer Instinct? Anyway, I'm gonna break out the SNES and make a run through the first two until then.
  5. I spend about 4 or 5 minutes on myspace every two or three days, so I don't have a problem with it. I hate using it, but it's completely retarded to not use it when you're in a band. I must say that facebook looks a lot better. I start going blind if I stare at a myspace page for too long.
  6. Thank you thank you. By the way, running over enemies with a horse is so awesome.
  7. I haven't gotten far into the game (don't have my own wii), so I have some questions for you. No, I don't want spoilers. First, if you beat the game, did you like the ending? (just a simple yes or no would be fine) Second, I heard that the game makes an effort to tie and explain several Zelda storylines together. Is this true? By the way, I have to say that the cutscenes are awesome and that there is way more emotion in this game than the others.
  8. PS3 has sold about 300,000 units so far, by the way. No... PS3 has shipped 300 000 units. Slight difference. I think they were talking about gametitles, not the console itself. uhh... I don't know.
  9. I really, really need to play that game. I have to see it myself. Is there anything that can compete with it graphically right now?
  10. I still haven't got my own Wii yet. But I played Twilight Princess, and I have a play time of 4 hours. Beat the first dungeon. It was so well-designed. Great stuff. Every time I kill a big spider, my heart skips a beat. The fighting is awesome.
  11. Why the hell are all the characters blonde? I think square is associated with nazis.
  12. More like same old 'so-awesome-that-I-want-to-gouge-my-eyes-out-with-spoon' Zelda game.
  13. I'm hoping that the comment was just a sarcastic reference to Mario Galaxy. I got to play it some yesterday. It was wonderful. The whole vibe is very "Zelda" from the start. And I have to say that the music is cool, both new and old tunes. Holding the controller and nunchuk is as engaging and exciting as squeezing a pair of boobs. I almost had an orgasm the first time I aimed and threw a bird to catch a basket.
  14. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must play!!!
  15. Same here. Nice try though. Maybe one day there will be a console with a time machine in it so it will be forward compatible too. Oh, the paaaaiiin.
  16. Tell me more. Has anyone beat the first dungeon yet?
  17. We have Twilight Princess, but no Wii to play it on. By the way, Twilight Princess is not compatible with the Gamecube or PS2.
  18. hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHH WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! ..Gasp...must...have...Wii.... Edit: I think Midna is cool. I wish I could turn into a wolf and have a little goblin friend.
  19. AAAAAAAAARGH. I'm getting angry!!!!!! Seriously, I'm kinda mad.
  20. It'd be nice if it were possible. Some lame older gentleman was on the news. They asked him if he was keeping it or selling it. He had the most stupid smile on his face "I'm just here to get it so I can sell it. It's all about the money". He probably doesn't own one gaming system, and probably just heard about the PS3 from friends or something. And these are people who probably visit Fatwallet.com or so. From what I've seen with the camping though, many of the resellers are college/grad students. I'd probably spit on one of them. Hey, if people are willing to spend over $3000 on a PS3 like they're doing now, then the money would go to a better purpose with a college/grad student than them. Yeah, you're right, but they're still going to hell (if there is any justice in the world).
  21. It'd be nice if it were possible. Some lame older gentleman was on the news. They asked him if he was keeping it or selling it. He had the most stupid smile on his face "I'm just here to get it so I can sell it. It's all about the money". He probably doesn't own one gaming system, and probably just heard about the PS3 from friends or something. And these are people who probably visit Fatwallet.com or so. From what I've seen with the camping though, many of the resellers are college/grad students. I'd probably spit on one of them.
  22. Donate some plasma. Get the Wii version. You're screwing yourself. I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just telling you the truth.
  23. Someone needs to do something about all these damn price gouging ebay people.
  24. Don't worry, they'll have it fixed before you get one.
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